On the Borders of Caliph
"Before the years of Isabella IV, called the Innovator by her supporters, her father: Ferdinand the Aspirant, made it his mission to solidify the Crown's hold on the Kingdom of Leo. Though a neophyte in most aspects, and considered young for the throne (despite being in his thirties and having a wife and three children, Isabella being the middle child), Ferdinand was a passionate speaker and an ardent reformer. Such was his force of personality that he was able to gain the support of those who could perform the tasks he was too green for. "
"One such person was Dame Silver Lance. Silver Lance was an Elven knight and a paladin of Ra. He who is the sun god and master of the physical and co-ruler of Paradise with Athena, the goddess of Enlightenment and mistress of the meta-physical. Dame Silver Lance was a longtime veteran of the Caliphite conflicts, and was posted to the border between Leo and the Theocracy."
It was during one fateful raid on her border fort, Nuqtat Alramh, that she met with Barbara Corsange, who would be known as The Angel of Anubis some years later. It was also at this time that Leo authorities began discovering the first pieces of mounting evidence against the Sangunii Draconis, Xavier Bonaparte. Who was otherwise known to the people of the Caliph Theocracy as one of the infamous: Crimson Gods."
Excerpt from: Veterans of the Jihad, by Kaiaphas Chorus, 4th Anointed of Kar-Salkoth.
Clear skies, circling vultures, and the cacophony of many horsemen charging across the sands. Silver Lance only heard the sound, but couldn't see as she hid behind the ruined walls of Nuqtat Alramh. The fortress had certainly seen better days, and was now used more as an ambush point than as a fortification.
This was a function it served well, as one, two, then three squads of horsemen passed by Silver Lance. Once the fourth squad was through, Silver Lance stabbed the rearmost horseman through the chest, brandishing the steel and silver spear that was her signature mark. As the man's death throws resounded across both the inside of the fort and beyond the ruins, the Leo men at arms who were defending the fort popped out of their hiding places, and fired two full volleys of arrows into the ranks of lightly armored horsemen.
Leo soldiers then popped out from behind the battlements, and pushed boulders into the ruined parts of the wall, keeping the horsemen on the inside from their reinforcements outside. It was quick and bloody work after that. The bowmen on the walls slaughtered the horsemen outside. While the defenders within Nuqtat Alramh charged into the confused and beleaguered enemy ranks: cutting them to pieces with spears, halberds and all manner of long weapons.
Some of the invading horsemen surrendered, and were corralled into cells. All the dead however, were tossed onto a pile and burned en masse. The smell made Silver Lance sick, even from atop the ruined walls.
"Fifteen years...and I'm still not used to it. Ra's mercy on whoever is."
But being a knight and veteran, Silver Lance bore the smell with a steady coolness. She dusted off her chainmail armor, getting some more blood on her tabard of Ra. She ignored this and walked back to her quarters, shimmering spear in hand. But not before tending to some business.
"Corporal Polaris?"
A dwarven man with blonde hair stood at attention from within the fort's courtyard.
"Yes Dame Lance?"
"Take account of the loot, and see that it gets distributed among the garrison. And make sure any weapons we can't use are melted down and turned into nails and bolts."
Corporal Polaris kept his salute.
"Yes, at your command."
Polaris went about his job after that, and called in a few soldiers to help him along. These men were amiable enough, but they were something of an exception. Most of the troops did their best to hide their disgruntled and angry faces from Silver Lance. Even as her silver eyes scanned them for anything else besides contempt, she found only that. It hurt. But it was no reason to keep her from her duties. So like always: she pressed on.
"Funny, how so many liberators become the oppressors...what's wrong with us, that this keeps happening all the time..."
An elven knight might have an easy time within Leo, where friends and courts and the royal administration were within riding distance. But on the sun scorched border between Leo and Caliph, there was no nepotism, only merit. Or so it was supposed to go. As she finally entered her quarters, Silver Lance removed her helm and mused on the inkvine scar that curled from her forehead to her chin.
"That was attempt number five. He ended up like the four before him, and the seven after."
There had been many an ambitious and xenophobic ranker and officer who had thought to kill Silver Lance and blame it on rebels, rogue jihadists, or even the desert itself. They finally stopped through, when Silver Lance took the bodies of the four assassins who come for her on attempt twelve, and hung them from the outside of her bedroom windows.
"I'll never understand it. Why it takes people so long to get a clue."
This tactic had not sat well with some of the upper echelons, but it did win her a grudging respect from the soldiers under her command. Excellent strategic work, and administration of the fort's limited resources had earned Silver Lance the glorious position of Interim Commander of the North-Western front. Now she had fifteen garrisons to worry about instead of one beat up cesspool. The dubious honor weighed on her, even as she tried to relax in the chair behind her desk.
"As much as I hate this place, I have to admit that I've grown comfortable here. And Ra speaks to me often. So perhaps I shouldn't complain."
There was a whiny of horses coming from the east side of the fort, from the Leo border. The sound provoked a tired exhale from Silver Lance.
"The supply caravan's finally here. Good thing they arrived after the battle I guess."
Silver Lance stood from her chair, and walked to the window...which still hosted the aforementioned assassins from ropes at the sill. As she looked at the caravan, the veteran knight noticed something. There were the usual horses and camels carrying food, construction wood and various other essentials that both the Crown and some more generous nobles provided. But there were others as well.
Monks in robes of red and bright yellow bowed to the various members of the garrison they encountered, much to the soldiers' annoyance. Before the situation could devolve and further, a knight stepped forward and ushered the monks towards another section of the fort. This person was unfamiliar, and so Silver Lance called to her from the office window.
"You! Dame Knight!"
The knight in question turned and curtseyed in a courtly fashion, which elicited a grimace from Silver Lance.
"Wonderful, she's green."
Regardless of experience or lack thereof, the young knight was here for a reason that Silver Lance couldn't put her finger on, as were the monks. So with a commanding wave of her hand, Silver Lance called over the mysterious knight.
"Come to my office. Now."
The dame in question nodded, her face and head covered behind a mask and turban. Then she hurried at a quick pace up the steps of the wall, making her way to the office. Silver Lance proceeded at a far more leisurely pace, and sat down in her chair across from the door. Soon enough, there was a knock on that door. But instead of getting up to open it, Silver Lance sat straighter in her seat.
The door opened, and through it marched a tall and muscular woman in steel armor with a greatsword on her back, and a short sword at her hip. She looked formidable enough, but the woman's violet eyes hid behind a black turban. At that moment, a bubbly and friendly voice came from the behind the cloths.
"Hello Dame Silver Lance. I am Dame-"
"Remove your turban."
The knight did so, and as the cloth unwrapped, so did a full head of luscious auburn hair that came a little past the young dame's shoulder.
"I guess I should have done that before I came in. Sorry about that."
The knight's face was just as statuesque as the rest of her. And perhaps seemed a better fit for an idyllic painting then the rigors of war. But this young woman's amethyst eyes seemed to sparkle with a very intense and probing curiosity, surveying the environment around her and sizing up Silver Lance in the same fashion she was.
Her body wasn't just for show either, there was an ease of movement in the armor and the way her hand rested on the short sword that were the marks of a trained, and perhaps casual killer. Silver Lance took all of this in stride.
"You were about to say your name: continue."
"Gotcha. I am Dame Barbara Corsange, junior mage knight of the Order of Bellona."
"I heard a story about you: how you saved your company from an ambush at the hands of one Lord Reichman."
Dame Barbara nodded with a smile.
"That's me."
"I also heard that you lead a massacre of the remaining enemy soldiers."
The smile disappeared, and the amethyst eyes lost their light.
"We gave as good as they did."
Silver Lance noted a certain defensiveness to the comment, but had no time or inclination to explore it. So she leaned forward, and folded her hands on the desk.
"Why are you here?"
Dame Barbara reached into a pouch on her belt, and brought out a folded piece of paper. She then presented it to Silver Lance, who snatched it up. As the veteran knight unfolded and began to read the paper, Silver Lance couldn't help but notice the presence of the royal seal at the bottom of the of the parchment. She read through the letter, growing annoyed with each passing sentence. Once she was done reading it, Silver Lance conjured a small flame in her hand, and burned the letter. This was enough to provoke an eye roll from Dame Barbara.
"That doesn't seem a little paranoid to you?"
"These are orders from the Crown itself. They are not to fall into enemy hands."
"Okay, but they were also legal documentation...the kind of thing we might need to get access to holy sites around the area. Holy sites such as Salah, the place we're headed to."
Silver Lance glared at the knight in front of her.
"Are you so confident in your ability to succeed?"
Barbara nodded, keeping that smug half-smile of hers. This of course only provoked further, albeit contained, fury from Silver Lance.
"Why? Are you just that good?"
"Yeah. If I wasn't then I wouldn't have been chosen for this mission."
This confidence, this arrogance. It always infuriated Silver Lance, and she had always been quick to crush it...but for this knight, this girl barely out of training, it seemed deserved. More an acknowledgment of truth then any sort of belief. But such faith had yet to be tested, and there was something else bothering Silver Lance.
"You called the city by its proper name...Are you from Caliph?"
Barbara smiled expectantly.
"Yes I am."
"A young Caliphite becoming a knight of Leo...So, were you adopted or just taken as a comfort girl."
The smile was still there, but the Amethyst eyes looked ready to leap out and tear Silver Lance to pieces.
"The former."
"I see. Well, get to your horse. We leave within the hour."
Dame Barbara clicked her heels and raised her hand to her brow in salute. After that she promptly left.
Silver Lance began packing up her gear, even as she considered the conversation.
"Seems our budding knight has chip on her shoulder. Join the club."
Silver Lance spent the next few moments assembling her kit and packing anything she might need. Upon finishing her equipment check, the veteran knight went back down to the courtyard. To her complete lack of surprise, the soldiers of the garrison were gathered around Barbara with awed expressions on their faces. Though to be honest, even the seasoned Dame would not fault them. Because at this moment, Dame Barbara was bench-pressing actual and fully grown people...even as others waited for their turn and also get bench-pressed by Dame Barbara.
"This is amazing. How can you be this strong?"
"I thought benching 180 was impressive but you-"
Silver Lance's voice cut through the air like a knife, and silenced all other noise in the fort. The soldiers all returned to their posts and duties without being told to, all except for one large and heavy-set lieutenant. This man was in the middle of being bench pressed and gently being lifted down by Barbara. Once he touched down, and Barbara stood up from her makeshift seat, the lieutenant conveyed his amazement.
"That's amazing. I never thought anyone could carry me, let alone lift me as effortlessly as you."
"Hey, for all you know I was just tryin to cop a feel."
The lieutenant blushed and was at a loss for words, even looking at his own body with some pride. This spell of glee was once again dispelled by Silver Lance's voice.
"Lieutenant! Back to the armory, NOW!"
"Of course commander, my apologies. Good day Dame Barbara. I hope you have a safe journey."
This still blushing officer smiled all the way back to the entrance of the armory in question. Once he was out of sight, Silver Lance marched up to Dame Barbara, who was dusting herself off.
"I'm guessing you want to say something?"
"Do you often fraternize with the soldiers around you? Junior Knight?"
Barbara shrugged her shoulders.
"All I did was imply he was attractive and that I was fan. If he takes it any further then I'll tell him to cool down."
"So you're a tease then?"
Once more, there was an innocent shake of the head from the Junior Knight.
"Not really. I might flirt from time to time but I don't do it for anybody. And usually only for the ones that seem down...like most of the garrison."
"This is a military outpost. There is no room for recreation."
"Okay. I'd ask how you keep them staying here, but..."
Barbara cast an unimpressed glance towards the skeletons hanging from Silver Lances window.
"I see you've got your own tastes."
"They are motivated to fight for their lives."
"Okay. Are they going to fight for yours?"
Silver Lance glared at Barbara. To which the Junior Knight only responded with a relaxed posture and casual silence. Silver Lance felt she had no choice but to point towards Barbara's own steed.
"Finish your kit, and then we'll move out."
"Yes ma'am."
Barbara gave another crisp military salute, and went to her work. While that was going on, Silver Lance gave the standard "take care of the place while I'm gone" speech to her senior staff, albeit in a more aggressive tone. The monks of red and gold, who Silver Lance noticed wore dragon glyph medallions from their necks, were very easy to manage. They mounted on camels, checked their own minimalist supplies and foodstuffs, and then awaited a command. A command that Silver Lance was only too happy to give.
"Move out!"
And so they entered the great desert. Two Knights of Leo, escorting some nine pilgrims to a holy, and ruined city. Salah was a place sacred to both the various religious sects of Leo, and the organized Theocracy of Caliph. But due to some great catastrophe, roughly around four hundred years ago, the city had been reduced to charred ruins. This was left mostly to historical debate, but the monks had their own theories. And were all too happy to share them on the road.
"It was the Crimson God! For his righteous wrath had descended both upon the profligate Caliphites, and the disloyal pretenders of our own blood."
"Indeed. For it was his cleansing wrath that united both Crusader and Jihadist in mutual sorrow, and set both on the path to redemption."
This conversation continued on for some time. Silver Lance did her best to ignore it, and failed. It took all she had to console herself during the harsh journey.
"We're only here to escort them to the city. Then we shall depart, and bring the sum they promised back to the fort...that's it."
But, perhaps inevitably, Dame Barbara participated in the conversation.
"That date coincides with the disappearance of the Crystal Elves, doesn't it?"
"Indeed, almost exactly. I did not take you for much of scholar, dame knight."
Babs smiled easily, and spoke with confidence.
"I think that poorly educated people aren't always the best soldiers."
One of the monks, a younger and grimmer looking fellow, voiced his dissent.
"Soldiers have no business in the higher mysteries. They need only lay down their lives for their worthier betters."
"That's certainly the popular opinion. But if the worthy are, in fact, worthy: then they would only accept the best troops under their command. In other words: soldiers actually need to know the higher mysteries in order to be sure of their purpose as soldiers and to confirm to the rigors of defending the state."
Except for the monk that had called her out (named Sean), all the monks murmured amongst themselves in an admiring tone. Their leader however, (An orc named Quickened Fire) who simply cheered.
"By the gods! A knight and a sage. I had no idea we'd be riding with such a prodigy. You've given us quite a blessing Dame Barbara."
Barbara smiled.
"Please, my friends just call me Babs."
The monks once again acknowledged this statement with great enthusiasm, and such was the greater ebb and flow of the journey. For two days, Silver Lance would bark out commands, which were followed precisely. Then the monks would engage in debate, discuss the merits of their pilgrimage to Salah, and ask Babs for her opinion on the matter. The young knight would then answer with simple yet surprisingly profound logic, indicating a precise as opposed to cerebral mind. This of course delighted Quickened Fire.
"You must be well read."
"Not really. But I don't forget what I have read."
"You were privately educated were you not? What do you think of King Ferdinand's new policy for a public education system?"
Babs shrugged her shoulders.
"As long as it's managed well, and the administrators care about the kids whose lives they have in their hands, I think it's a good idea."
This provoked a prideful and dismissive flip of the long (and rather greasy looking) hair from Sean.
"More of your populism "Babs?"
"I wouldn't be much of a Knight if I didn't serve the people I protected."
"Well, being a knight, you should know that not all people are worth saving. Hence why you use your sword to cut them down."
Babs nodded.
"That's true. But that's where education comes in. I mean, the purpose of any education is to make someone into a better and worthier person isn't it? So if more people are educated, and well educated, then that's less people I'm forced to kill."
"Are you saying you don't enjoy the act of battle? And the defeat of your enemies?"
For the first time in the two and a half days that Silver Lance had known her, Babs had a surprised and perhaps even mournful look on her statuesque face. In an effort to hide this, the Junior Knight turned away from the monks as they rode on.
"Just because a person enjoys something doesn't make it right. You'd probably know that, being a monk and all."
There was a murmur of agreement from the other monks, and a few of them even directed chastising slaps on the head and shoulder towards Sean. Just as it was about to get out of hand though, Silver Lance saw something on the edge of the horizon.
"We're here. You can see Salah in the distance."
The monks were positively jubilant to have made it to the city...at least what was left of it. A sizable shanty and tent town had been set up among the ruins. Blackened towers and houses rose up to the sky like a jagged finger, topping off at the city's great temple. The temple, strangely enough, remained pristine and undisturbed. It was a grand collection of columns and spiral minarets, a fusion of classical Elyssian and older Caliph Architecture. This grand edifice seemed to stand triumphant over the burned remnants of the rest of Salah, as noted by Silver Lance.
"It's almost like the conquered dead are bowing down to this one standing temple. What in all of Caminus could have caused this?"
There wasn't much time to ponder this, as the monks directed the party to their place among the tents and shanties. Once there, the monks dismounted and socialized with their fellows, while Babs and Silver Lance were directed into a relatively clean and spacious tent. Once inside, they were greeted by a portly gentleman in Caliph garb. This man, Ali, was master of the order which the monks belonged to: The Order of the Unsung Saint.
"Thank you so much for escorting our brothers and sisters to safety. And to his Majesty for arranging such a thing. Speaking of which."
Ali clapped hands, and a large chest was brought before the knights. They opened it, and inside was what must have been forty pounds of diamonds cut in all manner of shapes, sizes, and value. Even Silver Lance couldn't help but be amazed at the treasure before her.
"This must be at least five hundred thousand worth of silver pieces."
"Six hundred and fifty-one actually."
Babs walked forward and examined the gems. The discerning eye and probing gaze was back again, and her bubbly and inviting voice now had a very serious quality to it.
"These are Dragon Cut diamonds aren't they?"
Ali was surprised.
"Indeed, how can you tell?"
"There's a reddish color to them, like in a book I read once."
Babs' eyes then became worried.
"Did you get these from the ruins?"
Ali's shoulders slumped and his voice became heavy with sorrow.
"Indeed. We found them imbedded in the sand, the stone, and sometimes even in...even in the ashes of the poor souls who died here."
That got Silver Lance's attention.
"You bought your people's safety with the ashes of the dead?"
"It was the only way we could afford your protection, and considering what you would be facing-"
Babs tossed the gem back into the chest, and her voice became like venom.
"A dragon. You took the diamonds from this place, from his territory. And let me guess, you've been selling them off haven't you?"
"It was the only way we could maintain the sanctuary. And the dragon only came after the third week we were here."
Silver Lance rushed forward and grabbed the terrified Ali by the collar.
"Where is the dragon now?"
"He-he makes his lair in the temple. He hasn't come for us since the first attack. He said something along the lines of "The toll has been kept." But right now, he's probably sleeping. You can catch him unaware if you move quickly."
"Why wasn't this mentioned in the orders?"
"I-I don't know. The request for aid was a simple letter. And we usually give such tasks to our junior monks so you should ask-"
Babs was already out the door, and Silver Lance guessed her intended destination.
Silver Lance let Ali go, and ran as quick as she could to catch up to Babs, but she was too late. Babs already had the young Sean lifted up against a ruined wall.
"So I guess all that talk about lessers was meant for us too? That what you thought?"
"I only wrote out what I thought necessary."
"How the hell is that working for you now?"
Quickened Fire, who was standing just a few feet away, shared in Babs' dissatisfaction.
"You didn't tell them about the dragon?"
Sean stared at Babs and Quickened Fire with hateful eyes.
"These lazy cowards wouldn't have come otherwise. Look at her! She may be courageous enough to bully me, but she'll fold the moment she sees the beast in the temple."
Babs smiled.
"Is that so?"
She dropped the smaller man after that, and walked off in the direction of the temple even as Quickened Fire called out to her.
"Please Dame Bar-Babs, we've had such a long journey. You are in no condition to fight so dangerous monster!"
Silver Lance held up a quieting hand.
"Do not worry sir. I will handle this."
Silver Lance mounted her steed and rode in the direction Babs had gone. Once she saw the Junior Knight, Silver Lance cantered in front of her: blocking the way.
"We were not instructed to take on a rogue dragon."
Babs, in typical fashion, had a casual demeanor, though a very angry tint in her eyes.
"Yeah, but we were supposed to."
"Yes, but the King gave no such orders. So we will claim the money, which they will give us freely as a price for their deception, and then we will leave."
Babs blinked in amazement.
"You can't be serious..."
"I am. We are knights of Leo, and we have no reason to go beyond the precepts of our mission."
"What about our mission to protect those who can't protect themselves?"
"That protection extends only as far as the nation and crown we swore our service to. I realize that being born to another nation may confuse th-"
Babs' frustration rose into screaming that practically tore at her vocal cords.
"No! Not one more word! Nations, laws, and oaths? They're not just walls you can hide behind to avoid the hardships of life. They're supposed to be guidelines on how we deal with them."
Babs pointed towards the temple.
"That dragon is a threat to everyone in this city, Caliph and Leo. So even if you stretch the law to your...impressive lack of common decency: We need to stay here, and we need to help these people."
Silver Lance dismounted from her horse, and walked towards Babs. Once she was barely two feet away, Silver Lance threw and landed a haymaker on the younger woman's jaw. The impact was strong enough that it resounded from quite a distance. However, to her credit, Babs reacted with only a slight tilt of the head, and not even a grunt of pain. This only stoked Silver Lance's fury.
"You want to save the people? "The people" are little turds like Sean, cut throats like the dozens of fools who've tried to kill me for no other reason than being an elf, and deluded fools like Quickened Flame, praying for a god that remains entirely deaf to their cries. Are you really going to fight a dragon for those people?"
Babs didn't hesitate.
"For those people? No. For all the others? People who just want to get on with their lives? Or children who are just getting into it? Yeah, I'll fight for them."
"Did you think that way when you massacred Reichman's soldiers?"
Babs' eyes narrowed, but she straightened her stance, and took in a deep breathe before finally speaking.
"No. But I do now."
Silver Lance considered her options. Could she restrain Dame Barbara by force? With the sheer conviction emanating from the young woman, probably not. Not without killing her anyway. And that would mean a whole mess of paperwork, inquests, and all manner of inconvenience from the Crown that Silver Lance had no need of now or ever. She shook her head in defeat.
"Alright. What's your plan "oh noble savior?"
"There's no entrance to the temple except the front one."
"You want to challenge the dragon head on?"
Babs nodded.
"He only attacked the monks and townspeople after they stole from him, and he's left them alone since. That tells me he's not just territorial, but he thinks he's honorable. If we confront him directly, he might go to his humanoid form and fight us that way."
"And you think a warrior confident enough to shrink down to the level of his opponents and fight with them is a person to be trifled with?"
"There's no other way we'll get to him otherwise."
Silver Lance rolled her eyes.
"Fought a dragon before have you?"
"No, but a younger blue dragon came to my teacher's home, and stayed for a few days. He was pretty open about most of the cultural jargon."
"Well, right through the gate then."
Babs nodded, this time with a grim look on her face. This was enough of a confirmation for Silver Lance...so they marched up to the temple. It's main entrance, a set of double doors of strangely clean bronze, were closed. The knights looked at each other, wondering what exactly to do. So they just took one door each, and pushed them open. In the open room before them stood dozens of altars, each dedicated to a different god. But each altar was distorted.
Not smashed, not burned, but physically twisted as if someone had molded the marble like clay. Even the statues above the altars looked like the melted edifices of screaming victims, frozen in petrified agony. Beyond these altars was a flight of stone stairs that lead deeper into the temple. Babs took out a dagger from her belt, and tossed it onto the stairs. The dagger clattered against the empty space above the stairs. Then the image fizzled, and the clear floor was revealed in place of the stairs. A voice rang out across the halls.
"Thine senses art keen, and refined to a rapier's edge. Praytell, what betrayed mine crafted imagery?"
Silver Lance tightened the grip on her spear.
"We've seen illusion magic before, and used it."
"Thine tone ringeth true, and of magic thou art as near to bursting as the tide of a dammed river."
Silver Lance exchanged another look with Babs, and they decided to circle about each other. The enemy voice was echoing, and they were unable to track it's source. Then Silver Lance noticed something. As she stepped on the floor, she noticed sand slipping through the cracks, and into the darkness within. There was a basement level, but before she could say anything, Silver Lance felt the ground tremble.
Both knights had a good idea of what that meant. So they darted off to the sides of the room, and just in time. For the floor where they had stood burst open, propelling stone in all directions. Rising from the gaping pit were large clawed arms covered in steely scales, then a reptilian head of topped off with green draconic eyes, and great wings that whirled the air around them. This was indeed a mighty beast, but Silver Lance was bothered by something.
This is an adolescent dragon. He can't have been the one who burned this city, nor could he be strong enough to take down such a monster. And above all-"
Babs' voice rang out.
"You're a Steel Dragon. Why are you terrorizing these people? You're supposed to be champions of honor."
There was a mournful look in the dragon's green eyes.
"By treachery has my honor been bought. For oaths to blood keep me captive from courtesy to strangers...Mine apologies art sure to be of little compensation."
Silver Lance kept her spear up, now suspicious and concerned about a larger threat.
"What treachery keeps you here? Who is giving you orders?"
"His name I am loathe to speak, and thou art thrice blessed for never hearing it. And now shall I keep you in thine blessed state."
The dragon flapped his wings and a burst of light blinded both Silver Lance and Babs. Once it died down, a tall human male glided down to the stable ground on dragon wing that then folded into a cloak and wrapped around his armored frame. He was dressed in the fashion of a Caliph noble, and wore lamellar steel armor accented with studded leather. He drew a scimitar from one hip side and a small buckler from the other, then descended into a fighting crouch.
"Run to thine death, or grant me mine release. Otherwise to mine true visage shall I revert, and blanket the traitors below in flame and dirt."
The knights of Leo didn't need to be told twice. Babs came in high with her greatsword, while Silver Lance came in low with her spear...and they were made complete fools of. The Steel Dragon was faster, stronger, and a generally brilliant fighter. Even Silver Lance found herself being forced back. And despite both knights trying to circle around him, the dragon remained mobile and continued to outmaneuver them.
As Silver Lance began to contemplate retreat, Babs did something incomprehensibly stupid. She purposely walked into a slash from the Steel Dragon. Of course she received a cut to the arm that bit through her armor and imbedded itself in her left bicep. Then Dame Barbara revealed her true intention, by pinning the dragon's sword arm with her free hand and then delivering a swift and steel booted kick to the groin.
There was a great cry of pain from the dragon, followed by still more cries of pain. For as he tried to free his sword, Babs continued to deliver kick after kick to the same target. The poor man just couldn't get the momentum to drag out his sword from the armor it had bitten into. Silver Lance was amazed and actually quite amused by the situation, until Babs screamed out again.
"Get over here! My leg's getting tired!"
Silver Lance took her meaning, and charged forward delivering a powerful spear thrust...which the dragon blocked with a last minute raising of his buckler. But this, coupled with the pain from Babs' repeated kicks was distraction enough for the Junior Knight to draw her short blade across the dragon's chest. The sword broke across the armor, but pushed the dragon away from Babs and away from his scimitar. In his pained rage, the dragon opened it's currently humanoid mouth, and breathed blue scorching fire.
Silver Thrusted her spear towards the flame, and blocked it with a field of her own red flames. But her inferno was slowing being pushed back by the on rushing sapphire tide. Babs, being the trained mage knight that she was, threw an arcane bolt into the dragons green eyes. It wasn't powerful enough to kill or blind him, but it was strong enough to tilt his head over and change the course of his fire breath. This was an opening that Silver Lance took immediate advantage of, by charging once more and stabbing her enemy through through the chest with her spear.
The dragon's green eyes looked almost relieved, even as he stumbled back, and fell into the pit he had just made his initial and dramatic entrance through. Silver Lance heard a crash, and looked down into the pit. There was light, and the fall was hardly a lethal one, as proven by the still alive and limping steel dragon, who had now reverted to his true form. Babs was troubled by this.
"Why the hell is he running? Steel Dragons would never leave a battle. And did you see the look in his eyes?"
Silver Lance nodded.
"I did, let's go after him."
The knights descended into the pit, taking a rope from their pouches and tying it to one of the more intact and stable altars before climbing down. Once their feet hit stone, they were presented with a massive trail of blood, leading into a wide, dragon sized hallway. Babs charged forward, greatsword in hand.
"Wait! Come back!"
Silver Lance pursued.
"What the hell is she doing?"
Luckily the knights didn't have to go far. The hallway led into a massive cavern, the walls of which were clearly carved out by dragon fire from a far deadlier beast then their steeled foe. Babs was already crossing the caverns, and marching towards the steel dragon, who was huddled next to a great white flame. Knowing what most likely lay within it, Silver Lance called out.
"Babs! The Dragon is contacting his-"
"He already has."
This was a new voice. It was most certainly Draconic, but was strangely high-pitched, and heavily accented in the Strumhanden fashion.
"In retrospect, your presence here is quite the boon to me. Come closer Dame Knight. After all, there is only so much I can do to you from so great a distance."
Silver Lance ran down to the flat of the cavern, where Babs, the Steel Dragon, and the white flame were assembled. There was something else in those flames, two golden orbs...no two golden and reptilian eyes that radiated control, power...and a very distinct sense of amusement.
"So my dear boy. Only five years in my service, and already you have been felled by two mortals. How does that feel?"
Blood ran from the Steel Dragon's jaws, and there was great wound in his chest, kept from the blow originally received in human form. But even with such injuries, the dragon soldiered on.
"Mine only impulse...is relief. And the joy of knowing that mine death...hath caused thee even some small measure of inconvenience."
The Voice laughed, and its eyes widened. But Silver Lance took a very distinct and disturbing meaning from the Steel Dragon's statement.
"His death is only an inconvenience. What sort of monster does he serve?"
There was a cough, and a massive spray of blood from the Steel Dragon's jaws.
"Now, I have delivered my oath. Make good on yours. Release my mate from thine power."
There was a pause, and the eyes narrowed.
"Oh my dear boy. I freed her long ago, and within a few moments: you shall join her."
The Steel Dragon's eyes widened, and he seemed ready to breathe more flames into the already triumphant inferno before him. But instead, he stumbled and fell. There was a low and desperate growl from the young dragon, and then silence. Silver Lance was not easily rattled. But as she looked into the Steel Dragon's still open eyes, into the despair and shame that still possessed them even in death, she felt a great pang of sympathy and disgust. Babs had a different reaction. She walked up to the dragon, whispered a few words, and the backed away. A golden light shimmered across the body, and then collapsed and disappeared, taking the corpse with it. The voice spoke again, with that same playfulness.
"Goodness you said a prayer and the gods answered. Let me guess? Did you ask that he go to Paradise?"
Babs shook her head.
"No, I just asked Anubis to be fair with him. I guess not leaving him to rot in this cave was a part of that...you bastard."
"Ah...I suppose now that you will declare vendetta against me?"
Both knights suddenly keeled over, screaming and clutching at their heads and hearts. Silver Lance felt as if she were being cut open, and her very self probed and rearranged by unseen yet taloned hands. By the screams coming from Babs, it was a fair assumption that she was experiencing the same cruel sensation. Then it stopped, and blood began to trickled down Silver Lances nose and stain her lips. She looked up towards the flame, and the golden eyes that were now very serious in their apprehension.
"It is ambitious of you: to declare war on a monster about whom you know nothing. But rest assured, you will come to know me...as I now know you."
The flame flickered out, and took the taunting eyes with it. Silver Lance was the first to get up, and she saw that Babs was kneeling down. She was looking over where the Steel Dragon had died, even as she wiped tears from her eyes.
"That's a new kind of wrong right there. Taking people you love and forcing you to kill other people to keep them alive...what kind of storybook psychopath does that?"
"More of them then you think."
Silver Lance walked over, and sat by Babs. Both of them were illuminated by the strange crystals that caught slivers of sunlight and reflected them through the cavern. Out of fatigue or even depression: Babs finally sat back, her youthful face riddled with sadness.
"Why would he do that though? Why would he be so stupid to think that he'd get his mate back? Why go this far when...when he wasn't even a bad person?"
Silver Lance didn't know how to comfort her. But she knew that yelling about it wasn't the best option. Most interesting of all, Silver Lance was thinking on these questions herself.
"I'm not sure. I think it might have something to do with love. After all, how many people would willingly sacrifice their loved ones for the sake of strangers? I know I couldn't do that."
"Aren't we supposed to though? Service to the greater good, and public welfare and all that?"
"I don't think anyone ever knows if they're a good person until that one critical moment. The point in their lives where it really counts. That's just my idea at any rate."
Babs brushed away the final tears in her eyes, and looked at Silver Lance with some expectation.
"Do you have many stories? Like this one I mean?"
Silver Lance nodded.
"Yes. But I'll only tell them to you if you walk with me out of this cavern and back home. Deal?"
Babs made a salute, and sported a half smile.
"Yes Ma'am."
And so the two knights left that dreadful place. They said their goodbyes, and claimed a few apologies, as well as the promised payment. Upon reaching Nuqtat Alramh, Babs stayed a few more days then was required. Silver Lance shared all manner of stories concerning the adversities she faced, as well as some of the more temperate ways she dealt with them. At the same time, Babs coached her mentor on some of the finer details of social interaction. And within a week, most of the garrison would not only stand at attention, but proudly salute whenever Silver Lance walked by. Eventually though, the time came when Babs was called back to the Leo heartland, and she packed up to leave. When Silver Lance came to say goodbye with an outstretched hand, Babs brushed it aside and hugged tightly hugged the veteran knight..
"You take care of yourself, alright?"
"I will. As I know you will."
They parted after that, and Babs gave a final wave as she rode off towards the rising sun. Once she was gone, Silver Lance brandished a confident smile, and turned to her troops.
"Back to your posts everyone. Quicktime! Now!"
And so they did. Back to their lives of fighting bandits and the occasional fanatic war band. But they also looked forward to the ball games they would have in between those battles, and the various other recreations that Silver Lance instituted across her entire command. Life on the border would never be easy, but it was life. And that was all they needed.
So Closes "On the Borders of Caliph", A Tale of Caminus and Yishu.
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