Chapter 13
"Sweet dreams Luce." He mumbled, before falling asleep.
What's this weird feeling?
I can't be falling for him. Can I?
Could anyone be in love with someone who bought them?
This can't be love. It's pretty much impossible.
But my heart is telling me otherwise.
(Lucy's POV)
"Hello Lucy." Said a man I'd never seen before.
Where was I?
How did I get here?
"W-who are you?" I asked.
"I'm your father, Lucas." He explained.
(A/N): Lucas is my OC, it's Lucy's 'Dad' at the start when they're poor.
"W-why don't I remember you?" I asked. "Why don't I r-remember anything?"
"You were ill." My 'Dad' sighed. "I could only just afford your medicine, but it wiped your memory."
"Oh," I bluntly said.
I awoke with a start. Why am I having these memories?
Oh. I know. I miss my dad.
I felt tears begin to fall down my cheeks. Luckily, it was still dark, so Natsu wasn't awake to see. I wiped my tears away, determined to stay strong.
"Mmmm~ Lucee~" Natsu mumbled, snuggling closer to me. "Remember me soooooon~"
Remember him? What's he on about?
Suddenly, I remembered the boy from my dream. The one that looked like Natsu.
It couldn't be. That was just a dream.
"Mphhhh...Hey Luce." Natsu moaned.
"M-morning." I smiled weakly.
"You've been crying." He said. "Why?"
"Oh, I just miss my dad." I sighed. "That's all."
(Natsu's POV)
"What's your dad like?" I asked.
"Well, he's tall, bald and has a few scars on his face." She mumbled.
Well, it's not Jude then.
"Do you want to visit him?" I asked.
"What?" Luce stared at me with wide eyes.
"We can go visit him today if you like." I smiled.
"Y-you're not joking right!?"
"No. I'll get permission from my father and we'll head into town for 10am."
"THANK YOU!" She yelled giving me a tight hug.
She lead me through the bustling streets of Fiore, round twists and bends and corners. I nearly got lost! I had to wear a hooded cloak to hide my identity.
Suddenly, she froze on the spot, staring at a big man with an angry look on his face. She started to run away, but he grabbed her arm.
"What are you doing little missy?" He smirked.
"L-let go of me!" Luce cried.
"Not until you repay your dept!"
"What do you think you're doing?" I bellowed, removing my hood and staring the man straight in the eye. He looked at me in shock.
"P-Prince Natsu." He bowed, not letting go of Luce.
"Let the girl go."
"But your majesty, she is a thief. She has stolen many items fro-" I interrupted him.
"She stole because she had to. Her family is poor and can't afford your stupidly high prices." I yelled. He let go of her immediately and she hid behind me.
"You can't possibly be sticking up for robbers your majesty."
"I'm not. I'm sticking up for my fia- my maid!" I replied. "Do excuse me." And with that I walked off, Luce following behind very closely.
"We're here!" She smiled, standing with her hands on her hips. We were facing a deteriorating little shack with a hole in the roof that was covered in dust.
"Y-you live..... here?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yep!" She admitted. "Me and my father managed to get by with what little jobs we had, until he became ill. When he stopped working I couldn't afford to feed us both by myself, so I resorted to stealing. That ended marvellously, didn't it!" I didn't reply.
"Let's go in then." I smiled, knocking on the door. Luce just walked in.
"DAD!" She cried, running up to him.
"LUCY!" He smiled.
I recognise that face.
It's HIM!
Word Count: 639
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