(A/N): Before I begin, please excuse any child names I have gotten wrong. Since, in my book, everyone has children now, I had to think of names on the spot. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy the epilogue.
(Lucy's POV)
Here I sit, upon a golden throne beside the love of my life, the new Queen of Fiore.
"Luke," I sighed, "Don't eat that, it's not food."
Before me sat three small children: the eldest is Nashi and she is 8, next is Luna and she is 5, and finally, Luke who is 2.
"Mother," Nashi smiled. "When am I going to next see Storm?"
"Don't tell me you like him!?" Natsu teased. Nashi blushed red.
"Wha- No!" She huffed.
Storm was the son of Gray and Juvia, who are close friends of ours. He is about a year or so older than our Nashi, and they enjoy each other's company.
"You'll see him tonight." I smiled. "Oh that reminds me," I turned to face Natsu. "When are the Fernandes' coming round to visit?"
"Tomorrow evening." He replied. "I believe that they're bringing their son along with them."
Erza and Jellal have two children, their eldest is a boy the same age as Luna. Their youngest is a girl aged around three or four.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Gray and his son Storm.
"Afternoon, your majesties." Gray yelled, walking over. Storm followed closely.
"How come you're so early?" I asked him.
"This little handy man helped me out," he smiled, patting Storm on the head. "He made my job a whole lot easier."
By this point Nashi had already gone over to Storm, and the both of them were engaged in conversation.
"Have you seen Gajeel recently?" Natsu asked Gray.
"Last I heard of him was in Hargeon." Gray answered. "He was dealing with illegally imported items or something."
Gajeel got married to Levy, one of my best friends, and they had a girl, who is aged 7 now. Levy believed that she should be properly educated, so their child was sent away to a boarding school. We only see her on special occasions now.
"Mother, let's go out into the garden!" Luna smiled, pointing to the door.
"Ya!" Luke yelled. "Ga-den!"
"Okay then, shall we?" I looked over to Natsu, who nodded, and we went outside.
Natsu and I took a relaxing stroll along the river's edge. All the children were playing with the dogs, and Gray said he had 'business' to 'discuss' with Juvia.
"I love sunny days like this," I sighed happily. "It lightens the mood."
"The light also makes you look beautiful." Natsu smirked. "Sexy even."
"You haven't changed a bit." I laughed.
We stopped and he snaked his arm around my waist.
"We finally have some peace and quiet." He smirked, leaning in close to my face. When his lips nearly skimmed mine, he said:
"Why don't we make the most of i-"
But was interrupted.
"FATHER!" Nashi yelled. "What are you doing with Mother?"
"Oh, uh, nothing sweetie." He smiled awkwardly. "Go back and play with Storm."
"Okay Daddy." She smiled, skipping away.
"Now, where were we?" He smirked, leaning back in for attempt number 2.
Suddenly, I heard a child crying, and we turned our heads in the direction of the noise.
"It's Luke." I sighed, setting off.
"What's the spoilt brat done now?" Natsu cursed. "He gets more time with you than I do."
"He's seen more of you than I have recently too, the lucky thing." Natsu whispered. I don't think I was supposed to hear that.
Well, here we are. This has been an extremely exciting tale, especially for me. I never believed that I would turn out to be a maid, never mind a Queen! I also happen to have my husband, who is incredibly handsome, toned and sexy.
My tale has had its ups and downs, but that's the thing abut life. If you think of it like a roller coaster, it wouldn't be any fun if you didn't go down.
Anyway, enough with trying to think of cheesy, cliché endings. I hope you enjoyed my tale, and I'm sure that your own tale will be full of thrills.
Thanks for reading. (ゝ。∂)
Word Count: 711
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