Moved on
•Dan's POV•
That's it. Seeing PJ with Y/N made me realise that I still love Y/N. I'm sorry Lottie.
"Hey Lottie, I need to tell you something" I walk into the room. Lottie if freaking out. In a good way.
"What?" I look at her.
"Y/N forgave me!!" She hugs me.
"Really! That's great. But why?"
"She said that she understands and it's ok if we go out. And she said she is also going out with someone!"
Wait! What?
"Really? Who?"
Please don't be PJ! please don't be...
No. No. No this can't be happening!!
"Cool" I mutter.
"Anyway, what were you gonna say babe?" She puts away her phone and flicks her long blonde hair out her face.
"Oh. Doesn't matter" I kiss her and walk out the room. I immediately open my phone and call Peej.
"Hello Dan!" Peej' cheerful voice comes out the speaker.
"Sup Peej?" I try to act casual, but on the inside I want to scream at him.
"Not much"
"Are you sure?"
"Dude. Lottie told me." I roll my eyes.
"About Y/N?"
"Do you mind?"
"Why would I? I'm with Lottie!"
"I guess. Anyway is that what you called for?"
"Ok then. See you later!"
"Bye" I hang up.
Ughhhhh! Why do I feel like this! I like Lottie, but I love Y/N. What should I do?
•Y/N's POV•
Your phone vibrates. Slowly, you reach over and look at it.
Peej: Hey
Y/N: hey Peej
Peej:I need to talk to you.
Y/N: Sure. What is it?
Peej: I've liked you for a while. Would you like to go out with me?
That came out of nowhere.
PJ. I've never really thought of him like that. He is sweet, kind, funny and good looking. We get on very well, so why not?
Y/N: I would like to. When?
PJ:Friday? I'll pick you up at 6:30?
Y/N: great! See you then!
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