Memories; Part Two
*just like part one; no pov. Will be said in the memory*
-12 year old Reka, 13 year old Hinata, 13 year old Neji, Reka's pov-
I was walking through the village past the Hyūga compound. As I was walking past the compound I saw Hinata and Neji training. I stopped and watched for a minute. I saw Neji go to land a killing blow against Hinata, I waited a second thinking an elder was there to activate the seal on him but when I realized there wasn't an elder around I jumped in and stopped him. I had pushed Hinata out of the way and took on the same stance as Neji.
"Hinata-sama, are you alright, un?" I asked addressing her professionally in the compound.
"Y-y-yes." She nods.
"Why are you here Mirekamosu?" Neji asks dangerously. "Move out of the way." He demands.
"Why? So you could kill Hinata-sama?" I ask tightening my stance even more.
"Move." He snarls.
"Hinata-sama, get out of here, un." I order.
"N-no." She says. "I-I'm n-not l-l-leaving y-you t-to f-fi-fight m-my b-battle." She stutters out. I nod an okay.
Neji comes at me full force, I thought anyway, but he missed me completely and went towards Hinata. I ran in front of her and took the blow. By this time Haishi had ran out and activated the seal on Neji.
"Thank you for protecting my daughter." He bowed to me. I bowed back.
"It wasn't anything Lord Haishi. Hinata-sama is a friend, I'd do anything for a friend, un." I say seriously.
-13 year old Reka and 16 year old Kabuto (a/n I know he's actually 19-20 but in my story he isn't.) she's been with Orochimaru for five months, Reka's pov-
"Chaos?" Kabuto says as he plops down on my bed beside me. I was laying on my bed reading because I was waiting for Mekuto and Rinkato to come back with information on new recruits.
"Yes?" I question not taking my eyes off the book.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asks in a whiny tone.
"Why, hmm?" I ask back. He doesn't answer he takes my book and kisses me again. My eyes widen and I punch him in his face. "I'm not a free pass you idiot!" I yell as I kick him through the door to my room, breaking the door and part of the wall.
"Damn. I was only messing around." He mutters holding his side. I glare and walk out of the hideout to my studio to work.
-14 year old Reka, 16 year old Mekuto and Rinkato, 28 year old Rin, 29 year old Shisui, 25 year old Akio, first encounter, Akio's pov-
"Akio Gin, un?" A blonde girl asks jumping off of a clay bird.
"Who are you?" I asked glaring taking a defensive stance.
"Mirekamosu. These are my friends Mekuto, Rinkato, Rin and Shisui. We're not here to hurt you, un." The girl said calmly. "If you want you can call me Mire or Chaos, everyone else does."
"Why are you asking for me?" I ask not letting my guard down. "What do you want with me?"
"Well, with the information I've got on you, I know you've never had a village to belong to right?" The black haired boy with a blue strip asks. I nod. "You can manipulate medal?" He asks.
"How do you know that?" I ask glaring.
"They gathered some information on you, un. I've got an offer for you. I need your help breaking into somewhere to gather a file, un. It's not going to be an easy job but with your skill it'll go a lot smoother." She says smiling.
"Why would I help you steal a file?" I ask glaring even more.
"Do you want to help save the world?" The brown haired girl with purple markings on her cheeks asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask a little curious.
"You see I'm working on something that could possibly save the world, un. But I need help." Chaos says simply.
"Why should I help?" I glare again.
"Because you'll be a savior." The guy with one eye says. The blonde boy whistles and Chaos jumps out of the way of an Akatsuki member.
"The famous Mirekamosu. You have a high bounty on that pretty little head of yours. All of you have a high bounty on your heads." Kakuzu states.
"I don't have time for you two today, un." Chaos says. "Akio, what's your choice? Stay here get killed, un? Or come with me and save the world?"
"I'll come with you. But it's not permanent yet." I state. She nods and creates a large bird.
-14 Reka, 16 Mekuto and Rinkato, 25 Akio, 28 Rin, 29 Shisui and 19 Daisuki and 20 Eito, first encounter, Reka's pov-
We just approached the two new recruits and instantly it turned into a battle. They didn't even give me a chance to explain anything. Just straight up attacked.
"Can we just talk for a minute, yah?!" I yelled dodging a sword.
"How did you find us?!" Eito yells swinging his scythe around to hit us.
"Shisui, you never said anything about them being crazy!" Rin yells at him.
"They didn't seem crazy!" He yells back dodging kunai.
"We need your help, yah!" I yell trying to get them to calm down but I failed miserably. "Fine, yah. I didn't want to do this." I say as I make hand signs. "Mind Infiltration; mind control." I sat in an instant they stop fighting.
"Why can't I move?" Eito asks struggling.
"It's no use. I've got you under my control, un. Listen, we want to recruit you two in our group. Not hurt you. You're both powerful, and you can help me create a peace and save the world, un. You want peace, as we do as well." I say simply.
"Lady Mirekamosu, you're looking pale." Akio says as he steadied me out.
"I'm fine. What do you say about joining us, hmmm?" I ask them.
"It would be worth it Eito." Daisuki says lowly.
"Fine." Eito says. My jutsu wears off.
"Good. Let's get back to the base, un." I say falling on the ground.
"Can't move?" Mekuto asks crouching next to me.
"Remind me to work more on my mind jutsu's, yah?" I say.
"Got it boss." He says picking me up.
"You're still so reckless." Shisui says sighing.
-15 Reka, Orochimaru, Reka's pov-
I was spending the day in the lab with Orochimaru. At first I was skeptical thinking he was still experimenting with children but he isn't. So we're spending the day in the lab looking for a cure.
"Here, you'll need thissss." Orochimaru handsome a lab coat and goggles.
"Thanks." I reply slipping it on and the goggles on. We walk into the lab and go to the cabinets.
"Okay, we need hissss blood, ssseveral tesst tubesss, a beaker, thisss plant, thisss one and thisss one asss well. Maybe thisss?" He holds up some weird plants I shrug so he grabs it. "Ssseveral needelsss, and the microssscope." As we put everything on the table we begin to work on the cure.
"Uchiha blood is fascinating." I mutter looking under the scope. Orochimaru raises an eyebrow at me. "Look at it. It looks like it's on fire, un." I say seriously. He takes the scope and looks.
"Indeed." He hisses amazed. "I wonder." He mutters grabbing some gas and looks at me. I raise an eyebrow at him. He puts the gas on the Uchiha blood and BOOM! An explosion goes off and we go flying back.
"What the hell happened in here?!" Kabuto, Rin, Sasuke and his team all came running in. Orochimaru and I looked at each other and bust out laughing like maniacs.
"That wassss interesssting." Orochimaru says.
"Who would have known that his blood could be explosive, un. I figured big brothers and mine would be but his? That was fun, un." I laugh.
"You two are crazy." Kabuto says. I shrug and laugh.
"You blew up all of the blood Orochimaru." Rin says looking at the blood.
"I didn't mean to do that. It wasss jussst an exxxxperiment." He shrugs.
"I'll have Rinkato and Mekuto get more, un. Don't worry." I shrug.
"I was hoping that killed them." Karin says walking away.
-15 Reka encountering 30 year old Kynlee, Kynlee's pov-
"Kynlee Kei?" Someone called from behind me. I turned to see a bling girl, around the age of 14 or so. I couldn't really tell. She had bright blue eyes and a kind look.
"Who's asking?" I question curiously. My white hair blew in the wind.
"Mirekamosu, or Chaos, Mire or Kamo if you like, un." She answers.
"What do you want from me?" I question as I lean against a tree.
"Would you like to join my cause for world peace, un?" She asks.
"Oh, so you're from the Akatsuki." I say sighing.
"Uh, no. I'm against the Akatsuki, and saving some of them, un. I have a whole team helping me and I could use someone with your unique ability. I know you strive for peace as my entire team does, un. As my mentors do, as I do. You could be an amazing asset." She says with a large smile.
"What's in it for me?" I question her. "How do you know that I won't turn around a kill you when your backs turned?"
"You will be well known, as someone who helped create peace. And I don't know if you'll turn around and kill me or not." She shrugs so carefree.
"Aren't you afraid of me? I am a missing ninja, an s-ranked, missing nin. I'm dangerous kid. You should just go on home." I say a bit annoyed.
"I know who you are, yah. You're Kynlee Kei, an immortal Jashinist, of the new age. You do not sacrifice anymore but you do in fact pray more. If you must kill though, you sacrifice to Lord Jashin, un. I admire Jashinist, to comprehend someone else's pain, and not to fear death. I suppose I am a Jashinist at heart, I just never practiced Jashinism myself." She says thinking for a moment. "You would make an excellent asset to the team."
"How do you know about Jashinism? The Bible's have been destroyed, except for mine and Hidan's." I say glaring.
"I take it you don't like Hidan to well, hmm?" She asks. I shake my head no. "It's understandable, he's making it seem the Jashinism is evil." She says as she giggles slightly.
"It is evil. There's no doubt about that. We punish those who do not sympathize with someone else's pain. We sacrifice to those who dis on Lord Jashin. We're hardly aloud to love, we go weeks without eating or sleeping. And pain is to be our only love. It cleanses us." I say as I imagine pain.
"I understand that, un. Really I do. Would you join me, un? I'm sure there will be more evil in he world even after peace is settled, you could be a major help, un. And you can even promote Jashinism the way it should be." She says grinning.
"Fine. Only if I can put Hidan in his place when the time comes." I say, she nods in understanding. "Then I'll come with." I smile a bit at her.
"Yes! Welcome to the team Kynlee, un!" She says bowing at me and smiling brightly.
*Reka's pov*
"When is she going to wake up!?" I hear Rinkato exclaim.
"I don't know Rinkato." I can hear Orochimaru sigh.
"It's been a year! Kushina, Mikoto, Rin and Konan have all had their babies. Chaos is the Godmother to each of them but she still hasn't seen them." Mekuto says frantically.
"Are you serious? I missed my God Babies births, un." I say as I slowly sit up.
"Chaos!!" Rinkato and Mekuto yell as they fling their arms over me and sob.
"You were in a coma for a while, chaossss." Orochimaru says looking over my chart.
"Get off of her you two. Let me make sure she's alright." Kabuto says pushing my idiot friends off of me.
"Was I really put for a year?" I ask. Kabuto nods and does a complete check up. "Obito and Madara weren't there." I say after a moment.
"What do you mean?" Mekuto asks straightening up.
"They didn't die." I say seriously. "I couldn't pick up their chakra anywhere there, un."
"But we saw them die." Rinkato says serious.
"Maybe not." Orochimaru says. I raise an eyebrow at him and he continues. "I can't ssseem to bring them back with the reanimation jutssssu." P
"That's weird." I state leaning back in bed.
"Stop moving." Kabuto orders annoyed. "Something's still wrong with your lungs. It'll be hard to travel." He says after a moment.
"Let me hear." Orochimaru says as he takes the stethoscope and checks my lungs. "Ssstrange. Lady Tsssunade will have to fixxx you up. Like Kabuto sssaid it will be hard to travel but you can."
"What about my jutsu, un? How long before I can preform it?"
"A week or sssso at mossst." He says.
"When can I leave?" I ask seriously. He sighs.
"You can leave whenever you want. Jussst be careful, you're not a full ssstrengeth. And anyone who isss your enemy who ssseesss you will know that. Sssso be careful." He says. I nod and stand up.
"Come on guys. I wanna see my go babies. What did they have, hmm?" I ask curiously.
"Mikoto had a baby boy, she named him Hakai Uchiha. Rin had a boy, named Daniel Hatake, also Kakashi is about to be announced as Hokage in a few weeks. Kushina had a beautiful baby girl named Marisa Uzumaki. And Konan had a girl as well. She named her Ninata." Rinkato says smiling.
"So Nagato and Konan finally got together, hmmm?" I ask grinning. They nod and I smile. "It's a good thing I got some baby stuff for both boys and girls before we left." I laugh.
"Yeah that is a good thing." Mekuto says.
"Alright guys. Let's get outta here, un." I say.
"Let's go." Kabuto says as he bends in front of me to carry me. "You can't walk far so hop on."
"You don't have to tell me twice, yah." I say laughing lightly but stopping as I cough.
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