Memories; Part One
*No pov, will be anyone's Memory, I'll state who's at the beginning, most will be Reka's though*
-8 year old, Reka, coming to Konoha for the first time-
I was riding on the back of one of the Konoha ANBU as we arrived at the village gates. I looked around the village in awe as I was escorted to the Hokage Tower. I was completely awestruck as we arrived at the tower that I didn't realize we'd already gone inside.
"What's your name child?" A gruff, yet kind voice asked me.
"My names Mirekamosu, Lord Hokage, un." I stated bowing to him.
"How old are you?" He asks.
"Eight years old sir." I reply smiling.
"Do you wish to become a ninja?" He asks lightly.
"Yes sir, un. I want to prove to my brother I'm as strong as him, one day." I say grinning.
"Would you mind talking to Ibiki? Just to gather some intel? You know what intel means right?"
"Yes sir. You want information of my village and of my abilities. To make sure I'm not a threat, un." I say in a matter of fact tone.
-9 year old Sasuke, meeting Mirekamosu for the first time.-
It's been exactly one year after the massacre. I was summoned to the Hokage tower after the Academy let out. I walked into the Hokage tower with an emotionless face -as usual- and up to Lord Thirds office. The door was closed so I knocked. I heard a 'come in' so I did.
When I opened the door I saw this beautiful blonde haired girl, with stunning blue eyes. She wore a green sweater, khaki shorts and knee length white socks with black ninja sandals. Her outfit wasn't the best looking but she was beautiful nonetheless.
"Ah, Sasuke, meet Mirekamosu. Mirekamosu meet Sasuke Uchiha." Lord Hokage introduced us.
"Hiya Sasuke. It's nice to meet you, yah." The girl smiles at me.
"Hn." I reply simply.
"Is it alright if she stays with you? Her brother left her in our hands but none of the villagers have any room for her. You can show her around and help get her settled into the academy as well. She will be joining next week." Lord Hokage asks.
"Fine. Come one Mir-" I had trouble pronouncing her name. "I'm just going to call you Reka." I state looking at her.
"Okay!" She smiles and follows me.
-9&10 year old Reka and Sasuke(third person pov)-
"Sasuke!" Reka yelled through the house. She'd been looking for Sasuke for a while now but couldn't find him. "Sasuke! Where are you, hmmm?" She yells again. The sound of someone yelling and crying came from one of the rooms. Reka ran to the room worried.
"Why big brother? Why'd you do it?" A sob and mumbling is heard on the other side. Reka opened the door quietly and walked in silently.
"Sasuke, un?" She asked lowly sitting behind him. He whirled around with a kunai in hand, holding it to her throat. She didn't flinch at the sudden outburst, she simply smiled lightly at him.
"What do you want Reka?" Sasuke asked annoyed.
"You to be happy." She replied simply. "Tell me what's wrong, yah? Maybe I can help you?" She suggests.
"You can't help." He says stubbornly.
"You never know, un." She replied.
"Two years ago. My older brother massacred my entire clan. Leaving me alive." Sasuke says lowly. "Do you know what he said to me?" She shakes her head no. "He said 'There is no value in killing the likes of you... foolish little brother, if you wish to kill me, then hate me, detest me, curse me, and survive in an unsightly way. Run, run and cling to your pitiful life.'."
She didn't say anything, she only analyzed Sasuke's composure. Seeing he still, in some way, loved his older brother. She hugged him seeing the pain in his eyes. Seeing all the hurt he's felt. She hugged him.
"Why don't we go train, yah? Burn some steam off?" Reka suggests.
"Yeah, I'll teach you the Fire ball jutsu then." He says whipping tears away and standing up.
-9 year old Reka, saving 10 year old Naruto from being beat up, Naruto's pov-
It was a normal day, insults thrown my way left and right. Nobody liked me, everyone hated me. I was a monster, I was evil, I was a demon. I don't even know why, but I was. A group of older kids cornered me and started yelling at me. Telling me to go die already. They'd begun to punch me and kick me, some even stabbed me with Kunai's.
"Why don't you leave him alone, hmmm?" A girl asked as she stepped into the ally.
"Why don't you go play with your make up, girly." One of the boys sneered at her.
"Sorry I don't like make up. Nor do I like people bullying other people for no reason, un. I'll ask you once more, please leave him alone?"
"No." Another boy says as he punches me. The girl grabs his fist as she runs in between us.
"If he's not going to defend himself then I'll defend him, yah." She punched the guy in the gut but it didn't do much.
"You punch like a girl." He says laughing.
"I didn't want to do this." She stuck her hands in her pouch, then flung her arms outwards. Showing mouths on her hands, a clay bird flew at the boys.
"What's this?" They asked. She snickered as she made a hand signs.
"It's art, yah! Katsu!" She say and it blew up in the boys faces. "Now leave before I make a bigger work of art out of you, un." The boys scramble to leave. "Are you okay Naruto?" She asks.
"How'd you know my name?" I ask scooting away from her.
"I'm in your class in the academy. My names Mirekamosu, but most people call me Mire or Kamo, un." She replies smiling at me. "I'm not going to hurt you, come on. Let's go get something to eat, hmm?" She asks smiling holding her hand out for me to take. I take her hand and smile brightly at her.
"We're friends now! Believe it!" I exclaim.
-10 year old Reka and 11 year old Sasuke, Reka's pov-
Sasuke and I were laying on the ground, exhausted from training, when a thought crossed my mind and I began laughing.
"What's so funny?" Sasuke asked slightly annoyed.
"Your hair, yah." I reply between laughs.
"What's wrong with my hair?" Sasuke asked confused.
"It looks like a Duck Ass." I started laughing harder. "Your new nickname is Duck Ass Uchiha, yah!" I declare.
"No." He states simply.
"Yup!" I say simply.
"Hahah! You agreed, un!" I exclaim jumping up and pointing at him.
"What? No I didn't!" He thinks. "Damn it." He mumbles.
-12 year old Reka, 13 year old Sakura, Sakura's pov-
"Leave my forehead out of this Pig!" I exclaimed as Ino and I were arguing over Sasuke-kun.
"It's not nice to call others name, yah. Besides Sakura's forehead is big because she's smart." Someone says from behind us.
"Huh?" We both say looking back.
"Oh, Mire. Why are you sticking up for forehead over here?" Ino-pig asks.
"Because she's the smartest Konichi in class Ino. Not saying you're not smart, she's just smarter, yah. Besides, it's not nice for you to call her pig either Sakura." Mirekamosu, my top rival. She's seen with Sasuke a lot but she doesn't seem to like him how every other girl does.
"She started, cha!" I exclaim.
"Nonetheless it's not nice, un. Be the bigger person. Here, you can both sit by Duck Ass, un." She gets up and sits behind him.
"Thanks Mire!" We both says smiling at her.
*Reka's pov*
"Look, she's starting to wake up." I hear someone say, I groan and put a pillow over my head.
"Go away, yah." I mutter lowly.
"Itsss good to sssee you awake." Orochimaru hisses in delight. I sit up slowly and look around. "You didn't die thisss time around. You almosssst did though."
"Thanks for saving me, again." I thank him. "How long was I out, hmm?" I ask.
"A couple of days. Everyone is waiting for you at Konoha so they can get on with punishments and such." Mekuto says.
"Chaos!" Rin exclaims running in and hugging me.
"Hey Rin." I smile lightly. "What's the verdict so far, un?" I ask scooting over so she can sit with me.
"Right now, the Akatsuki members are in solitary confinement until your return, along with Sasuke and his teammates. Shisui and I gave Lady Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage the files but she refuses to do anything yet. Danzō has been killed." She informs.
"Okay." I say seriously. "Let's pack up, yah. We head out in a little bit." I say seriously.
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