Becky and Jessica
You open your eyes and look around. You aren't in your house. It isn't a house you recognise. You push yourself away from what you were sleeping on.
You look at it.
Oh sh*t.
Dan opens his eyes and you quickly lean onto the side of the sofa and pretend to be asleep. You feel him sit up and stop. You open your eyes slightly. Not enough for him to see your are awake, but enough to see him.
He sits up and looks at you. A smile spreads across his face. Then he just stares at you.
Time to 'wake up'
You stretch and open your eyes and immediately he turns red.
"Hello" he says, looks at the tv.
"Heya. What time is it?" You look for a clock.
"Um.. 10:14. Early!" He says, looking at his phone.
"I better get back. I need to film a video" you stand up.
"Hey. Maybe we could do a collab?" He puts his hands in his pocket.
"Sure. Could you come over to our?"
"Sure! What time?"
"Around 2?"
"Great! See you then!" You walk down the steps and out of the house.
Before Dan shuts the door, you yell
"How do I get home from here?"
He laughs. "Do you want me to show you?"
You nod.
He runs and grabs his keys before running out to stand next to you.
"So." He says.
"How long have you lived here?" You look back at his house.
"A year back in May."
"Cool!" You nod.
An awkward silence settles in between you two.
"How was your date? I meant to ask but I forgot"
"Oh. It was great! We went to a Japanese restaurant then we went to the park and played in the playground."
You laugh remembering PJ running around the roundabout.
"Omg!! Is that?"
"No it can't be!"
"I think it is!"
You hear two voices yell, then a tap causes Dan to turn around.
"Hi. You're Dan Howell!" Two girls, who both look around 13, are standing behind you.
"Yes I am! What can I do for you two?" Dan smiles. He is so kind with his fans.
"We're both very big fans! I'm Becky!" One said.
"And I'm Jessica!" The other joins in.
Dan laughs. "That is amazing!"
They look at him blankly. "What?"
"Becky and Jessica? Bessica?" You say.
"What?" They repeat.
"Oh my god" you mutter.
"It's something from my channel. We thought you would have recognised it. Never mind. Would you like a picture?" Dan shakes his head slightly.
They take a picture then say goodbye. Dan and you keep walking.
"Just saying. They said they were giant fans, yet didn't know Becky and Jessica? I find that strange!" You laugh.
"Yeah. But they were nice!" Dan laughs back.
"Here we are!" Dan stops outside your house.
"Thanks for walking me."
"It was no problem. See you later?"
"See you!" You walk up to the door and open it. Over your shoulder, you see Dan walk away.
"OH MY GOD Y/N! WHERE WERE YOU!! WE WERE SO WORRIED!!" Phil runs up and hugs you tightly.
"I was at a friends. I told PJ. I thought he would have told you!" You say, alarmed.
"Oh. So. How did it go?" Phil let's go. Then drags you into the front room and sits you down.
"It was great. We went to a Japanese restaurant, then he took me to the park. We played in the park for a bit. Then. He kissed me"
Phil smiles, but not in a happy way.
"But I pulled away."
"Because it's too soon! I'm not ready!"
"Oh" He smiles.
"I freaked out and ran way. I ended up siting on the doorstep of some random house. I sat there crying, then the owner of the house comes out. And it turns out it was Dans house."
Phil's smile broadens.
"He let me spend the night, and now he is coming over to do a collab at 2"
"Gosh. That was an eventful evening!!" Phil laughs.
"Yeah it was. Well I had better get changed! Dan is gonna be here soon!" You hop up and skip into the bathroom.
If you didn't realise, I am writing another story called 'Cousin with a YouTuber' Once again, it is a danfic. If you like this story, you might like that.
Anyway, if you didn't realise, this is the 50th chapter!! Wow that's a lot of writing! Still, I've enjoyed every word!!
I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and I hope you enjoy 'Cousin with a YouTuber' that is if you want to read it.
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