Chapter 4| Introductions Pt2
Harry: Ok, fess up. This is the 4th chapter and nothing has happened. What are you planning?
Me: Who? Me? Planning something? Pshtttttttt
Harry: Literally look at your other fics!!! I can't tell if you are a masochist or a sadist.
Me: little bit of both babe, dont worrryyyyyyy. Nothings happening... for now
"Well it's going to be awkward when they find out how romantic Ron is with her" Hugo joked to settle the mood which worked and caused everyone to giggle
Hugo then stepped up and began to introduce himself, "Hey, I am Hugo Weasley, Rose's older brother. I am currently a 2nd year. I am a Hufflepuff and I follow Albus in his distaste for Quidditch although it's not as strong as his."
Hugo then sat down and Lucy immediately got up. "Hi my name is Lucy Weasley, I am a 4th year and a Ravenclaw. I have a sister called Molly, I sometimes play chaser with my family but I am not on an official Quidditch team. McGonagall may be Gryffindor's headmistress but I think she gave up on them after James joined. Someone's got to take the fall and be the example student" she ended with a grin.
"I would've hoped that after Mr. Potter left Hogwarts I would get some peace. However, that does not seem to be the case. At least one of the Potter/Weasley's seems to be sane" McGonagall said with a slight smile on her face.
"I'm sure Harry greatened that burden by naming his firstborn after 2 of the most troublesome students you know and love Minnie" Sirius joked earning him a glare with no heat behind it from McGonagall.
Everyone laughed at the exchange and then tried to guess who her parents were but no one could so she said "Percy and Audrey who he met in the ministry"
After properly comprehending what was said Mrs. Weasley whispered with teary eyes "he comes back?"
To which Lucy smiled, knowing what had happened between her father and his family. She nodded which earned her a cheer from everyone as Mrs. Weasley came and hugged her grandchild in joy.
"It is during the Battle of Hogwarts, he changes sides," Lucy said when Mrs. Weasley let her go. Lucy made sure her tone conveyed the fact that she was not going to give any information about the war and then proceeded to sit back down.
Louis then got up, saving Lucy from dealing with any protests, and said "Hey, I am Louis Weasley, I am a 4th year and a Hufflepuff and I play keeper. I have 2 older siblings called Victorie and Dominique"
"Judging by the slight French accent he has as well as the fact that their names are of a French origin, he has to be Fleur and Bill's child since they are going out together." Fred analyzed watching in delight as his older brother's face turned red and as Fleur exclaimed in excitement and went and kissed his cheeks and hugged him
"Mama, not in front of everyone" Louis whispered pretending to be annoyed. Fleur rolled her eyes and continued fussing over him and going as far as to drag him to sit beside her in her original spot. Once Louis had sat down, Roxanne got up
"What up I'm Jared, I'm 19 and I never learned how to freaking read" the next generation all snickered, and after seeing everyone else's confused looks she rolled her eyes and said, "Never mind, The name's Roxanne Weasley, prankster, mischief-maker dubbed by Professor McGonagall. I have a brother whose name can not be revealed. I am in the greatest house ever aka Gryffindor. I am a beater and that's all folks."
As soon as Roxanne stopped speaking everyone started saying "George", "Fred"
"Well, mate, who spawns are you? The beautiful twins one or the one that resembles a troll" George said with a twinkle in his eyes as Fred smacked him in the head playfully
"I don't know dad, how about you tell me," Roxanne said wearing the very look George was.
"Huzzah!!! I see you got my good looks, who's the lucky female?" George said after he leaped for joy
"Angelina Johnson" Roxanne stated with a sly smirk
"My girlfriend?" Fred playfully roared and everyone laughed as they saw the brotherly love being presented. No one saw the looks the next generation were giving each other.
"So who dies?" Mad-Eye asked bluntly. He had remained silent during the exchange but now that introductions were over, he thought it was time to ask the important questions.
The future generation's look of joy and mischief immediately changed as they looked at each other uneasily. They were unsure if they should say anything but they didn't have to as Remus stood up and revealed his thoughts "I believe both of us do. I saw the look on Teddy's face when he saw us. He hasn't seen us in a while or at least doesn't recognize us, but how long is a while?" while Tonks nodded beside him
"You died a month after I was born," Teddy said trying to hide the tears in his eyes. If any of the other next-generation kids had said something, they would have been met with furious looks. However, since Teddy was the oldest and was talking about his own parents, they respected his choice and remained silent.
"Who raised you then?" Remus said who as well as Tonks also had tears in his eyes
"Grandma for a while, but later on Harry who is my godfather took over," Teddy while looking at the floor awkwardly.
"I-I'm godfather?" Harry said choking on the hot cocoa that Mrs. Weasley had handed out when everyone was introducing themselves.
Remus just smiled at him and went over to hug Harry followed by Tonks while Harry's face matched his wife's hair as he sputtered how thankful he was.
"Who else?" Bill asked
"Moody, Dumbledore, Snape, and..." Teddy trailed off
"Me," both Sirius and Fred said at the same time "I can tell from the look on their faces," Fred said and Sirius nodded
"What?!?!" George and Harry cried out in surprise and looked for Teddy in shock
Teddy, who had sat down, just nodded, his head hung low, wishing the ground would swallow him. James put his hand on his brother's shoulder as a show of support while Lily moved closer to him. Teddy acknowledged his sibling's attempts with a smile and relished in the comfort.
"So many great people lost," Arthur said in dismay while Mrs. Weasley cried and ran over to Fred who already had George over him. While Harry who was already was sitting next to Sirius clung close to him like he would disappear any second
"My dad named my brother after you uncle Fred" Roxanne added feeling sorry for the family but she received a faint smile from Fred
"Sirius dies this year in the ministry, Moody dies in battle, Dumbledore dies by the hand of Snape who did it on Dumbledore's orders, and Snape is killed by Voldemort," Teddy said answering the next question Mad-Eye had for him.
Snape, who everyone forgot was there, just nodded and then left, his face devoid of emotion as usual.
Dumbledore seemed unfazed by the news, he simply looked at the clock and said "Well look at the time. I will have to leave for Hogwarts now" he said and left as well.
Moody just said "At least I died in battle" and left with McGonagall wanting to give everyone privacy.
a/n that was written when the chap was written: heyyyyyy. Its been a while since I wrote... oh well... how'd u like this chapter? I kinda wanted to finish the intros and ya... no clue what imma do for next chapter butttt... idk man... im so tired. anyways, chat with me in the comments. And until next time.
a/n now: AYOOOOOO this chap is a day early but its fineeee. Needed something to distract me during my tutoring class. Kidding kidding... maybe. Anywhoooo lemme know what yall thinkkkkk. Sorry this is kinda short 0.0
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