Part 2
"Ms. Superior do you want me to change the class chore chart for you?" Emma asks her
"Yes, I completely forgot to do it I think it was stuck like that she now I came here" Ms. Superior says cause she might be losing her memory a little bit as well, so Emma was going to volunteer to change it at the end of the school day every day and before she left on Friday's
Emma was going to help her out with the schedule and what extracurricular they have on that day as well cause it was not going to be easy either on the teacher, she was going to let the principal know as soon as she saw it happen more then once cause she was going to keep an eye on her as much as she could
(End of the school day)
"Papa, I got another green light I had a yellow, but I was able to turn it around" she says as she got in the van to come home that day cause she was ready to come home and see her siblings once again cause seeing them after a day she had at school was the perfect ending to any day she has at school
Logan looks at her cause that raised a red flag in his eyes cause it was not like her to get a yellow at all so someone had to have a hand in this ordeal in her classroom and he wanted to know who was it that made her get a yellow all of a sudden and did not let her be on green the whole day cause Logan had a deal with her if she stayed on green the whole week at the end of the week she was going to be allowed to get her ears pierced at whatever location she wanted to have them on her ears
"We will try again next week to get your ears pierced cause that put the ear piercing on the back burner for the time being until things change" he says as he was starting the van and he was going to take her to get some ice cream as well cause she needed it and they could talk it over as well and see what really happened and he might take her to dinner before he was going to call Kendall and let him know what was going on with Emma and that Logan was taking her to dinner to talk things over as well and see who made her get a hello like this cause it wasn't like Emma to get a yellow or even a red at all cause if she got a red Logan was going to call a parent teacher conference to see what happened cause she wouldn't get a red out of the blue someone put her up to it and Logan smelled a rat with this one and somebody put her up to it as well and he was going to figure out who put her up to her it and get it taken care of as well and make sure it never happens again with her cause this was not right at all on so many levels as well cause he wanted her to excel in school and not fall into the wrong crowds as well like other kids do at a later age so he was hoping that he could stop it dead in it's track right here right now cause he was not going to have it go farther then this at all for her cause she was one of the good kids and she was not a bad kid at all either she did good for others and it looked like the others kids in her class was going to change that for her and have her go to the other side of the tracks but he was not going to let that happen
Emma was bummed about her ears not getting pierced but she knew she had to try again and maybe if she has two weeks of being in the green she might get them pierced maybe hopefully in the near future and she stays on green longer then a day and she never goes on yellow or red cause if that happens she was not going to be getting her ears pierced ever and not anytime soon at all either and that was going to break her heart and shatter her hopes as well with getting her ears pierced
(Next day)
Emma saw that they had a different substitute teacher instead of their regular substitute that they have been having so she was hoping that she could stay on green for the rest of the week and not go on any other colors as well as they had that certain substitute in their class as well cause this might be a good thing right now and on the other hand it might be a bad thing depending on how the substitute wants to discipline the students cause if they stay on green they might get an extra privilege of some sort at the end of the week and if they go on red and have to have a call home that was not going to be very good at all either on the kids especially Emma too cause the kids were going to recruit Emma to be in their circle and not be a good kid at all either which she didn't like
"You must be Emma Henderson-Schmidt" the teacher says as Emma approaches the teacher slowly in case the new sub was not nice at all
"Yes I am" she says as she courtesy for the teacher in case the sub is mighty strict and likes to be acknowledged in a proper way in the morning
"Okay go on in" the sub says to her cause they checked her off as present and not absent which was a good thing right now
Emma puts her backpack away and she gets her homework and her books out of her bag and she turns in her work and she went back to get her lunch out of her bag cause she had packed her lunch that day cause she had detention and the principal made the students who had detention eat lunch in their classroom and they don't go outside for recess at all either they stay in their classroom and they do their work after they have had their lunch or they write an essay or sentence of some sort for a punishment and Emma stayed caught up with her assignments so the principal was worried about her and why on earth did she get detention cause she was always the good kid and barely got into trouble at all which was really rare for her to get detention so he was going to ask her why she got detention cause he was a little suspicious about this whole matter cause he thinks someone put her up to it and he was going to figure out who did this and why they did it as well especially including her which was not right at all either
"Emma you can put your lunch box in this box cause we are going to chill the huge refrigerator in the kitchen for kids who pack their lunch and it needs to stay cold" the sub says to her cause he wanted it to stay cold for her so she does not get sick at all from the food not staying cold like how it should be right now
Emma puts her lunch in the box and she was going to get started with her school work for the day and she was going to be keeping to herself most of the school day as well too and she was not going to get into any more trouble at all either cause that was going to ruin her chances at getting her ears pierced as well cause she wanted to get her ears pierced really bad right now and that was not going to happen at all either if she kept getting trouble by her classmates cause she said she did not do this and the principal believed her and he was going to look at the security footage later on cause he was going to have her not do her punishment until he gets to the bottom of this and he was going to give her an answer later on
"Doris bring me up the security footage" he asks her
"What security footage?" she asks
"From the playground in the back of the school" he tells her cause he was going to see
Happy thanksgiving
Part 3 hopefully sometime when I'm not going back and forth between stores and end up doing an order at the other store or getting only one day off during the week as well which is never fun at all either or closing three nights in a row too and the ties too once again
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