Yes, /sir/.
Sebastian hoped he was different, the one of a kind employee. He might be loyal, he may be willing to die, but he wasn't afraid to talk back. He would say if a plan was- with no gentle way to say it- complete bullshit. He would snap if his limits were pushed, or if it was too risky even for him. He feared and respected his boss, yes, but that didn't keep his talk back attitude in check. He couldn't always say a "yes" and move on, playing along with whatever was going on. Possibly on one or two occasions, he even ordered the boss something; to rest or to rethink something, glacier like eyes stern with the attitude of a man who knew when something was too dangerous.
Sebastian hoped his suggestions in a brash tone were helpful, or at least listened to. He may not be the criminal genius in charge, but he knew how these things worked. Perhaps the only perk of being tortured into working for a bastard starting out to try to get a network this admirable. He knew how other networks would work, he knew how to find the spies and the traitors. Sure, some he took out in spare time with cover up of a botched mission, but others were reported.
He was second in command, right hand man. Loyalty or no, he had to keep things neat.
Sebastian hoped he was respected. He wasn't a puppet or a pawn, he was the goddamn knight to be valued and polished with praise every so often. He worked hard and long to get to the point of regular hiring, and then to get the attention of James fucking Moriarty...that obviously took a lot of skill he earned. Training for hours, killing those that were useless or not worth the time, and living through the occasional torture from inner criminal drama wasn't a piece of cake. Getting a pain tolerance and a reputation as second dangerous wasn't a stroll around Central London. No, all that took blood and sweat, time and money. To get functional weapons, to get an address to be met at took years.
Sebastian, most of all, hoped he was feared. The reputation could be dismissed as a title by knowing the boss, the skills have been called fake. His hard work has been called a great story, a fake way to get fast money. But the rumors of himself were nothing, just jealous colleagues or ex-colleagues. He didn't care, because he knew what he's done. His boss has seen what he can do, what he will do, and what he'll try just for him.
But a threat to the boss, a repeated instance of disrespect, and traitors...well...
God help those who disrespect the king.
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