Truth Or Dare&Never Have I Ever
*Reka's pov*
As we slipped away from everyone else we made it to the Studio/office shortly after. I checked the fridge to see a note and sake. I read the note, 'Don't be stupid.-🦈' I laughed at the note Kisame left me. I pulled out two bottles and sat them on the table.
"We can either play Never Have I Ever or Truth Or Dare." Mekuto says seriously.
"We can do both." Sakura says smiling.
"Alright, which one first?" Rinkato asks.
"Truth or Dare, un." I say with an evil grin.
"Yeah!" Everyone else except for a few agree.
"Okay Rules! If you don't want to do a dare or answer a truth, you peel off a layer of clothing, un." I say sweetly with an evil grin.
"Nobody can go outside of the studio, it's locked down from the outside. Nobody can leave until morning." Daisuki says with a small smirk.
"What? You never said anything about that." Ino yells at me.
"It's for the villages protection and our own." Eito says.
"What? Why?" Sakura asks confused. Eito, Rinkato, Daisuki and Mekuto look at me. I laugh sheepishly.
"I swear I didn't do anything terrible." I put my hands up in defense. Mekuto gives me a stern look. "What?!"
"You destroyed an entire base." Rinkato says blankly.
"That wasn't my fault, un. Shisui started the fight." I point out. "Let's just play, yah."
"Fine. I'll start off." Mekuto takes a shot and looks around. His eyes land on Rinkato. "Rinkato, Truth or Dare?"
"Dare." He answers with a grin.
"I dare you to..." Mekuto grins evilly. "Kiss the hottest person in this room." Rinkato observes everyone for a second and then walks over to Mekuto and kisses him on the cheek.
"You never said where." Rinkato says shrugging. Mekuto' face turns a bright red. Rinkato takes a shot and looks around the room. "Truth or Dare Sai."
"Who do you like in this room?" Sai's face turns slightly red as he looks at Ino. Sakura and I share a look and we grin at each other.
"Ino." Sai says looking away. Ino blushes slightly. Sai takes a shot and looks around the room. "Truth or Dare, Naruto."
"Dare! Believe it!" Naruto exclaims.
"I dare you to kiss Hinata, on the lips." Sai says with a smirk. I smirk as well seeing Hinata blush madly. Naruto shrugs and kisses Hinata on the lips, causing her to faint. Naruto slightly freaks out when she faints but takes a shot and looks at everyone.
"Truth or dare Shikamaru." Naruto asks.
"Dare." Shikamaru says sighing. Sai leans closer to Naruto and whisper in his ear. He laughs at the dare.
"I dare you to kiss Mire-chan, on the lips for a minute." Naruto says. Shikamaru doesn't even say anything he stands up and kisses me before I can reject. I can feel Sasuke's glare of Shikamaru's back. When he pulls away he whispers in my ear.
"He's going to kill me isn't he?" I nod. "Troublesome woman." He kisses my check and sits down. He takes a shot and looks at Ino. "Truth or Dare, Ino."
"Dare obviously." She says grinning.
"Kiss Choji." He says so blandly. Ino makes a face and yells.
"No way!" She takes off her shirt showing her wrapping around her chest. She takes a shot and looks around the room. Her eyes land on me and she smirks. "Mire, truth or dare."
"Dare." I state smirking. Her smirk grows.
"I dare you to make out with Naruto for two minutes." I stand up and take my shirt off.
"No, no offense Naruto, un. Your like a brother to me." I say as I sit back down and take a shot. I look around the room, my eyes lock on to Eito and I grin. "Eito, truth or dare."
"Truth." He says with a wince.
"Party pooper, un." I pout but then grin. "Is it true you have a thing for Daisuki?" He blushes, stands up and takes his shirt off. He takes his shot then looks around.
"Sakura, truth or dare." Eito grins.
"Dare." Sakura answers, bravely.
"I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Lee." Eito grins, Sakura makes a face and yells.
"No!" She yells. She takes her over shirt off.
"That's cheating! You have to take of that shirt too!" Ino yells at her.
"Actually, it was never stated in the rules." Sakura says. The look at me expecting me to say something.
"I'll allow it, un." I shrug.
"Hah! Alright!" Sakura takes a shot then automatically looks to Temari. "Temari, truth or dare."
"Dare." Temari says cockily.
"I dare you to give Shikamaru a lap dance." Sakura says grinning.
"There's no mus..." Temari gets cut off when I pull out the remote to the stereo, the song Grind On Me comes on. She blushes madly as she stands up. Gaara and Kankuro glare at Shikamaru, not liking their big sister doing stuff like that. All the while Ino, Sakura, TenTen, Karin and I giggle and high five. When the song is over she takes a shot and looks at TenTen. "Truth or dare TenTen."
"Do you like Neji?" Temari snickers. TenTen blushes.
"Yeah. So what?" She answers truthfully. We just shrug and she takes a shot then looks around. She looks at Sasuke and smirks. "Truth or Dare Sasuke."
"I dare you to make out with Sakura." Temari smirks I glare and grab a second sake bottle, taking a swig of it. Sasuke doesn't say anything, he only takes off his shirt and throws it at me, taking the sake from my hands. Sakura's face goes depressed. Sasuke takes a shot and looks around the room.
"Suigetsu, truth or dare."
"Is it true you killed Kisame."
"Yes, and I'd do it again." He shrugs. I throw an empty bottle at Suigetsu's face.
"Don't touch sharky-chan!" I yell as it hits him smack in the face.
"Sharky-chan?" Karin asks raising an eyebrow. I nod.
"Fine." He runs his face and takes a shot. "Karin truth or dare."
"Truth." She snickers.
"Is it true you're a lesbian?" He asks simply.
"No! Why do you ask?!" She yells angry.
"No reason." He shrugs. Karin takes a shot and looks at me.
"Truth or dare Lady Mirekamosu." She asks.
"Truth." I say shrugging.
"Who do you love?! We've been trying to figure this out forever now." I blink at her.
"I'm not answering that." I state as I take my pants off. Karin, Suigetsu, Jugo, Eito, and Daisuki frown.
"Why won't you tell us?! Mekuto, Rinkato, Itachi, Shisui and Rin all know!" They complain. I shrug.
"Too many people know already, un." I say. I take a shot and look around. "Gaara, Truth or dare." I grin.
"Dare." He says leaning forward.
"I dare you to ask out the person you love, right here, right now." I grin evilly. He blinks at me as my eyes shift towards Lee.
"How do you know about that?" I shrug putting my fingers to my lips. He simply takes his shirt off. "I'll ask later." He states. I grin and clap. He takes a shot and looks at Kiba. "Truth or dare Kiba?"
"Dare." Kiba grins.
"I dare you to...." I lean closer to Gaara and whisper in his ear. Gaara snickers at it. "I dare you to go the rest of the night without talking to Akamaru."
"What?! How could you dare me to do such a thing?! No way!!" He yells ripping his shirt off. He takes a shot and looks to Lee. "Truth or Dare Lee."
"Truth!" Lee yells enthusiastically.
"Are you gay?" Kiba asks with a suggestive grin.
"N-" I give him a pointed look. He sighs and nods. Temari and I share a look with a grin. Lee takes a shot and points to Neji. "Truth or Dare Neji!"
"Why do you hate me?!" Lee yells.
"I don't, you're just annoying." Neji says blankly as he takes a sip of sake and looks to Kankuro. "Truth or dare Kankuro."
"Dare." Kankuro grins.
"Kiss your brothers crush." Neji smirks.
"I'm so not doing that." Kankuro says taking off his shirt. He takes a shot of sake then looks around at everyone. "Daisuki truth or dare."
"Who do you like in this room?"
"Eito-senpai." Daisuki says grinning. He takes a shot then looks around. "Choji, truth or dare?"
"Do you have a girlfriend outside of the village?"
"Yeah." Choji says simply with a small blush. He takes a shot and looks to Jugo. "Truth or dare Jugo."
"I dare you to stay away from Sasuke the rest of the night." My eyes widened along with Karins and Sasuke's.
"That's not a good ide-" he cuts me off.
"I'll do it." Jugo says simply, standing up and walking to the other side of the room. I nod and watch him carefully. I hand the sake bottle off to someone else. "Truth or dare Hinata?"
"Truth." She stutters shyly.
"Is it true you're in love with Naruto." Jugo ask. Everyone-except Naruto- snickers knowing the answer. She flushes a bright red and nods. She takes a shot and looks around the room. She looks at Shino.
"Shino, truth or dare."
"Why do you wear glasses almost all the time?" She asks. I lean closer actually curious.
"Yeah, I've been wondering that as well, un." I say pointing at him.
"Because I hate the light." He shrugs. He takes a sip of sake.
"Okay! That was everyone for truth or dare! Now let's play never have I ever!" Rinkato yells.
"You're trying to get me drunk, un." I mutter while going and grabbing a few more bottles. "I'll start off." I say as everyone has a drink in hand. "Never have I ever walked away from someone after kissing them." Sasuke, Jugo, Suigetsu, Rinkato, and Daisuki all take a drink.
"Never have I ever strolled from a kage." Gaara says.
"Damn it." I mutter taking a drink, Mekuto, Rinkato, Naruto, Kankuro, Eito and Jugo take drinks too.
"Stories?" Gaara asks.
"Mekuto, Rinkato, Eito and I stole from all of the kages to form my files, un. I later went back and put the files back, but still I stole from the kages." I shrug.
"So that's where those files went." Temari says pointing at me. I nod and smirk.
"Never have I ever kissed a girl." Kankuro says. I sigh and take another drink, Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin, Jugo, Shino, Kiba, Choji, Shikamaru, Lee and Naruto all take drinks. Everyone looks between Karin and me.
"I know what your thinking, un. Don't even ask, you don't want to know." I say putting my hand up.
"Never have I ever slept in the same bed with someone, not in a sexual way and isn't family." Karin says. I sigh, Sasuke and I both take a drink at the same time, Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Lee, basically everyone except for Daisuki, Karin, Suigestu, and Jugo.
"Never have I ever had sex with someone." Kiba says. Jugo, and Suigestu take a drink.
"Ohmykami! Mire hasn't done that yet?!" Suigetsu exclaims.
"I'm not a whore!" I yell as I punch him extremely hard in the face.
"Never have I ever fell in love until now." Sai says looking at Ino. She takes a drink, Sakura, Shikamaru, Temari, Sasuke, Karin, Naruto, Hinata, Suigetsu and I take a drink.
"Never have I ever kissed a boy." TenTen says. I sigh and take a drink, Sasuke, Naruto, Lee, Gaara, Temari, Sakura, Hinata, Daisuki, Eito, and Karin all take drinks.
"Never have I ever seen Kakashi-sensei without his mask." Naruto says. Nobody drinks. "What!? Nobody's seen him without his mask?"
"No! Team Seven! That's our mission starting tomorrow, yah. Take Kakashi-sensei's mask off!" I exclaims grinning.
"We've tried after the exams." Sakura says. "It was a failed attempt."
"Because you didn't have every member, yah. Now you have me back! We can do it." I grin, Sasuke smirks.
"Never have I ever told my crush that I liked them." Neji says. Jugo, Karin, Sakura, Ino, Sai, TenTen, Naruto, Hinata, Kiba, Choji, Daisuki, Eito, Sasuke and I all take drinks.
"Never have I ever been drunk enough to forget what happened." Temari says. I sigh again. Mekuto, Rinkato, Daisuki, Eito, and I take a drink.
"We tend to drink a lot." Daisuki states.
"Never have I ever gambled." Shikamaru says. Sakura, Sasuke, and I take a drink. A knock is heard on the door so I stand up.
"Keep playing, I'll be back, un." I say as I stumble to the door putting Sasuke's shirt on. I open it to see three people I didn't know.
"Mirekamosu?" The dark skinned, shy looking male spoke.
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