Entry 9
Well, today I had to help Engie in battle. So, we had a kind of rough time in battle because of the bloody BLU Spy. Every five seconds, I would hear: "SPAH'S SAPPIN MAH SENTRY!" HOW MANY OF THEM ARE THERE? I also built a sentry nearby and that would often be sapped, and while I was struggling to fix it, I would be backstabbed by the snake. Eventually, Engie just threw this wrench and hardhat on the ground. Soon after a full minute of cursing, he put the hat back on and handed me the wrench. "Build a sentry here, Tal," he told me. "I got some...business...to attend to" He then took out his shotgun and walked away. I just shrugged and followed through with his request. I was able to build a sentry close to level two when I suddenly heard a gunshot from behind. I jumped up and spun around. I saw the BLU Spy falling to the ground, and behind him was Engie, who had a smile plastered on his face. "Well," he said. "We don't have to worry about dem Spah's for a while now." He nudged the motionless body with his boot, then shot it one more time to make sure he was dead. I handed him back the wrench and he continued to work on the sentry. I was building a dispenser when I heard the final blow of the wrench and it upgrading to a level three. Then, Engie sat down another box and it began to form a chair. He made two and motioned for me to sit on the other one. Hesitantly, I sat down. He offered me a drink, but I kindly declined.
We won that battle, 5-1. Everyone walked into the base, cheering and laughing. This was typical after we won a battle. "Ya did a mighty fine job out there," Engie told me. I could feel myself blushing a little. "Th-thanks. You did good, as well!" He chuckled. "So, who do you have tomorrow?" "Um...Soldier,' I told him. Engie nodded. "Uh, hey. I know I told you this before but...don't mind anything Soldier might say to ya. He can be rough and a bit too...jingoistic as they say. Try not to be extremely offended by anything he says, ya hear?" I nodded. Engie smiled then walked away. "See ya tonight at training!"
There were no classes today since we had 'night training', which is where, once a week, we train in the night. It was supposedly Soldier's idea, which would make sense. At training, Soldier would often scream at us, either telling us to go faster or to not aim like a little girl (which, in return, gave him a few deadly glares). I heard a few annoyed mumbles from Snipes, who, in my opinion, already has a superb aim. However, I got a lot of insults thrown at me. "FIGHT LIKE A MAN, MAGGOT!" "DON'T MAKE ME REGRET LETTING A GIRL FIGHT A MAN'S WAR!"
"SHUT UP!" I yelled at him once.
"Aww, am I too violent for you, cupcake?"
To be honest, I would have snapped if it wasn't for the "talk" with Engie. So, for this time only, I let it slide.
I was preparing to run the track when I heard an argument nearby.
"Why don't you go train yourself, wanker?!"
"I am already perfect! I don't need to get any better at the moment. However! Your country did not prepare you for the level of violence you will meet on my battlefield!" I paused and looked back. Snipes and Soldier were arguing (which should have been obvious), their hands curled up into fists. This wasn't going to be pretty. All eyes were now on their argument. "Already perfect? Ha! Well then, wanker, tell me this. How come we lose battles then? And most of the time it's because.of.YOU!" Soldier screamed and lunged at Snipes' neck. He began to strangle him right in front of me. I took off running over to them, hoping to break them up before it was too late. However, Engie reached them before I did and he pulled Soldier away from Snipes.
"WHAT DID YA THINK YOU WERE DOIN, SON?! KILLIN A TEAM MATE WON'T DO YA ANY GOOD!" That.Just.Ain't. Right!" I ran over to Snipes, who immediately held onto my shoulder to get up, gasping for air. I helped him up and he began to lean on me. "Tal! Get Sniper to the MediBay! Now!" Engie said, not taking his eyes off of Soldier. The doc wasn't at training. He was just cleaning up the MediBay. I took Snipes there, surprising Medic.
"Vhat iz he doing here? Vhere ve attacked?!"
"No- I mean...nein. Soldier attacked him after an argument they had."
"Oh, my!" He began to laugh, which extremely disturbed me, but I said nothing about it.
"Vell, take him over here. Ja, there. Okay, danke, Tal! You may go back now." As I left, I heard the doc talking to Snipes. "Prepare for your examination. Hehehehe..."
Engie was still scolding Soldier, who was very upset. Engie was everyone's favorite. He was a father figure to us, especially me. Somehow, he knew that I had no family left (most likely looked through my files), so he "adopted" me. All the others had gone back to training. I walked back to the track, where Scout was. He was stretching by the starting line. "H-hey! Tal! Hey, um, could you do me a favor?" he asked. me. Scout asked me if I could time him to see how long it would take him to run the entire track, which was a quarter of a mile (840 yards). I told him that I could also calculate how fast he was going (thanks, school!). "Alright, alright! Thanks, Tal!" He ran the track in 120 seconds. After a lot of math was done, I found out that he was running at 6.5 yards per second. "Wow. You're smart. Like Engie! Hey, did he teach ya that?" I nodded. "No wonder you're so smart! Hehe...I feel dumb now." He timed me as well but I finished in 180 seconds, with a speed of 4.33 yards repeating per second. "That's OK," Scout told me. "But not as great as me!" I laughed. "Not yet at least." I gave him back the timer then looked around for something else to do. I walked aimlessly around for a while before I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Soldier. "Hey, Soldier," I said. "Are you okay?" He nodded and revealed his rocket launcher in his hand.
"Uh...do you want to, um, practice rocket jumping with me? I know you're with me tomorrow and,uh..." I smiled. "Sure! Uh...let me go get my launcher real quick..." "No need." Soldier picked up mine from the ground. Why was it on the ground? Soldier led me to the cliffs, the stars becoming one of the few light sources left. "Alright! Let's begin! Hehehyaaa!" Next thing I know, Soldier was flying through the sky after rocket jumping.
After training, I went to the MediBay to check on Snipes. However, when I arrived, he was already gone. "Oh! He up and left an Uhr ago," the doc told me. 'Vell, after I told him it vas okay to leave..."
- Tal
Nein = German for No
Ja = German for Yes
Danke = German for Thanks
Uhr = German for Hour or Watch but in this case it's Uhr
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