Days passed, he kept making things. Brownies, cupcakes, chocolates, small things. He found that he had quite a knack for baking things actually, that time he'd given aunt mito food poisoning must've just been a fluke. Eventually he got a copy of his handcuff keys nailed to a cabinet, with a note saying he was allowed to take them off in his kitchen. Gon squealed when he saw the note actually, there were so many more options now! So he immediately got to making a large cake. His kitchen was stocked with sweet ingredients and berries, sprinkles and frosting, pretty much just all sorts of baking stuff. He got rid of any meat and savory items, he wasn't good at that type of thing. He also started to notice Killua's favorite ingredients. He loved chocolate, that was the winner by far. But he also enjoyed blueberries and blackberries. So Gon got to cooking. He found a cake recipe on his tablet, it was given to him for cooking purposes only. He kept his word and didn't put on music, he'd yet to ask that.
About an hour later he stared down at his finished creation, it had 5 different types of chocolate. Once again he added more sugar then the recipe, also altering a little bit of the ingredient amounts and mixing in some blackberries dipped in the syrup thing. He'd started calling it sweet glaze, he didn't want to call it syrup when it didn't taste like it. He giggled and set it on a plate, then summoned Mitsuba. She smiled as she walked into the kitchen, then he pointed to his cake. "Hey, can you deliver this with Killua's breakfast? I know it's good, I tasted a little bit" He'd only put one slice on the plate, the rest he had about 90% of. Then he blinked, before cutting off a small piece and offering it to her. "here, try it" She nodded and took a fork, then tasted it. Her eyes widened. "Oh my, this is delicious" He beamed. "Can you deliver it with Killua's breakfast please?" She nodded. "Will do Freeces, should I tell him who it's from?" Gon thought on that. "No, just bring it to him" I wonder what he'll say when he gets it?
Killua woke up with a slightly irritated frown, it was 9:30. I have work today, damn it. He'd instructed Gotoh to wake him up if he slept passed 10, but he had somewhere to be today. His door opened, and he sat down at his table. He usually ate breakfast in his room. Gotoh set down two platters and he frowned slightly. "Why's there two?" He dipped his head. "It was requested by Mitsuba. An odd request but she insisted it to be brought to you" Killua contemplated this. Did Gon make it? But then why's it here with my breakfast? He shrugged and opened the first platter, it was sushi. Killua had been particularly fond of sushi, and Menchi made it just right. Menchi was his favorite seafood cook, she operated kitchen 2. He ate his fill of sushi, then curiously scooted the second over to him.
Killua's mouth watered slightly as he laid eyes on it. He cut into the cake, then put some in his mouth. "Mh" He felt himself melting a little. 'I can't cook' my ass. How the fuck did he think he was horrible at it? As Killua ate in a contented silence he let his mind wander. He's so short, and sweet, and childish- it's so cute when he acts like a kid. He's so perfect- Killua felt a small blush start to crawl up his cheeks as he thought about Gon. Then he realized a problem. What if he's not gay? He didn't know what he would do if Gon didn't end up liking him back, he didn't want to think about it. But...why would he like me anyways? I'm a criminal. Then he sighed, before standing up. Killua got himself ready in his kidnapping outfit, it was just a black hoodie and pants with a white tank top underneath. Ah fuck, the meeting's today too. His parents were meeting with another family in his mansion, for what reason he didn't know. He needed to tell Gon about it, and get him a proper slave outfit. I should probably give him some fake bruises, just to make it look more realistic. Or not, that might not be necessary. Alright.
Gon thought over what Killua had just told him. I have to act like a slave. Alright, I can do that. He was used to being pushed around so it shouldn't be too hard. "Doesn't seem too hard" He responded. Then Killua sighed. "So. In order to sell this, you probably need to have a few bruises" He blinked. Oh. I mean, it's just a few bruises. He shrugged and stood up, Killua frowned slightly at him for a few seconds. "What are you..." Gon shrugged again. "You can hit me a few times. I don't mind" Killua's eyes widened. "W-What? No!" He frowned slightly. "You said I needed bruises, a few bruises won't hurt all that much." he trusted Killua, Gon didn't know why but he trusted him. "No, I can just do fake ones with makeup. It's not that hard" Gon shook his head. "I can't fake pain. Plus, what if it rubs off? This is the best option. I won't hate you for it, I promise" Killua hesitated for a moment, and then he huffed. "If I have too, I can always say I won't make you anything sweet unless you do it" Killua gritted his teeth. "Why do you want me to hit you?" He shrugged. "It's not like I'll enjoy it, but if it keeps me here then I'll do it. It's not like I'm getting beaten bloody or anything, just a few bruises"
Killua sucked in a breath, then turned away. "I...can't" Gon let out a frustrated sigh. Well I want to stay. I'll do it myself if I have to. Which was when he got an amazing idea. He giggled, then grabbed his handcuffs. Killua frowned slightly over at him. "What's that laugh for?" He beamed. "I'm gonna go throw myself down some stairs." His eyes went wide. "G-Gon! What the fuck!" He glanced over his shoulder as he left his bedroom. "It gets the end result we need! And if you won't do it I'll just have to leave it to chance" This is gonna hurt. Killua ran after him, so Gon went faster. "Gon wait!" He got to the stairs and held his breath, then turned. Killua arrived at the ledge with an alarmed expression. "Too late" He fell backwards, then tumbled down the stairs. Fuck-Shit- ow. Damn- ok maybe this was a bad idea. "GON WHAT THE HELL!" He coughed a little, sprawled at the bottom of the stairs. He was pretty sure he twisted his ankle, definitely sure he hit his head a bit too hard, and absolutely positive he had more than enough bruises now.
"Ow, my butt hurts" he grumbled, sitting up. Killua was beside him with a furious expression. "What the hell!" He smiled. "I got bruises now. Happy?" Killua hesitated, then looked away. "Don't do shit like that" He muttered. Gon shrugged, getting to his feet. "Well it's done, and it doesn't even hurt all that much. Now, where's this outfit I needed to wear?"
"Kyaaa!" He yelped, blushing down at his outfit. "It's...the only one we have" Killua admitted, rubbing the back of his head. Gon shifted slightly, "The o-only one? You have none for um...males?" He muttered. Killua sighed. "I wasn't planning on getting a slave to begin with, so no. I have this one that my parents gave me, that's it" I'm gonna have to wear a fucking maid dress. He thought back to the pads he used to get on his desk, bows and other girly things hung on his chair. I-I guess...I do have a feminine body. I should like feminine clothes right? He nodded, then grabbed the outfit and walked into his bathroom. "Oh shit is he really gonna put that on?" He heard Killua mutter to himself. Alright, let's do this.
Killua sputtered, turning away to hide his intense blush. How the fuck does he pull off a dress that good? Oh god- "Killua? Are you alright? a-am I...does it look bad?" He mumbled the last part. Killua turned, pushing down his blush. Gon looked kind of uncomfortable, but like he was trying to hide it. "N-No it just...it surprised me. You actually look good in it" He blushed a little, looking away. He couldn't stop staring. It's just the right size for him, that skirt... Killua felt his eyes travel down and he then thought of something. "hey uh....are you wearing anything....under that?" He asked awkwardly. Gon shifted slightly. "Um...no. it looked really weird when I tried that so..." He's wearing boxers but no shorts oh my god- that was a spell for trouble. He sighed, then grabbed a bow. "Ok, final touch" Killua walked over to him and fastened it on his collar, the maid outfit had one for some reason. "Is it...comfortable?" He asked. Gon shrugged. "Well...it's a dress." he mumbled. Killua snorted. "I still can't believe you actually wore the damn thing, didn't think a guy could pull off a dress so well"
1591 words
To be continued...
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