Family Time!
*Reka's pov*
It's been a month since Big Brother and I were captured. I thought, it'd be nice to spend the day together. Just the two of us. I went to the living room looking for him but didn't find him. I heard a small crash in the kitchen.
"Ouch, un." I heard him mutter. I walked into the kitchen to see big brother cooking breakfast. I laughed slightly as I leaned against the doorway. "Oh, Chaos un. You're awake, hmm. I was making some breakfast for us, un." He says looking back at me smiling.
"Yeah, heh. Looks like you need some help, un." I say referring to his clumsiness.
"No, no, un. I've got it, so sit down, yah." He orders pointing a spatula at me I laugh and put my hands up in surrender.
"Sure, sure." I laugh lightly. I took a seat at the table and watched. "What do you have planned for the day, big brother?" I ask after a few minutes.
"Nothing much, un. Just some Christmas shopping, yah." He says shrugging. "Why, hmm?" He asks glancing back at me.
"I just thought we could spend the day together, un. We haven't had any family time lately." I reply.
"I like the sound of that, yah." He grins at me as he sets the table. Setting two eggs, some rice, bacon and toast on our plate.
"This smells amazing big brother." I grin. He smiles at me.
"Let's dig in, yah." He says laughing. I take a bite and it beings to melt into my mouth.
"This is freaking amazing, un." I say with a wide grin.
"Thank you, un." He says as we continue to eat.
"Thank you for breakfast." I say after we finished eating.
"You're welcome Chaos, un." He says as he collects our plates and begins to wash them. I stand up and help him dry and put them away.
"So, what happened to you and Jade, hmm?" I ask curiously.
"I broke up with her, yah." He says shrugging. I raise an eyebrow at him but don't say anything. "What about you, hmm? What's going on with you and that Uchiha brat, un?"
"You mean Sasuke?" He nods and I shrug. "I don't know, un. One minute he's the sweetest person ever, then the next he's cold hearted." I sigh as I lean against the wall.
"You seem disappointed, un." He says looking back at me. I shrug. "Let's not dwell on it, yah. Go get dressed, then we can go shopping un." He says smiling.
*Sasuke's pov*
I woke up to the sound of mom yelling at everyone to wake up and come eat breakfast. Last night she said that everyone was going to spend the day together. As a family. Itachi and I didn't really object since we don't mind, but Dad did. He doesn't do family things but he is still a good father. I walked downstairs to see Itachi setting the table more mom. I walked into the kitchen and kissed mom on the cheek.
"Morning." I greet Itachi, dad and mom.
"Good morning Sasuke." Mom greets back smiling.
"Hn." Dad greets back reading the paper.
"Morning little brother." Itachi smiles and messes up my hair. I swat his hand away as I sit down next to dad.
"How'd you sleep?" Mom asks as she set food in front of everyone. I grab an egg, a piece of toast, and a small tomato.
"I slept alright." I reply simply as I break my chopsticks to eat.
"What about you Itachi?" Mom asks looking at Itachi.
"I slept fine mother." He smiles lightly.
"What about you Fugaku?" Mom asks looking at Dad. He looks to mom and smiles.
"I slept fine hunny. How about you?" He asks.
"I slept well." She replies amiling. "We should have a Christmas Party this year. Our first Christmas again as a family." Mom suggests. "All our friends can come."
"We should." Dad agrees. "It should be in the honor of Mirekamosu. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't be a family."
"Speaking of Mirekamosu." Mom looks at me as we all finish eating. "What's with the two of you?"
"What do you mean?" I ask narrowing my eyes slightly.
"They're in love." Itachi says with a sly smirk.
"No! She's just a friend." I say simply crossing my arms.
"Oh really?" Dad asks raising an eyebrow at me. I nod. "That's a shame. She'd make a wonderful Uchiha."
"She'd be a beautiful bride as well." Mom says smiling.
"She's just a friend?" Itachi questions sitting his hands on the table. "Then what was that kiss in her studio before the second stage of the chūnin exams?"
"How do you know about that?" I ask blushing slightly.
"I was hiding in the studio." He deadpans. I glare at him slightly.
"That was nothing." I say simply.
"She made something out of it." Itachi says shrugging. I sigh and tub the bridge of my nose.
"So you two are a thing after all?" Mom asks with a wide grin.
"No." I reply shortly.
"Why not?" Dad questions.
"I don't know. She hasn't spoken to me since we rescued her." I say looking away. "It's like she's avoiding me."
"Why?" Mom furrows her brows while I shrug.
"She's afraid of lightning Sasuke. When you use Chidori to take out her captors." Itachi says seriously. My eyes widen slightly as realization dawned on me.
"Why is she afraid of lighting?" Mom asked. Itachi just shook his head as I looked down. I stood up and put my plate in the sink. Itachi gathered the other plates and put them in the sink to.
"Don't worry little brother. She forgives you, she's just scared." He says lowly as we both wash and dry the dishes. I just nod and put them away.
"Everyone go get dressed. We're going Christmas shopping." Mom says happily.
*Naruto's pov*
"Naruto, breakfast!" Mom yells from down stairs.
"Coming!" I yell as I throw on my jacket and rush down the stairs and take a seat next to dad.
"Morning Naruto." Dad says as he takes a sip of coffee.
"Good morning, mom, dad." I say with a wide grin.
"How'd you sleep?" Mom asks sitting a plate with eggs, bacon, and a bowl of ramen down in front of me.
"Amazing, believe it!" I say with a grin as I begin to eat.
"Slow down Naruto. Your going to chock, y'know." Mom says with a warning look. Just as she said I started to chock. "I told you so."
"We should spend the day together." Dad suggests taking a bite of food.
"Yeah!" Mom and I both say together with huge grins.
"What are we going to do though?" I ask as I finish eating.
"Let's go Christmas shopping. It'll be fun, y'know." Mom says grinning.
"Do you think Mikoto will be hosting a Christmas part like she would normally?" Dad asks mom.
"Probably, y'know. She likes to take control during the holidays. She's probably has those boys arms loaded down by now already." Mom laughs slightly. I laugh as I picture Teme with his arms loaded down.
"I wouldn't be laughing Naruto." Dad says sighing. "Your mothers just as bad." I pale slightly but shrug.
"Let's go, believe it! I'm pumped to go shopping as a family." I say grinning.
*Reka's pov*
Big brother and I have been walking shop to shop buying things for our friends for Christmas. It was about lunch time so we decided to stop somewhere and get some food.
"Where do you want to eat, hmmm?" Big Brother asks curiously. I glanced around where we were and grinned.
"Let's go to Ichiraku's, un. They've got the best ramen ever." I sat happily. Big brother nods and we go over to Ichiraku's and sit down.
"Mire-chan." Ayame greets grinning as big brother and I sit in my usual area.
"Hey Ayame." I greet back. "This is my big brother Deidara. Big brother this is Ayame." I introduce them.
"Mire, how's it going? The usual?" Teuchi asks with a wide grin.
"Yes please." I look at big brother and he shrugs. "He'll have the same, un." I grin. "Teuchi, this is my big brother Deidara, big brother this is Teuchi, Ayame's father."
"It's nice to meet you, un." Big brother bows out of respect.
"No need to bow. It's nice to meet you as well. Your sister here is a regular customer of ours." Teuchi says happily. "Between her and Naruto it's hard to tell who eats more."
"Hey old man Teuchi!" I hear my blonde friend yell entering the shop. Then I hear a smack.
"At least I don't call you old man Teuchi, un." I reply as he sets our bowls in front of us.
"The usual Naruto?" Ayame asks.
"Believe it!" Naruto yells. Big brother and I were eating as Naruto, Minato and Kushina sat beside us. "Hey Mire-chan."
"Hey Naruto. What's up, hmm?" I ask slurping up my noodles. Big Brother smacks the back of my head.
"Don't talk with your mouthful, un. I taught you more then playing with boys, un. Use your manners, hmmm." He scolds.
"Ouch. Sorry big brother." I say rubbing my head. Naruto laughs at me until Kushina glares at him. "So what are you guys doing, hmmm?" I ask cocking my head to the side. I eat the rest of my bowl and at the same time Naruto and I hold our bowls out for seconds. Ayame laughs and hands us another bowl each.
"We were out shopping, but got hungry. Believe it." Naruto says laughing.
"Same, yah." Big Brother says laughing slightly. The door opened to the restaurant and I hear Sasuke's voice.
"Told you we'd find them here." Sasuke tells his family.
"Teme." Naruto glares. I look away from him and continue to eat. I hold my bowl out for thirds, while Naruto does the same for fourths.
"Naruto, when did you get a third bowl?!" I exclaim glaring at him.
"Get use to it Mire-chan. I can out eat you and Teme any day. Believe it." Naruto says grinning. I scoff at him while Sasuke glares.
"Here they go." Teuchi says laughing. "Ayame, get the bowls ready and the buckets." He sets up our table and the three of us sit at the table.
"What's going on?" Minato asks confused.
"Eating contest. It happens when the three of them are in here together." Ayame says setting buckets behind us.
"Whoever throws up first loses. You each have 55 bowls to eat within an hour. Whoever wins gets free lunch today." Teuchi says putting the bowls in front of us.
"I hate to break it to you Reka but you're gonna lose." Sasuke says with a smirk.
"Duck Ass you haven't beaten me in an eating contest since i moved to the village, un." I deadpan.
"Ready?" Ayame asks, we all nod. "Begin!"
"Come on Naruto!" Kushina cheers on.
"Chaos, you can do it, un." Big Brother says laughing.
"Sasuke, come on! You can do it!" Mikoto cheers on glaring at Kushina. Going into rivalry mode.
Naruto's on his seventh, while I'm on my sixth, Sasuke on his sixth as well. We eat and eat. At 27, Sasuke throws up. I kick him away from me to keep myself from throwing up as well. I'm on my 33rd bowl while Naruto is on his 34th. I finally get on the same level with Naruto, us both being on 41, but I lose it and throw up.
"Naruto wins! Again!" Ayame exclaims.
"Damn." I mutter to myself.
"I hate the both of you." Sasuke mutters still throwing up.
"Ew." I say scouting away from him.
"Here Duck Ass. Take this, un." I give him some sickness medicine I usually carry around. He nods, takes it and leans on Itachi.
"What brings you here Mikoto, y'know?" Kushina asks.
"We were Christmas shopping." Mikoto replies grinning. "We're having a Christmas party..."
"In honor of you, Mirekamosu." Fugaku says looking at me.
"In honor of me?" I ask confused. "Why me, un?"
"We called it Kushina." Minato says grinning.
"Christmas party with the Uchiha's." Naruto grins. I shake my head.
"Sounds fun I suppose." I shrug.
"Hey, Chaos, un. We should probably finish shopping then, yah." Big brother suggests.
"Yeah. Sounds fun, un. Thank you Teuchi!" I tell laying money on the table for everyone's food.
"Mire! This is too much!" Ayame yells.
"It's for everyone else's, yah!" I exclaim as big brother and I run to the next shop.
*Sasuke's pov*
"And there she goes...." Naruto says standing next to me.
"Always paying for everything." I finish his sentence.
"What do you mean?" Dad asks.
"It's who she is. The first time we went out as a team she yelled at sensei for paying." Naruto says shrugging.
"Hey Naruto, what are you getting Reka for Christmas?" I ask turning to him.
"Art supplies. Believe it." He replies. "What about you?"
"I don't know. I figured mostly everyone will get her either Pocky or art supplies. I want to get her something different though." I say sulking.
"Is this love we're witnessing?" Kushina asks mom grinning.
"No!" I yell crossing my arms.
"Face it little brother. You love her." Itachi teases. I glare but blush.
"Wait! Teme you like Mire-chan?!" Naruto asks shaking me.
"Stop you dobe." I say as I push him away. He narrows his eyes at me and I sigh. "So what if I do. Not like she likes me anymore." I turn away from him.
"He admitted it." Mom says happily hugging me.
"Mooooommmmm." I say pushing her away slightly.
"Teme, you're denser then me." Naruto deadpans. "Mire-chan loves you more then Sakura-chan. If you think about it Mire-chan knows you the best." Naruto says looking at me with a knowing look.
"How do you know, dobe?" I ask annoyed. He sighs and shakes his head.
"She talks about you like you put the stars in the sky. She looks at you the same way as well. Believe it." I blink at him confused.
"You really are dense little brother." Itachi says messing up my hair. I push his hand away glaring at him.
"Come on sweetie. I'll help you find the perfect present for her." Mom says pulling me into a hug. Naruto snickers but ultimately gets caught in the same situation as me by his mom.
*Reka's pov*
"It's been a long day, hmmm." Big brother says as we walk into the house. Lady Hokage had someone build me a new, bigger house. Most of the Akatsuki live with me, along with some of my teammates. Sasori, big brother and I share the studio though. I haven't made them their own yet.
"Yeah. It's been a long day." I say sigh as set bags down.
"What are these?" Konan asks as she goes to pick a bag up.
"Presents. Put them down, un." I glare. "I'm going and putting mine in my room, yah. You should do the same big Brother." I say giving him a look.
"Yeah. Un." He says standing up grabbing his bags. I do the same and we head to our own rooms.
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