Chapter 3| Introductions Pt. 1
Ginny: You're definitely up to something
Me: Ginny dear I love you but I think its time for us to let Teddy meet his parents
Ginny: I am warning you, if you dare put my family in danger I will kill you
Me: I kinda control what you do but sure whatever rocks your boat honey. Now let's let these beautiful people read the chapter
Previously on 'Tale As Old As 1996'
Teddy looked at his cousins and nodded, signaling that it was ok for them to give out information
"Very well, I will start, My name is Teddy..."
"Very well, I will start, My name is Teddy..."
"Wait" James called out, "I think, given that who we are. Maybe it's best to sit down. I for one don't want to be standing when Lil's here keeps prattling on and on." This earned him a smack from Lily to which he responded to with a grin.
"Before we start the introductions, I think it's best if some of us take our leave," Sirius said while glaring at Severus.
"I agree," Teddy said, "It would be too confusing with everyone from the Order here. The people who are relevant to us and our timeline are Harry, Hermione, All the Weasleys, Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Snape, Fleur, McGonagall, Moody, and Dumbledore"
"Very well," Dumbledore said as everyone who wasn't included in Teddy's list made to leave.
Mrs. Weasley sighed knowing she had to get all the kids here. She didn't appreciate having to put them in a potentially dangerous situation, but it seemed as she had no choice.
A few minutes later, after the children were gathered from the other room, Dumbledore beckoned Teddy to start introducing himself
Teddy smiled sheepishly, his nerves firing up at the prospect of meeting his parents. He took a deep breath and began, "Hey, I'm Teddy. I was a Hufflepuff and I already graduated Hogwarts and now I work in the ministry. As I said before most of you are related to us here because we are family. Almost all of our parents are here and I guess it would be more fun if you were to guess" Teddy ended playfully while still sneaking in glances of his parents wondering if they would figure it out
Tonks was the first one to step out and she held Teddy's hand while looking at him. After scanning him over she whispered one word, "Son?"
Teddy nodded with trying to hold his tears back as he hugged his mother for the first time. It took everyone a few seconds to realize that Tonk's assumption was correct. A few hoots and hollers were released around the room. Nobody noticed the teary eyes the next-generation children had.
"Who's the father?" Tonks asked after they both pulled away
"Remus Lupin," Teddy said quietly feeling alien in his own body after that joyous sensation
Tonks immediately turned around and looked at Remus. Once Remus realized that Tonks was looking at him, his face was devoid of all color. He went up to where Tonks was standing with her hand on Teddy's shoulder. His face expressed his unspoken questions but Teddy just nodded to answer one of them. Remus was too shocked to move, wordlessly Teddy embraced his father tightly ignoring the joyous exclamations that were occurring around him.
Meanwhile, Roxanne joked as she turned to Rose and said, "Rosie, I'm not sure if you know this but when two people who hopefully love each other meet..." as Fred and George who were sitting opposite to the next generation snickered as Rose's face matched her father's hair.
Teddy who was still focusing on his father whispered, "I'm not a werewolf" into Remus' ear. After hearing that Remus, who was still frozen returned the hug with equal force.
After a few minutes later, Teddy was seated beside his parents. James tried to get rid of the remaining sappiness and awkwardness by saying "Yea he isn't a werewolf but he is like a teenage girl on her period during his 'time of the month'. He turns really cranky and anyone who bothers him regrets it." At this everyone laughed
"The amount of times I sacrificed my chocolate to him is concerning" Lucy added earning herself a few chuckles as Teddy blushed.
It was the next person's turn to introduce herself and before anyone else could go, Lily stepped up and said "I'll go. My name is... actually that will tell you who my parents are. This is my first year at Hogwarts and I am a Ravenclaw, I have two brothers" Lily finished as she pointed towards James and Albus identifying them as her brothers. "Any guesses who my parents are?"
"Judging by your red hair and the snappy attitude I heard you have. You must be a Weasley." Ron remarked
James and Albus looked at each other and said "Red hair, and hand me down robes? You must be a Weasley" as all of the kids from the old generation a nd next generation roared their heads while everyone else looked confused
Lily just giggled and said, "Yes, but which Weasley?"
"I said snappy attitude so it has to be Ginny, but who's the father?" Ron said as Ginny glared daggers into Ron's head as her brother ignored her blissfully.
"Isn't it obvious? It has to be Harry because her brother looks exactly like him" Hermione said pointing at James
Lily just nodded gleefully and said "My name is Lily Luna Potter" She didn't notice Harry or Ginny's face turn red or the fact that both the Weasley Twins turned around and whispered good luck to Harry as they got punched by Ginny who was, unfortunately, sitting next to them.
Lily sat down and then James stood up and with a cheeky grin and said "Hey, the name is Potter, James Sirius Potter" At hearing James' middle name Sirius' face beamed with happiness. "I am a Gryffindor and I am in my 4th year. I am a chaser on the Quidditch team, I'm the oldest, and yea."
With that James took a dramatic bow and sat back down. Albus got down and said "My name is Albus Potter"
"Full name Albus" James grinned
Albus sighed and said "Albus Severus Potter and if any of you say anything I am going to hex you into next week"
At hearing the boy's feisty words everyone who was going to protest immediately shut their mouths and sat back down. Albus's cousins and siblings already knew that if provoked he was worse than Lily so they just sent looks at the others signaling that they should remain quiet.
Snape looked at Albus in wonderment with a question in his eyes which Albus just nodded as an answer and Snape sighed in contentment, glad that he got to tell Harry.
Harry however didn't heed Albus' warning and exclaimed "Who named you after that git?!"
"Dad, you named me, you had your reasons now please don't make me hex you," Albus said calmly having heard of Harry's angsty year.
Harry just huffed and sat down.
"Anyways, I am a Slytherin, and remember my warning still stands so I suggest you keep quiet. I am a 3rd year and I don't like Quidditch, so all in all, I am the opposite of a Potter. Oh and I am the middle child"
Everyone was quiet for a while until Mrs. Weasley came to the front and exclaimed "Grandchildren!!"
"Easy Grandma, if you keeping hugging me like that I will not be able to eat your delicious cookies" James joked which made everyone roar in laughter.
Rose then stood up and said. "Hi, my name is Rose Weasley, I am a Gryffindor and a 3rd year as well. I am a beater on the team and now you can guess who my parents are"
"Judging from your posture and how you introduced yourself, you are definitely Hermione's daughter," Fred said
"And Ron's I guess because I can see the similarities between them" George finished
"Ding ding ding," Rose said smiling and looking at her parents to see their reaction.
Hermione and Ron's reaction was similar to Harry and Ginny's since they both turned red and were avoiding looking at each other.
"Well it's going to be awkward when they find out how romantic Ron is with her" Hugo joked to settle the mood which worked and caused everyone to giggle
Current a/n: ayoooo next chap right on time, yessiree. Yall omg I can't thank you enough for your response to this book. You reached my goals in literally 12 hours!!!! Really really glad that y'all are liking this book so far!! Ik its a bit slow rn but I'd rather get some comedy in before the angst comes which is coming for sure :) That being said, I'm not rlly a snape fan. I don't hate hate him but he definitely isn't on the list with my favorite characters, but I'd figure, why not. Anywayssss thank you soooo much for reading this andddd i'll see u next week!
a/n that was written when this chap was written:.. this was a really fun chapter to write, I'm sorry I'm stopping it there but... its kinda long and my fingers are frozen... I'm on a roll wrote chap 2 and 3 in one day yasss. Lemme know how y'all like it and ya...
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I'm making these harder cuz homie I need to edit stuff
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