Part 2
They ordered pizza for dinner. Setting up camp in one of the parlors, the siblings unrolled the sleeping bags.Edith lit candles, since there was no power or plumbing. Quietly, they munched on cheese and pepperoni-mushroom pizza.
Feather absently reached up, stroking the necklace where it hid under her sweatshirt.
"Fae? Are you okay?" The girl snapped out of it, glancing at her mother. She was staring at her with concern. "You're being awfully quiet."
"Why did we move here?"
"I already told you-"
"It's because of me, isn't it?"
Edith stopped, staring at her daughter. Feather absently messed with her slice's crust.
"After Dad...we still had enough money. But then I got my issues, and then we had to pay for medicines that don't work and therapists -"
Feather shut her mouth. Edith was staring at the floor. As she looked up, the children could see that there was tears in her eyes.
"It is not your fault. Don't you ever think it was your fault. I wish your dad was here because I honestly don't know what to do without him. is not your fault, Feather."
The redhead shrank back, pizza forgotten. "I-I'm sorry Mom."
The blonde woman wiped away her tears. When she was done, she smiled at the two. "I know it's easy to blame yourself. But don't. Now, finish your dinner so we can get some sleep."
An hour later, the leftovers were put in a cooler. The candles were slowly going out as Edith pulled the zipper up on Lowell's sleeping bag. She smiled at the thirteen year old as Feather settled in.
"Yeah Mom?"
"If this doesn't work out, we can go back to the city. Okay?"
Feather smiled. "Don't worry Mom. I think I just need to get used to this place. Goodnight."
"Night honey."
The teenager listened as her mother settled down. Soft breathing soon filled the air. She pulled out the necklace, quietly examining it. She frowned and quietly settled into sleep.
The redhead groaned as she stirred out of slumber.
She glanced at her side.
The necklace floated in front of her. It was glowing with a light blue light. In it, she could make out a swirl, carved into the stone.
"I need you to listen closely."
The voice was echoing and quiet. Feather blinked, watching.
"Your family is in danger. Stay with them, keep them safe."
"Safe? Safe from what?" The glow died down, the necklace returning to normal. "Wait!" she hissed, looking around.
A large thump broke through the air. Feather sat up, listening.
Another thump sounded out. Edith blinked, sitting up. On his side, Lowell blinked sleepily awake. "You hear that?"
"Sounds like it's coming from downstairs." her mother said.
"What is that?" her brother groaned.
There was another loud thump, followed by a clatter.
"I don't know honey." the blonde said. She stood up and grabbed a nearby candle. A match was struck, lighting the candle. "You two stay here while I go see."
"We'll come with you." Feather said quickly. She and Lowell pushed themselves out of their bags, following their mother out of the room.
The hallway was dark as they walked. The candle was the only source of light, throwing twisted shadows.
"Stay close." their mother whispered. They walked into the front entrance, looking around. A loud thump had them turn to the basement door. "It's probably just the pipes."
"Mom, we don't have plumbing."
Edith froze, before nodding. "I'm going to check it out. You two need to stay right here. If it's an animal, I don't want you two to get bit."
The redhead stepped forward. "I want to go with you."
"Lock this door behind me if I say so, okay?" The two nodded. "I'll be back soon. I promise." Edith turned and walked down the stairs. Feather and Lowell watched as the light of the candle disappeared.
The two stood there, Feather anxiously shifting on her feet. "Can you stop that?" her brother said finally.
"You're acting like we're never going to see Mom again-"
A scream ripped through the air. The redhead whirled to the doorway. "Mom?! Are you okay?"
"Just stay there!" A crash broke through the air, the sibling exchanging looks. "Get back!" Edith yelled. "I said, get back-" Another scream, louder than the first, rang out.
Then it was silent.
Feather ran down the stairs, Lowell following. They were met with the sight of the candle on the floor, still sputtering weakly even as wax leaked from it. "There's nobody here." the male said as the girl picked up the candle. "Where's Mom?"
A creak made them turn.
A wooden door stood there, half open. The older stood there, before turning to the younger. "Hold my hand, and don't let go. Okay?"
He nodded, taking it.
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