Chapter 9| It's Going To Be Ok
Molly turned around and with a scared look in her eyes as she stated "My grandkids have been taken"
"What?" Sirius said in shock. Sirius hadn't had much alone time with any of the kids, however, he knew that if he made it to the future he would cherish them like no one else. He had instantly become fond of them and treated them like his nieces and nephews already.
"What do you mean mum?" Fred asked with a worried glance towards his twin
Mr. Weasley stepped inside the musty room and put a supporting hand on his wife's shoulder.
Mrs. Weasley took a deep breath to calm herself down, knowing that she needed to explain so they could find them. She said "The 'Ejeceous' spell has occurred here. You can tell by the smell as I aired the room with Remus the other day. I also cleaned it so the dust shouldn't be here. Not to mention the dust has a slightly green shade."
"Are you sure?" Mr. Weasley asked with a worried look
"Do not underestimate my abilities to recognize a spell Arthur," Mrs. Weasley said with a fierce look in her eyes
"Well let's be certain," Remus said and then caught the look on Mrs. Weasley's face, "Just to see what exactly happened," Mrs. Weasley nodded and he waved his wand. Soon enough they saw exactly what had happened in the room. They saw the kids joking around and spending the night with no care in the world. Soon enough they saw the bright light that took them away and witnessed each of their struggles as they tried to call for help. Remus's breath in particular hitched as he saw his son struggle.
Mrs. Weasley couldn't compose herself any longer after viewing the memory. She sunk to the ground and started sobbing with her husband trying his best to stay composed and comfort her
Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, and George who were standing on the side were shaking after witnessing the event. None of them had become used to the idea of becoming parents, aunts, and uncles, however, all of them had felt a duty to them when they had appeared. While Harry and Ron didn't interact much with their kids as they didn't know what to say, they chose to observe them and had instantly liked the joyous nature of all the kids. Harry in particular felt a strange sense of proudness when looking at Albus. Hermione had spent some time with both her son and daughter and held a gleam in her eyes after getting to know them. She knew her future self was incredibly blessed and she felt oddly hopeful after getting to know them.
George just like Tonks and Remus had spent almost all of his time with his kid bonding and preparing pranks. He was a bit awkward in the beginning, not knowing if he should act like a parent or as a friend, but with Fred's help, he had gotten to know his kids more and their disappearing hurt him as much as it hurt the others. Ginny, however, whilst she had spent a lot of time with her sons, it was her daughter that Ginny had bonded with the most. Lily had Ginny wrapped around her finger from the moment she had come to Ginny asking for comfort. The girl had immediately wormed her way into Ginny's heart and Ginny took to the role of comforting her as a fish takes to water. All her emotions suddenly threatened to pour out, she immediately ran off to the roof through a secret set of stairs that she knew for a fact no one knew about.
She cried her eyes out on the roof, sobbing for her children. She knew that they weren't technically hers at the present time but the bond she had made with them felt like it. She learned that James hated eggplants and was allergic to dust. She subconsciously had started to carry tissues around for him. She learned that Albus loved to read like her and her future self had pushed a lot of books to him which he loved. After 20 minutes or so of releasing her emotions, she heard someone coming up by the main staircase. She tried to ignore whoever it was so that they would leave her alone but soon enough 3 figures materialized and sat down beside her.
"It's ok Ginny, We'll find them. The Order has been called and they are currently deciding what to do" Harry tried to console her unsuccessfully.
"Yes, " Hermione said with a fierce gleam in her eyes "They will regret the day they decided to touch our children."
"I know it's silly to cry over them when they aren't even really my kids," Ginny cried into Ron's shoulder who had sat next to his sister. "But, after Lily came to me when she was scared, I felt a sense of duty to them. Because I can see how comfortable they are around mum but I still see James casting glances my way. Albus always tries to say something to me or Harry but he stops himself. They still see us as their parents and I-"
"Hey, it's ok. That's not stupid. I feel the same way with Rose and Hugo, Hugo always tries to get close to me when we are talking though she tries to not make it obvious." Hermione consoled with tears in her eyes
Ron nodded, "Rose always seeks me out just to talk. I'm not always sure what to say but we feel the same way."
"I always find myself watching Albus" Harry confessed, "He quickly turns away when he catches my eye but he always hangs near me."
"Do you really think we can find them?" Ginny asked?
The trio shared a look with each other and it was clear to see that they believed they would.
Instead of answering, they all huddled in closer providing comfort to one another. That was enough reassurance that they won't stop until they had gotten each and every single one of the younger generation back.
Meanwhile downstairs Tonks, who had come once she was summoned, and Remus were comforting each other while contributing to the order meeting with their own two pence. They both were enraged, they had met their son who barely knew them only for him to be taken away. However, instead of wallowing in their sadness, they turned their energy into finding a solution to find them with the rest of the Order.
Meanwhile, Fred was faring with George in a similar way. Fred felt guilty, he had so much love for his nieces and nephews, he felt as furious as George that they were taken. However, Fred kept his emotions under check, he knew that while he felt close to the kids it's nothing to how George and the other parents would feel as they had a separate and special bond with them even if some didn't get the chance to bond with them as much.
All of them were awaiting the decision the order made to save the younger generation. One thing was for certain though, they would not rest until they got them back
Old a/n: okok i get it another short chapter geez calm down. I got myself to writing this the day after I wrote chapter 8 soo that should account for something. As of rn I honestly have nooo clue wht imma do next... sooo yeaaa. Well if ur reading this I do cuz the story is done but as of 30th march I dont ummm hehe. Anyways I told y'all tht my stories/fanfics r different than others. I always put in that special Fatima twist in them hehe. Anyways yess leave a comment lemme know how u feel and yea thank u for reading!!!!
Current a/n: i am... soooo sorry. Its school its been so chaotic and hectic that I have had noooo time to work on this. I promise to make it up I will try...TRY to update again tomorrow... again im soo sorry. Its not as good as ud hoped but im doing my best. Leave suggestions in the comments!! And if we can hit 1k followers b4 the year ends, id be eternally grateful
Make the star yellow if the younger generation should be saved
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