Chapter 8- Friends
Taehyung and Jisoo's father is on their way back to home when Jisoo's father's phone rang making them stop.
After the phone call ended Taehyung, saw something is off so he asked him what happened.
"Jisoo called. She was crying, said some guys in her college were disturbing her and posted some nasty things in her Insta account. She is very upset. I think I need to report to the college authority."
"Do you expect anything will happen, if you inform them?" Taehyung's blood boiled knowing that someone is teasing Jisoo. It is a different thing that he has some feelings for her but atfirst she is his a very good friend and he can't sit back knowing his friend is facing problems.
"What do you expect me to do, Taehyung?"
"Hop on, uncle. I'll take care of them."
Taehyung straight headed off to her college and found the guy disturbing Jisoo. He asked Jennie, Lisa, Rose about the boy who disturbed Jisoo. He had saw the three girls with Jisoo couple of times in home, college and also in the resturant where once he took Irene.
When he made it to those guys he recognised them immediately, as they were the same guys who were talking outside the college when Taehyung came in search for Jisoo only to find her in the library.
When he approached them he saw that the one that day who was smoking again disturbing some other girl. He curled up his wrist and gave a tight punch on that guy's face.
"Hey, dude what's your problem?" The man whom he punched, asked.
"My problem is that you are disturbing girls. I will not mention who specifically but disturbing them means disrespecting them."
"So? How the heck it's disturbing you?"
"You ask a lot of questions." With that he threw another punch.
"Don't you respect your mother, sister that you are disturbing your college girls. I hate guys who does this kind of things." Taehyung became so agitated with their reactions towards girls that he threw some more hard punches on their faces. The whole college community got accumulated infront of the gate and cheered for Taehyung.
"Say sorry to each and every girls, then only I'll leave you alone."
The prick and his friends got frightened with Taehyung's demeanor and got ready to say sorry.
Jisoo's father was astonished by the way Taehyung was successful in handling things. He became surprised that the whole college supported and also those guys apologized to the girls and as Jisoo was not present their they called her and apologized for the thousandth times and deleted the posts from her account.
Jisoo is back home. She got so upset when she saw all those nasty posts, so not willing to face those people she came back home and called her father letting him know what happened...
After few minutes she got a call from that guy and heard him say sorry, and also deleting all those Post.
Later Jennie called her letting her know how Taehyung fought with them and made them apologized to all the girls. She thought what good friend she got and an unknown warmth occupied her heart.
Taehyung and Jisoo's father arrived back home and Jisoo opened the door. First thing she did is to hug Taehyung tightly saying him how happy she is and how she don't know to return the favor...
"It's nothing, Jisoo. I said you are my friend, and friends help each other when they are at their worst time."
"Though, it means a lot. Thanks."
"Now that's the word I hate when it comes from friends. Sorry and thank you must not be said in proper friendships."
"Yeah and I know if anytime I face any problem Taehyung will support me too, right?" Jisoo's father joked making a funny face.
"Yes, ofcourse. That's what friends for. Isn't it, uncle?" Taehyung joked back.
"Now what about me? Are you all thinking to leave me behind?" Jisoo's mother made a pouting face letting them know that she is sad.
"Oh! Aunty, You know I can't make you my friend."
"Why? Am I not good enough?"
"Oh no, Aunty. A beautiful lady like you can't be my friend rather be my girlfriend." Taehyung flirted making Jisoo's father slightly furrow his eyes...
"Oh sure, Taehyung."
"As if." Jisoo answered rolling her eyes and Taehyung just laughed off.
"Bullshit! You know she is taken." Ji-hoon now said seriously.
"Oh! Ji-hoon are you jealous?" Jisoo's mother jokingly nudged Jisoo's father.
"Ofcourse not. I am not the jealous type." He lied.
"Don't worry uncle. We all know what you mean and for you know I love your wife as a mother. She is a perfect mother figure, and too good for me to be my girl. You keep her as your wife I'll take her as my second mother. Why mother, do you like your new son, beside Jisoo?"
"Oh Taehyung. I would be so happy to be your mother. Love you." Jisoo's mother's eyes welled up with tears and she hugged Taehyung tighter.
They all smiled, and shared a group hug. Jisoo is very happy. It's like from the day Taehyung stepped into her life, he lighted something in her life to spice up everything in a very pleasant manner. She loved Taehyung but only as a friend.
"Oh! I need to say something. That without letting you guys know I made a promise." Jisoo's father atlast spilled the beans.
"Oh you and your promises. Spill what you did?" Jisoo's mother said.
"I have fixed Jisoo's marriage with Jin."
"What?! Stop shitting me. Have you lost your mind, Ji-hoon? Have you ever asked Jisoo?" Jisoo's mother thought to fix Taehyung and Jisoo together. She wanted him as her son-in-law.
"It's okay, mom. I know dad will always think the best for me."
"Thanks Jisoo. I knew you will not let me down. Jin will surely take care off you, dear."
Though Jisoo's mother kept quiet she knew fighting with them won't be appropriate, and when Jisoo herself accepted the proposal then their is no room for her to disrespect the decision.
Later that night Jisoo's father invited Taehyung for drinks.
"No one in the house knows that I drink. For the first time I let my secret share with you. Funny right?"
"Right." Taehyung answered sounding bored.
"Whenever I drink, I do something good for Jisoo. I gave everything to Jisoo and the best things ever possible. Jin is best for Jisoo. I am telling the truth. He is the best."
Then Ji-hoon looked towards Taehyung and saw him very quiet. In order to light up the mood he changed the topic.
"I will also think about you and will give the best girl possible to you too after Jisoo's wedding."
"How will I get the best? She will be married next month."
"Are you in love? From Seoul? Or from here? Who is she?" Taehyung kept quiet.
"How can someone reject you? The wedding only got confirmed didn't happened, right? So don't loose hope." Taehyung became more silent and Ji-hoon continued.
"Tell me who is she and I will talk to her dad also to her family."
"As if he'll agree if you speak to them."
"What's wrong with you? You're good and have the best job, best family, best heart. A girl should be lucky enough to be your wife, son."
"Do you have to joke uncle? I am already feeling low."
"What's the issue in your Love story? Tell me."
"Leave it, uncle. And you are also a father of a girl."
"Why do you say like that? Would I have send my daughter with you every day if that's the matter? Look! When Jin and his family asked me who are you what did I say them that you are my what?"
"That I am your friend's son so now your friend too."
"See! I told them right? Then downstairs you admitted too."
"But uncle I didn't said you as to be my friend in that way. I thought you were joking and I played along. And how can we be friends, the age matters."
"No son. The age doesn't matters. A true friendship needs trust and truthfulness. Real friendship has no age, lasts till the last breath of your life. Trust me, age is no barrier, it's a limitation we put on our mind. So do the friendship and let me know."
"I know. But uncle us being friends will make things complicated."
"Doesn't matters."
"Stop it, uncle. We can't be friends. Now it's not because of age but something else."
"Go away. I do not want to talk to you." Jisoo's father remarked being emotional.
"No, go."
"No I understand. You don't want to be my friend."
"It's not like that. I also want to be your friend."
"Then, be my friend."
"But it's not that easy."
"Then go, away." Taehyung heaved a sigh.
"Okay fine. Everyone says that you keep promises no matter what. So you have to promise that you will be my friend for a month and will not judge me as a daughter's father."
"That's it. I promise you, that not only for a month but for the whole life I will be your friend. And that there will be no secrets between us, we will share everything."
"Okay, fine."
"Now tell me about that girl."
Taehyung became tensed knowing he is going to tell him the truth. He closed his eyes so that he can't see what will be the reaction coming from his newly made friend.
"Friend, I am in love with Ji-hoon uncle's daughter, Jisoo. Neither her nor her parents know about this. You are the first person to know." He stopped and opened his eyes only to see his new friend's eyes to be wide opened with shock. Ji-hoon was quiet so he got the clue to continue.
"You fixed her marriage right after I realised my feelings for her. What can I do in such situations? I live in your house and fell in love with your daughter. I know that isn't right in many ways. But what can I do?"
"Her wedding is in a month. I gave a word to Jin and his family. Jin is a good boy and he will take good care of Jisoo."
"How do you know?"
"I have observed him since two years."
"Then observe me for this whole month. Then decide who is the best between me and Jin. You said that you will give her the best, isn't it?"
"Yes... But... Taehyung, leave. I don't want to talk about it."
"You said that you would talk to her dad while being my friend. You asked me to leave knowing you are the father. I can't blame you though. But you are seeing things as a father not as a friend.
I knew it, that this won't be easy. I knew you won't co-operate when you would have found out the truth. I knew."
"Then you suggest, what should I do?"
"As you said give the best to your daughter. As you promised be my friend. See things as a friend not always like a father. Then decide who is the best. And now I promise if you in the end donot approve me I swear in the name of god I will back off and will never chase Jisoo."
"You are true to your words, right?"
"Trust me when I make a promise I try to respect that and keep it. But yeah I don't promise frequently it's out of my character. But I promised you to show that I am determined to win you."
"Fine then. We will be friends, and I will not act like a father rather be like a friend for this month."
"Perfect. Now, wait and watch."
"My friendship rather be worth it. And just so you know I am also determined to keep my promise to Jin's family. And I never break a promise. Try hard." With that Jisoo's father walked off with full authority leaving Taehyung to think how to win him...
Hey everyone. Please be safe and healthy...
Okay the things is today I think I have wrote the longest chapter and trust me when I say I am hella tired. Phew! Hope you will all like the new update. And a gentle request to each one of you pls pls pls don't be a silent reader. Vote and comment anything you can to help me out only except the hates. No hate accepted. Otherwise feel free to comment and vote and support letting me know what you think. *Sighs*
Stay safe...
Love you all😍...
Have a nice day or night...
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