Heading to St. Jude's
Okay after me working a lot and closing some of it here is the new chapter you guys have been waiting on i hope you guys like it and remember to vote it up
"We have the results of Emerald's blood work and she had Leukemia" the doctor says as as she came into the room
Logan was shocked and he didn't know what to say right now
"Will see get better?" Kendall asks the doctor
"Yeah it is stage one, so we caught it early, and she can start treatment at St. Jude's as soon as we can" the doctor tell Kendall and Logan
"It looks like we are going to St. Jude's" Kendall says as he looks at Logan cause he was ready to get started and get her better so they could know her better as well after this is over
"Looks like it" Logan says as he looks at Kendall cause they had to get ready to go to St. Jude's cause they were going to be expecting her soon so they had to go home get packed up and head thee so she can start treatment and get better and go back to her old self
"Are we going to stay there with her in one of the condo's they have close by or will we be off campus some place so we can be with snowflake?" Kendall asks him
"I want to stay close to her Kenny she is going to have many emotions she is going to be scared out of her mind as she goes through this. She is going to get sick to, so I want to stay close to her if I can and if I can't I will stay the night with her in her room" Logan says as they were heading out cause they had to get a few things for the trip cause they were going to be flying with her
Kendall understands cause he wanted to be close as well with her and he was going to be looking as they were on the plane heading there with her of course
"We need plenty of clothes for the trip too and toys and whatever else we need" Logan says as he looks at Kendall
"We can go clothes shopping now so that is fine I don't mind a bit" Kendall says as he kisses Logan on the lips
"Thanks Kenny I knew I love you for a reason" Logan says as they left to go shop since they were going to be needing a lot for the trip so since they were not going to be leaving in a few days and Kenny wanted to be ready to go as well hence don't they were going to go shopping then instead of later on before they left
"I love you too Logie" Kendall says as he kisses Logan cause he loved Logan a lot too
Kendall and Logan got enough clothes, toys, and everything else that they will need for the journey and for their stay since they were going to be staying with Emerald until she was better
"When are we leaving?" Logan asks Kendall as they were packing cause they had to get to the airport early to catch a flight to St. JUde's
"I got us a later flight so we can sleep a little bit and when we get there we can get her all checked in and settled and then maybe stay at one of their quarters so we are close to her" Kendall says to Logan as Logan was with the baby
"Thanks goodness I hate to wake the girls up so early" Logan says as he was cradling Sparkle in his arms to soothe her a little bit
"Me too i want to grab breakfast on the way to the airport or at the airport" Kendall says as he was going to bed since he was going to be driving while Logan kept the girls busy as Kendall was driving to the airport
"Sounds perfect and we can eat before we board and we can see if there is delays and everything" Logan says to Kendall as he was going to get Sparkle ready for bed and tuck her in for the night as well cause Emerlad was already in bed since she was tired in general
Kendall was going to go to bed soon and Logan was going to follow after he tucks Sparkle in for the night as well
(Next day)
Kendall was checking the flight and it was on time right now and he was going to get the car loaded up since Logan and the girls were asleep
"Okay time to get everything loaded and then make Logan some coffee" Kendall says as he was going to get the car loaded up, so they could go
Kendall got the car loaded in no time and he made sure the carry-on's were close by and ready to go when they got there
"Morning Logan coffee?" Kendall asks him
"Thanks Kenny I am going to get Emerald up and then since i got Sparkle ready the night before so all we have to do is change her and go" Logan says as he was drinking his coffee cause he needed to get his motor going
Kendall was going to get the diaper bag and help with Sparkle since they had to get Emerald up and out of bed
Emerald was asleep when she was buckled in her car seat and she was covered up as well as she had her doll with her
"Now to head for the airport" Kendall says as he started the car so they could get going
"Yup" Logan says as he was going to sleep a little bit as Kendall was driving
Kendall saw that their flight was delayed alittle bit so he was going to stop and get breakfast before they continue to head for the airport so they could get Emerald better and more like herself too
"Perfect it is delayed so breakfast break" he says as he was searching for places for breakfast
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