Entry 7
The death wasn't that big of a deal. It was because of a sniper. Hey, it's not my fault that gun and vest slowed me down! My head after the battle ached a little (which was perfectly normal according to the doc) so I stayed in my room, looking through my scrapbook of pictures taken before all of this happened. There was a knock at my door. I opened it and saw Engie. "Hi, Engie!" I exclaimed, smiling.
"Howdy," he greeted back. "Hey, um, listen...uh...I was wondering if you could possibly help me back in the shop. I just wanna see if I can somehow upgrade mah sentry another level."
"I can gladly help, Engie!" He smiled and thanked me. He led me to his workshop. There was tools and parts scattered all over the place. A deactivated sentry was on a table.
"I've been experimenting for a while, ya see. I haven't gotten very far though." He took out a wrench and begin to hit the machine. The sentry reactivatef and together, we began looking for places to improve the level 3 sentry. Unfortunately, the entire two hours we were there, experimenting and studying, we found nothing. "Dagnammit!" Engie yelled out. He sighed and turned the sentry off. "Thanks again, Tal. We didn't find anything but it was still a good try."
"Yeah," I replied. "It was. Anyway, your welcome, Engie. If you need me again, you'll know where to find me!" I left the workshop, happy.
I entered my room and shut the door. The scrapbook was still on my bed, in the position and page I left it on. I picked it up. There was a single picture on the page that took most of it up. It was of me, two years ago, with my best friends, Kayla and Lizzie Banks. Little drawings of hearts, rainbows, and stick figures of us surrounded the picture. Under the picture, written in bold letters, was the words "Best Friends Forever". I silently cried at seeing their faces. They had died in a car accident the next day while going to the beach. The thing that made it worse was that I was suppose to go with them that day but fell sick and couldn't go. I close the book the moment I heard a loud banging on my door.
"DINNEE TIME!" Shouted a loud, gruff voice. I got up and walked to the dining room. Spy had cooked today and on the table was some sort of French cuisine. All the mercenaries began to eat the moment I sat down. I hesitated eating it at first but after Spy kept insisting, I tried it. It wasn't because I had anything against French foods, it's just that I wasn't that hungry. It tasted great! After I swallowed, I told him it was great. "Good!" He exclaimed. "Because you'll have to deal with my cooking for the rest of the month." The dinner conversation was mostly Demo being drunk and what not. He was disturbingly hitting on Engie, saying things like: "I love ya man" or "if I wasn't the man I was, I'd kiss ya." "That just ain't right!" Engie exclaimed, trying his best to get the Scot away from him. - Tal
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