*Reka's pov*
I had called Lady Tsunade, Lord Jiraiya, Kakashi-sensei, Rin, Shisui, Kabuto, Mekuto, Rinkato, Lord Third and Minato to a meeting. Why? Because I wanted to bring a few more people back, but would need their permission to do so. Well I'd need the Hokage's permissions. Rin, Shisui, Kabuto, Mekuto and Rinkato where there since they've been there with me for this process the longest. I'd also be bringing Orochimaru through a hologram I'd created.
I was waiting in the Hokage tower with Lady Tsunade, Rin, Rinkato, Shisui, Mekuto and Kabuto, for Kakashi-sensei, Lord Third and Minato. They all showed up after a little bit.
"Mirekamosu, why have you called this meeting?" Lady Tsunade asks. I put a finger up and pull out the hologram. Orochimaru popped up confused.
"Lady Mirekamosssssu? Why do you ssssummon me?" Orochimaru asked.
"Why is he here?!" Lady Tsunade asks angered.
"He's needed for this. Besides this is only a hologram." Kabuto says sighing as he pushes his glasses up.
"Kamo, why did you call this meeting?" Kakashi-sensei asks. I lay few files out on the table. Obito Uchiha's, Haku, and Zabuza Momochi.
"I want to bring back these three people." I say seriously as I eat some Pocky I'd brought. "Obito isn't necessarily innocent but if I could speak with him I may be able to talk him into your conditions, un. Haku and Zabuza I know are fairly innocent and when they died they had a change of heart. Now this is where Orochimaru comes in, I'll have to die for the third time to speak with them though, un." I say seriously.
"So why hold this meeting?" Lady Tsunade asks.
"One, I need your permission as active Hokage to bring Obito back. Two, I need permission to take Kabuto out of the village, since I only trust Orochimaru and him to bring me back in time, un. Three, i feel this should actually be voted on." I say seriously.
"Orochimaru, what are the odds of Mirekamosu coming back?" Lord Jiraiya asks looking at Orochimaru.
"Honessstly?" Orochimaru asks. Everyone else nods, and he sighs. He reached over in his filing cabinet and looked over my file. "The oddsss aren't the besssst."
"Out of ten? What are the odds, hmm?" I ask.
"Four out of ten. Ssssince you'll have to die for a longer time." Orochimaru answers.
"Do you think you can pull this off Mirekamosu?" Lady Tsunade asks.
"I believe I can, un." I say shrugging.
"What do the rest of you think?" She asks glancing around the room.
"I believe she can but I don't want to chance losing my student." Kakashi-sensei says simply.
"You're being reckless again Chaos." Shisui says looking me dead in the eye. "If she thinks she can then I'm with her 100% of the way." He sighs after a minute.
"I'm with you 100% of the way Chaos, but if you die then I'm going to bring you back somehow and kill you myself." Rin says glaring at me. I put my hands up in surrender at her.
"We're with you on this 100% Chaos. We'll be there whenever you want to do it." Mekuto and Rinkato say together with wide grins.
"Mirekamosu, do you think you can talk Obito into following the rules?" Minato asks seriously. I nod with a smile. "And you are sure you can bring her back in time?" He asks Orochimaru.
"I don't sssee why I can't." Orochimaru shrugs.
"The statistics have said you wouldn't survive the first time, or the second time. Even know they tell me you won't survive." Kabuto says seriously. "But, the first two times you proved statistics wrong. I'll help with the procedure." He says pushing his glasses up. Everyone looks to Lord Third for his thoughts.
"I believe in you Mirekamosu. You have my blessing to do so." He says taking a puff of his pipe. Lady Tsunade sighs.
"Kakashi, we're out voted. We have no other choice but to let her continue with it." Lady Tsunade says crossing her arms. "Though the conditions will be higher for Obito. He is probably one of the strongest enemy nins defeated so he will have more restrictions. As he will be monitored by ANBU, and will have to live with you with the others. You will have to take full responsibility for him along with Haku and Zabuza."
"Well it seems all the ex criminals live with me anyway, except for Itachi and Sasuke, un. I expected for them to end up in my house." I say shrugging. "I take responsibility for all of them anyway. That's fine."
"When will you be coming?" Orochimaru asks.
"After Christmas, un." I say simply.
"Very well. Ssssend me a messssage ssso I can get everything ready." He says, I nod and his hologram cuts out.
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