Chapter 1
*BEEP BEEP*"UUUHG" wined Aretha as her alarm went off "ARETHA GET UP""NO" she replied to her father who sighed"ALYA"WHAT NINO"ARETHA WON'T GET UP"yelled the girls parents her mother flung her door open "Aretha so help me if you don't get up i will change the wifi password" her mother growled with that comment she jumped out of bed to face her mother who had the imprint of the keyboard against her face this suggested that she fell asleep on her laptop "let me guess up late working on a new piece" Aretha said as she made her bed her mother is a well known for her news reports she was a journalist and news reporter her mother nodded her head "come on your fathers cookin" she said as she walked out of her room Aretha sighed this was a normal day for her as she changed in to he usual clothes her phone beeped she picked it up as she headed toward the kitchen it was Emma Agrest her best friend
Emma<3-u wake yet
Aree:-P - yeah mom got me up
Aree:-P -yeah she was up late and now shes taking it out on poor me
Emma<3-sorry wanna walk to school today
Aree:-P -sure
Emma<3-be there in 15
(Conversation end)
Aretha put her phone down and began to eat the waffles her father made "honey I'll be working late at the studio""alright but I'll also be working late will you okay Aretha" Aretha looked up from her waffles and nodded "I'll spend the night at Emma's" she said as she finished her breakfast and put the dishes in the sink and garbed her bag "SAY HI TO MARINETTE FOR ME" her mother yelled as she ran out the door to see Emma "hey Aree""hey Emma can i stay at you place tonight" Aretha asked "sure but my parents are gonna be out so we got the place to our selves""cool" Emma's parents are Paris's most famous couple Marinette is a world renown fashion designer her and Aretha's dad sometimes work together because her father is a famous music composer in hip hop while her father Adrien is a extremely famous model so it wouldn't be odd if Emma's parents were gone for a while the two arrived at school about twenty minutes before classes started then a limo pulled up to the school "oh god" Emma mumbled as the Bourgeois twins stepped out Chloe and Christopher. Chloe was a spitting image of her mother while Christopher had brown hair and blue eyes like his father "if it isn't fashion disaster and hood rat" Chloe laughed Aretha glared at her "oh shut up you bleach blonde""HEY my hair is natural blonde" she said as she glared at Aretha "sure it is come on Em class is about to start" she said as she linked arms with her and walked away the blonde girl crossed her arms and let out an angry growl
(time skip to after class)
Emma nugged Aretha "Aree get up its time for lunch" she said as Aretha mumbled as she got up"lets go to the new café next to my place"Emma said as she packed her things up "i'll pay" said Aretha as the walked out the door as they walked down the street they heard a scream "HELP THIEVES "some yelled as two me ran out of the store and heads towards them before they realized what they did Aretha swung her leg up and round house kicked one man hard across the face while Emma garbed his arm and slammed him against the wall Emma picked up the bags and handed the to the store owner and Aretha tied them up "thank you ladies i don't know how i can thank enough " said the store owner "don't worry about it" said Emma as they walked away after the police came "wait did WE JUST STOP A ROBBERY "Emma yelled "yeah"Aretha said as they walked into a café "oh my god""chill"said Aretha as she placed her order and Emma did as well "that will be 15.99" said the cashier Aretha opened her bag to find a box "what the" she mumbled she pulled out the wallet and paid and stat down on the bench out side of the café "hey where did you get that" Emma asked as she took a bite of her croissant "i don't know it just appeared in my bag" Aretha said as she examined the box Emma reached in her bag to take out her phone when she found the same box "what where did this come from-WHAAA WERE GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS"Emma shrieked as grabbed her bag the two girls sprinted for the school they both made it right before class started
(Time skip after school Emma's house)
The two girls plopped down on Emma's bed and looked at the boxes "i wounder were they came from" Emma said "i wounder what's in them" Aretha said "okay then lets open them" the two girls opened the boxes "wow what pretty jewelry" said Emma as she looked at the earrings in her box "i got a necklace" Aretha said both the girls put on the jewelry and looked in the mirror "they are so cute" Emma smiled then a light began to glow and two creatures flew out of the glowing light ball "AHHHHHHHH" screamed Emma while Aretha stared in a amazement "ITS A FLYING BUG CREATURE THING" Emma shrieked and hid behind Aretha "i"m not a fly bug creature rude much" said the creature with fox ears "THE GODS HAVE FINALLY CHOSEN ME TO BE A MAGICAL GIRL AND SAVE THE THE WORLD FROM EVIL" Aretha yelled "ARETHA YOU WATCH TO MUCH ANIME" Emma said"will you calm down" said the flying spotted creature "i still can believe you guessed right" said the mini fox "YOU MEAN WE HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE MAGICAL GIRLS" yelled Aretha excitedly "something like that" said the fox creature "we are kwami's my name is Tikki and this is Sunn" Tikki said and flew toward Emma "i"m your kwami" she said i looked at Sunn"i guess that means your my kwami" Aretha said" yes now before we need to tell you how to use your powers because we don't need a repeat of last time" said Sunn after they explained to them how to use there powers "now we'll show you how to transform now Emma say Tikki spots on ""Tikki spots on" and she transformed "WHAA WHAT IS THIS ""ME NEXT WHAT DO I SAY "Sunn fangs down""SUNN FANG DOWN" and she transformed "I LOOK AWESOME " Aretha yelled and she pulled out twin katanas "oh my god my weapon is a katana" Aretha smirked "oh dear god help us all " Emma sighed"so whats you name " Aretha asked as she swung her katanas around and Emma messed with the yoyo "name""yeah your superhero name" she asked "i don't know""what about Lady Red "Aretha suggested "Wow thats's an intresting name " Emma siad "yeah i think the names perfect for you""what about you""Queen Kitsune""why that name""because Kitsune is fox in Japanese ""oh what about Queen""i just always wanted to be called Queen" she smiled as she opened the window "what are you doing ""honey if we are going to be the superheros of Paris we need some practice outside your room" said Aretha as she jumped out the window "it's going to be a long night"Emma said and threw her yoyo following Aretha "AHHHHHH"
(Scene change)
"Master Jacob"said a turtle kwami "yes Wayzz""Tikki Sunn and Plagg have found there Miraculous holders""i see it will begin""yes i sense the akumas with be stronger this" the kwami sighed"well we better get them together "
Thank all of you for reading so what do you think of my first miraculous fanfic please comment
$$Luna Out$$
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