What he wants to say
//Something I wrote instead of studying during study hall bc I was in a creative mood.
People think I'm over exaggerating my employment when I say you saved my life. I'm serious, you saved my life. You brought me light in the dark, you showed me that I'm not a complete waste of space. You took a broken man and polished him up real nice. You fix me. Complete me. Save me. You are truly my everything.
My entire world, the center of my universe. And that isn't even starting about how much I adore you. Worship you. This is just how I felt before realizing that it was love, not a feeling of "thank god, I have work and a good boss". But it bloomed into love, regrettably. The feeling of "thank god" turned into "oh god no". I had to fall off a building into love, for someone I can never have. The only times I ever wish I didn't chose a sniper life are the times that I want to say you're mine. Life is cruel to the wicked, I suppose.
But just seeing you, hearing you, being around you made the aching longing worth it.
I still don't know why I would follow anything you order me of (reasonably). I think it's your fucking voice. You can get me, Basher Moran, on my knees if you asked. You can make me do anything just with that gorgeous damn accent. And, oh fuck, the way you think. The plans you form, the look you have when you're thinking, the entirety of your mind...fuck. It's art in motion, a...a dance that few see. Hell, I have to be the luckest son of a gun out there to be able to be this close to you, huh?
And oh, your eyes. The eyes that scare the living hell out of people give me such life. They're like a chain, when I'm lost in them. Pulling me into you, pulling me closer, pulling me deeper in this obsessional clusterfuck of emotions.
I love you, I hate you. I respect you, I fear you. I'm loyal, I'm in love.
Such stupid emotions.
Such easy things to manipulate.
But don't do that, I'll punch you if you do. My emotions will never be your toys.
Is loyalty an emotion? I think it is. Loyalty is what makes me ready to take every bullet in the heart, every knife to the throat, every explosion behind me, every tiger claw, every injury possible- for you. To save you, to protect you. Love wants me to have you, to be called your lover.
Loyalty wants me to protect you, to be called your knight.
I'm yours, sir. I always will be, no matter what. Death cannot do me part.
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