Treatment starts
Well after working for a bunch here it is in all its glory, and I am going to be working on it
"They are going to take her blood to see what stage she is in and then we go from there," Logan says after the doctor came in to see her and check her over
"Okay if she needs blood I think we should get tested to see if one of us is a match," Kendall says to Logan
"I think that is a good idea that way one of us can give it to her," Logan says as he was going to hold Sparkle for a little bit cause she wanted papa and he didn't blame her at all
Kendall was going to see about that while Logan was with the girls
"Okay, Emma wanna watch something to get your mind off the doctors?" Logan asks her
She nods as she looks at him
"Okay let's see what we can find for you baby girl," he says as he was going to turn on the TV for her
Logan gets her a show that she might want to watch and she loves it
"Okay baby I will stay here with you," he says as he was going to hold her as they were watching the show she wanted to watch
Sparkle was looking at her sister and Emma looked at her
"She loves you, Emma," Logan says as he was looking at the girls that were loving each other
Emma smiled as she looks at papa
"It's going to be okay Emma," Logan says as he looked at her
Kendall returned a short time later and he was going to hang with Logan and the girls
"The doctor on the way in right now to see her," Kendall says as he looks at Logan
"That's good I hope we see what stage she is in," Logan says as he looks at Kendall
"I hope so too I hope she is in the early stages and she can beat this thing," Kendall says as he was going to join Logan and the girls
Emma was in the beginning stages so they were lucky it was caught early that way it can get taken care of
"After this can I do pageants?" she asks them
"Sure you can baby," Kendall says as he was looking at her cause she needed that comfort
"Anything you want," Logan says as he was going to kiss her
The hospital was going to admit her so they could start her treatment right away, and get her better as fast as they could as well cause she was sick and they wanted to see how she would respond
'Will baby sister stay with me?" Emma asks her parents
"No baby she can't stay here she has to go home with daddy or papa," Kendall says to her
"I can stay with her," Logan says as he was going to be with Emma her first night in the hospital
"Okay I will take Sparkle home," Kendall says as he was going to leave with the baby that he had in his arms
"Bye baby," Logan says as he kissed Sparkle good-bye for the time being
"Bye papa," Kendall says as he was leaving with Sparkle to go home
"Oka princess it is just the two of us," Logan says as he was going to get in the bed with her cause she was scared out of her mind
Emma snuggled with him
"You sleepy?" he asks her
She nods as she rubs her eyes
"You had an interesting morning so sleep they will start the treatment soon probably so sleep I will wake you when they come to start the treatment," he says as he was going to cover her up so she was warm a little bit
Emma was going to go to sleep and they were going to start the match for blood to see which was going to be the better match for her and they were going to have the guys tested as well just in case none of them was a match for her and they were hoping they would be a match for her
"My little warrior," Logan says as he was kissing her as she was sleeping a little bit
Logan was checking his phone for messages and twitter as well and he was going to get on Instagram to see what he could post about Emma cause he wanted to get the word out
Kendall came back with Sparkle to see if he was a match and they were going to start treatment soon on her
"Logan, can you watch Sparkle for a little bit?" Kendall asks him
"Sure I don't mind a bit," Logan says cause Kendall was going to see if he was a match cause Logan already got tested, and all he had to do was wait
Logan played with Sparkle and she was a happy girl as she was playing with her papa
more to come
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