shot 11
Hi Dear Readers!
Came with another shot! Hope you all will like it.
Don't forget to tap star button for unlocking next part ❤️
Recap: Swara got attacked.
Swara see Sanskar who is working on laptop like a machine, he is working like a machine from 1 hour continously.
She get up from bed and go to him hold his hand which typing on laptop.
Swara : Sanskar!! Are you okay?
Sanskar : I am fine Swara. Let me work.
Swara : Sanskar!! I know you aren't fine.
Sanskar : Oh really!! What had happened to me? Am i looking ill to you?
Swara nod no!!
Swara : You are in pain!!
Sanskar: pain? I don't have any injuries!! So where I am feeling pain?
Swara put her finger on his chest side.
Swara : here you are in pain! In heart which can't be seen from outside.
Sanskar : I am not in any pain Swara! Go and sleep.
Swara ; You didn't had your dinner yet? I am going to bring.
Sanskar : I am not hungry.
Swara : If you are fine then why you aren't having food?
Sanskar: I am not hungry thats why.
Swara: for me and chotu, you have to eat otherwise I will also not eat.
Sanskar : Swara! Don't behave like a kid!!
You eat, I dont want to eat.
Swara : Sanskar! I will not eat.
If you will eat then only I will eat. ( sitting on bed crossing legs and hands stubbornly).
Sanskar glare her for being stubborn.
Sanskar : may be you are forgetting you are in front of Sanskar Maheshwari!! ( angrily)
Swara : I remember!! My memory is good. I eat almond daily
But you start having almond you are forgetting you are in front of Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari. ( shocking him).
First time she added his name with her which make his heart flutter!
Sanskar : what you said?
Swara : seems like memory, your hearing capacity is sooo weak!! Consult a ear specialist.
Sanskar : yes I have hearing inability.
Swara gets shocked seeing him accepting.
Swara : You are accepting Sanskar!! Hmm!! Good! Once should aceot his defects.
Sanskar : don't you wanna know the reason of my this defect?
Swara : what?
Sanskar : YOU!! ( shocking her)
All time eat my ear!! That's why I lost my hearing capacity.
Now I will not able to bear your non stop bak bak
Swara glare him then looks away.
Swara : I will not eat food!! ( reminding him).
Sanskar rolled eyes and go out.
Swara : haw! He went even when I am angry.
After sometime!!
Sanskar bring food in tray!! Swara see this but act as still angry.
Sanskar : ( sitting on bed) eat food!!
Swara : I will eat, when you will eat.
Sanskar roll eyes take a bite and eat make Swara smile. He forward bite to her, she eat then forward bite to him. He looks at her surprisingly but have while looking at her intensely.
Both feed each other.
Sanskar : now you sleep.
Swara : You.
Sanskar: I will also sleep but I have some work. So you sleep.
He make her lay down and himself go out,make Swara sad.
In study room!!
Sanskar is thinking deeply about Sujata, from childhood He is facing this trauma, his own mother left him cryingly.
He remembered his childhood, where Sujata told she love someone else and doesn't wanna live with ram, and left him. She start going, Sanskar hold her hand plead her to stop but she pushed him and go from there leaving crying Sanskar alone.
AP hold Sanskar in her arms who is crying bitterly in her arms.
Sanskar : Mom!! ( cryingly) I want mom.
AP : beta! She is a bad woman, she is characterless!! She left you! SHE LEFT YOU!!
Sanskar : NO! my mom love me. She will come to me. Papa bring mom back.( shake ram who is shattered by Sujata).
AP : we can bring only those who is lost not who went by own!!
Sanskar : My Mom will come to me!! (, cryingly).
And the wait never ends, after 5 years when Sujata come back in home but rejected by Sanskar whose heart filled with hatred for his mother for leaving him.
His attention breaks by Swara who put hand on his shoulder. He turn and looks at her.
Sanskar: what's your damm problem Swara? Can't you leave me in peace?
Swara : You aren't in peace that's why i am here with you.
Sanskar ; I am fine!!
Swara : You aren't fine.
Sanskar : how do you know?
Swara : because I am your wife!! ( shocking him) I know we married for our baby, not out of love.
Our marraige is a compromise
But I am your wife, you can share your vulnerable side to me.
Sanskar : I am not vulnerable! SANSKAR MAHESHWARI can never be vulnerable, understand?
Swara : then what is this? ( wiping his corner 's tears shocking him, how she noticed this) Sanskar Maheshwari also have heart.
I know you are very stronger but a stronger person also have vulnerable side and you too!
You also have heart, you also have feelings.
Sanskar : there is nothing like that, i am not vulnerable.
He turn while hiding his unshed tears, he gasped when she back hugged him.
Swara : a partner is where you can soak your tears and I am your partner, your life partner,your wife!
You can't snatch my right to be the shoulder for my husband to soak his tears.
Sanskar 's eyes welled up hearing her, his heart desired to release his pain to his wife and he turn and taking her in his arms, he let his tears come out from his eyes which he was keeping inside him from ages.
Swara hug him back caressing his back help him in letting out his pain.
After sometime!!
Swara bring Sanskar in room and make him lay down in her lap sitting on bed.
She caress his hair to soothe him.
Swara : sleep Sanskar!!
He close eyes for sleeping while she keeping caressing his hair to soothe his pain and he fall asleep on her lap.
Swara : ( monologue) Sanskar is in so pain!
I have to confront mom about,
Next Day!
Swara : mom!! I want to talk to you.
Sujata : Swara! I didn't tried to kill you and your baby, how I can try to kill my grandchild.
Swara : mom!! I know you can't do this but I have some questions.
Is you left Sanskar in childhood?
Because you had extra marital affair?
Sujata gets shocked listening her.
Sujata : how do you know this?
Swara : Sanskar told me,
Give me answers!
Is Sanskar said truth about you?
Sujata : loving someone isn't wrong Swara!
Swara : that's means Sanskar is saying truth? ( shocked).
Sujata : I did everything for my love and I am not regretting for this.
Sanskar's anger is justified! And I am bearing his hatred!
Because this is my punishment.
Swara : I thought! Sanskar is having some misunderstanding but you!
I didn't expected this from you mom!
She go from there giving a disgust look to her while Sujata burst in tears.
In SwaSan Room!!
Swara : I thought mom is good but she!! ( disgustingly) how a mother can be so heartless toward her own child.
"So you finally you seen mom 's real face?".
Sanskar asked who is already sitting in room and hear her words, she keep quiet.
Sanskar : lets go office now! We have very important works then Sujata Maheshwari.
She nod yes and both go for office.
In Car!!
Sanskar : all mothers aren't good Swara! Some mothers are like Sujata Maheshwari! Who left her child for her illegal relation.
Swara drawn in thoughts! Sanskar seen her lost and snap fingers in front of her.
Sanskar : what happened? Where are you lost?
Swara : today I asked about this to mom and mom.
Sanskar : Mom said that she loved someone and loving someone isn't wrong, she is doing everything for her love.
Swara : how do you know?
Sanskar : she told this to papa also.
Swara gets confused listening him.
Sanskar: just forgotten about that woman. Don't think about her.
Swara nod yes!!
At Night!!
Swara is coming with water of jug after filling from kitchen, her eyes fall on a shadow going on terrace, she become shocked and go behind that.
As she reached terace, she become shocked while not finding anyone, she turn to go but feel a push and she fallen down from terrace.
Sanskar who was searching Swara as she wasn't coming from long. He heard her screams and become shocked.
Sanskar : Swara!!
He noticed voice came from terace and rush toward terrace.
On Terace!!
Sanskar doesn't find Swara which make him more shocked. He start going but hear Swara.
He rush toward Swara who is hanging holding edge.
Swara : Sanskar! Please save me.
Sanskar become shocked seeing her like this, he grab her hand and pull her.
As she reach to him, he hug her tightly being afraid for her.
Sanskar : are you okay Swara? ( cupping her face).
Swara : I am fine Sanskar.
Sanskar : how this happened?, how you fallen down?
Swara : someone pushed me Sanskar. ( shocking him).
Sanskar : who? ( with rage).
Swara : I didn't seen the person.
Sanskar : I know!! ( with hatred and anger) Sujata Maheshwari!! ( shouts).
He rush screaming Sujata 's name. Swara rush behind him to stop him.
Swara : Sanskar stop!!
In hall!!
Sanskar : Sujata Maheshwari come out.
Sujata : what happened Sanskar?
All family members also arrived in hall.
He hold knife and move to kill her but get hold of Swara who hold him from behind.
Swara : Sanskar!!don't!
Sanskar : Swara leave me, today I will kill this woman. ( angrily).
Ram : Sanskar! How you are behaving with your mother?
Sanskar :mother!! Who left me.
You can acceot this woman as your wife even after her cheating
But I am not great to acceot this woman as my mother.
Ram feels pain but keeps quiet.
AP : what this woman did again now?
What this woman did Sanskar?
Sanskar : she tried to kill my wife and.... ( stop himself from saying baby) she tried to kill my wife and my love.
AP : whatt!! Sujata! You stoop this much low that you tried to kill your own daughter in law.
Oh gosh! What this woman want! Why you are behind of my son 's peace?
Sujata : Sanskar I didn't did anything.
Sanskar : enough!! Today I am breaking my all ties with you.
From now you aren't my mother anymore now.
You are only wife of my papa.
Sujata Ram Maheshwari.
Sujata 's eyes got teared up hearing him.
Sanskar : stay away from me and my wife. ( angrily)
Otherwise next time i will kill you
And Swara will not able to save you.
He hold Swara 's hand and take her in their room.. who is watching Sujata 's teary eyes.
Screen freezes on them!!
Precap : Sujata 's past revealed in front of Swara.
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With Love ❤️
Sanyayaa ❤️
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