Flash back
"This is fun!!" You jump up and down. Saying that you are intoxicated is an understatement.
"This is so much fun!!!!" Y/F/N jumps with you. As does Lottie and Sarah.
The loud music blasts from the instruments and out of the speakers. You can feel the vibration inside you.
A tap on your shoulder causes you to turn around. "Heya Finn" you say, still jumping.
"You ok?" He laughs.
"I'm better than fine. In splendid. I'm happy. I'm completely over Dan!"
"You're over him?"
"If you're over him, then we can go out!" Finn moves closer to you.
You stop jumping. Smirking, you step towards him.
"Sure. What and when?"
"Here. Now."
"Fine by me! Bye Y/F/N!"
Finn grabs your hand and drags you to the very front of the stage.
You dance together until the show is over. Then he drags you to the silent disco.
You keep dancing. You dance until you feel like your feet are going to fall off.
"That was amazing!" You stumble out of the very large tent.
"I know right!" Finn smiles at you.
"What do you want to do now?" You step closer to him.
"Not sure!" Smirking, he takes your waist and pulls you together so there is no space in between.
Violently, you grab his face and kiss him. He pulls you even closer and pulls his hand through your hair.
"Shall we?" Finn says, when you finally part.
"Fu*k yeah!" You call.
Not taking his hand off your waist, or your hands off his, Finn leads you to his tent.
He kisses you as he unzips the tent. Without breaking the kiss, you both climb in.
Let's just say, you didn't get that much sleep that night.
*the next day*
"Ugh! My head!" You mutter. You can feel arms around your waist and legs tangled up in yours.
Behind you, snoring can be heard.
You turn to face the person, thinking it is Dan. However, it isn't. Finn's face is right next to yours.
"Oh fu*k!" You whisper. You look around. Yours and his clothes are all over the place.
You untangle yourself from Finn's limbs and collect your things. You put on your clothes and climb out of the tent. Thankfully, your tent is in the same area as Finn's, so you find your way back very easily.
Slowly, you open the tent and climb in. You flop into the inflatable mattress that is yours.
"Oh fu*k. What have I done?" You curse. You fall asleep, ashamed of what you have done. (More like who you had done!! I'll let myself out now)
You look down at your phone to see who texted you.
Finn: Hey, I know we haven't spoken in a while, I just wanted to tell you that I had a lot of fun at Wychwood. I hope we can do it again 😏😏😏😘
"Oh sh*t!" You mutter.
"What? What happened Y/N?" Dan looks at you worry in his eyes.
"Oh nothing. I'll be right back!" You hop up and run to the bedroom.
Y/N: Finn. I am sorry. That night at Wychwood was a mistake. I am sorry I have lead you on. It will not happen again. I am with someone else now. Good bye.
You sigh out loud. Slowly, you walk to the living room, embarrassed about what you had done.
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