((I know the beginning is a bit slow, but bear with me, the end will be better. :) ))
Present time:
The day started relatively normally. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and headed to school. On the way to school, I repeated my daily affirmations: Today will be a good day. Nothing bad will happen. You will not burn down the school, etc.
During the day, I burnt down the school.
It wasn't my fault. Alicia, my very annoying classmate, provoked me. She and I used to be friends and normally got along okay, but she had some weird mood swings start when she went into middle school, and apparently, her way of dealing with them was taking them out on other kids. Basically, she was a bully.
During lunch, I usually sat alone. Today was no different. My usual spot under the seemingly century-old oak tree had been taken by Alicia and her crew, so after some wandering and wondering, I climbed up the fire escape on one of the storage buildings next to the school and onto the roof. I could see the whole city from here, including my house!
I sat down and hung my feet off the edge of the roof. Then, I calmly began eating my lunch. The peace didn't last long, for soon Alicia came up to the top of the roof, along with her group of "popular girls". They thought they were popular and beautiful, but in truth, they were ugly.
"Hey girly!" Alicia called. "We were wondering whether or not you wanted to play Truth or Dare." I frowned. Truth or Dare? The whole school knew I wouldn't, couldn't turn down a dare. Therefore, I said
"Dare," With my head held high.
Alicia smirked "Ok then. We have a problem and were hoping you could help us. Annie here," She pointed to one of her cronies. "Lost a hat to the wind." She pointed again, this time at one of the school's tallest chimneys "I dare go retrieve it,"
"Can you do it? Or are you chicken?!" The "popular girls" snickered along with her. My eyes started to go red at the corners from rage. I wasn't a chicken! I'd show these girls!
"I'm NOT CHICKEN!" I yelled to them. With that, I was off, shimmying up the 20-foot-ish chimney. I didn't notice how high up I'd gotten until the wind tossed my relatively-long hair into my eyes. I could see the whole town from here! I realized. Then I looked down. I had gotten so high up! Only a few more feet to go! I climbed higher, reaching the top of the giant column in mere seconds. Only when I reached the top and checked it fully for the lost hat did I look back. There were some tiny figures down below, running away from the spot in which I had eaten lunch. Only then did I realize my mistake. The girls had tricked me! Got me to climb up here and left with my lunch! When I had just gotten my power, I thought I didn't match it at all. But as time went on, I realized that it was just like a forest fire, getting crazy if you let it out of control. And like a forest fire, it took a lot to make me forgive and forget.
As I climbed down the ladder, I felt my palms get hot with anger. When I reached the bottom, I glanced at my hands and found-with a considerable amount of panic-that they were literally glowing, threatening to burst into flame. I put them down and took a few deep breaths to cool down the fire under my skin. Then, I went off in search of the stealers of my lunch.
-------------------------------------------time skip-------------------------------------------------------------------------
It didn't take long to find them. Alicia was leaning on one of the oaks in our schoolyard, contently munching on my apple. There was surprise in her eyes when she saw me. Must have not expected me to get down from the chimney so fast. However, she quickly masked it.
"Hey there, girly. Long time no see," She said in a sickly-sweet voice.
"Give me my lunch back!" I demanded.
"What are you gonna do about it?" She tilted her head and pouted her lips. "Go run to your mommy? Oh, wait," The triumph in Alicia's eyes was unmistakable. "You. Don't. Have. One." She said every word slowly, as if savoring it.
Red filled my eyesight. I lunged at her, hands aflame, not even caring anymore about hiding my power. Alicia's squeaked as I pinned her to a tree. Her cronies ran to help her, but I shoved them away with a push of my hand. Both of them slammed into trees, effectively knocking themselves out. Then, I turned back to Alicia. Her eyes were wide with panic. They no longer contained the arrogantness that had been in them since the start of middle school, and she was murmuring something. When I listened closer, I heard
"Circe, please. Please don't. For the sake of our old friendship, please don't kill me," And so on. I was so surprised at the last sentence that the fire in my hand died and the redness before my eyes cleared.
"For our old friendship, you say?" I asked Alicia. The triumph in my eyes and head was overwhelming Now I was the one controlling her. I was the ruler. But I wasn't like Alicia. I was forgiving. So, I forgave. But I didn't forget. "Fine," I let go of her arms, unpinning her from the oak tree. "But only for the sake of our old friendship, Alicia. Only for that," I turned around and walked off. Unfortunately, I didn't get far. Yells were spreading throughout the whole school building.
"FIRE! Fire in the school!"
((Yes! Almost 1000 words in one chapter! Yay! :) ))
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