Entry 6
Next was Spy's turn to test me. "You know how we act," he told me. "Act like us when disguised and you'll be fine. Hopefully, this is just a review for you." We immediately cloaked ourselves the moment we left the Spawn room. I ran by him (mostly) until we got to the BLU base. We hid behind a tree and uncloaked. "Okay. Disguise...now." I disguised as a Sniper and he turned into an Engineer. We split up, me coming through an alternate entrance. I was looking around for the intelligence when I heard the BLU Engineer calling out to me. Spy or not Spy?
"What is it?" I groaned, trying my best to imitate Snipes.
"Just letting you know there's a Spah lurkin 'round here."
"The bloody spy killed me!" I told him. The BLU Engineer nodded and went back to his sentry. Not long after, I heard him cry out: "SPAH'S SAPPIN MAH-AAAAAGH!"I grinned, knowing who was behind the sneak attack. I finally found the intelligence room and was somehow able to sneak off with it.
After I brought the intelligence in, a woman's voice called out: "You won!"I heard the gunfire outside continue. "Maybe you aren't that big of a disappointment." I was a bit relieved. However, I'm going to admit this, that I wouldn't have gotten the intelligence without Scout's help. He defended me as I ran away from the incoming Soldiers and Heavy.
In German, we were talking about the numbers when Soldier barged in, screaming at the doc. "Ach, WAS IST LOS?!" He yelled back.
"MY HAND IS GONE, MAGGOT!" Soldier screamed, showing blood spurting out of a nonexistent hand.
"How did you...?! Ach, nevermind, follow me, Soldier! Um, Tal, wait here." So, I sat there for twenty minutes, listening to Soldier's rants about the BLU team until they were finally done.
"Thanks, doc," Soldier said as he left the room, followed by the doc who looked tired.
"So müde..." I heard him mumble, adjusting his glasses. "Ah, vell, let's continue, shall ve? Vhere vere ve?"
"The numbers."
"Ah! Yes! Sehr gut, Tal!"
The next morning, Heavy handed me a smaller, lighter version of "Sasha". However, "Sasha" was still heavy enough for me to nearly drop "her" when he first handed me "Her". "Okay, little girl," Heavy said, "handing me a vest with heavy bullets clipped onto it. "You know what to do, da?" I nodded. "Good. You'll be good. Just be careful of snipers. If you see blue line pointed at you, run." I nodded again.
"Mission begins in ten seconds! Five...four...three...two...one!" That was the day I had my "first" death.
Ach, was ist los? = German for Gah, what's the matter?
So müde = German for so tired
Sehr gut = German for very good!
Da = Russian for yes )
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