"No" He sighed, the sweet looking girl with pigtails was a lot more rude then he expected. Her name was Bisky, she was the lead cook. She had her arms crossed, and a disapproving look on her face. "Please? I want to make myself useful somehow. I'm not very smart but I already have some experience, at least let me try cooking something" He pleaded. She scoffed. "Cooking requires intelligence. You just upright admitted you don't have what it takes" Goddamn it. "What's going on here?" He looked over at Killua, who had heard the commotion and was wondering why Bisky and Gon were talking. "Tell this brat to leave me alone. He keeps trying to get me to let him cook something but not only is he stupid but he's not a professional" Killua sighed, and Gon turned to look at him. The handcuffs clanked a little, he still had them on. "I want to be useful! And even if I'm not super good at it I can learn. Pleaaase?" He knew it wasn't about swaying Bisky, but swaying Killua. He sighed heavily. "Biscuit, let him try. I've been trying to make up an excuse to tell my parents on why he's staying and it's better than nothing"
Ha! He turned to Bisky with an eager smile and she scowled. "Yes master" Gon beamed. Yes! "you can have the 6th kitchen" Gon blinked. "I thought there were only 5" Killua huffed. "it's small and kind of shitty, but it's a kitchen and you need one of those to cook. Nobody uses it so if you end up burning it down nobody'll care" He blushed in embarrassment. "H-Hey! I won't burn it down!" He half yelled in indignation. The room went quiet, a few people were tense. Why? Killua chuckled in slight amusement, "You mustn't raise your voice at the master! Apologize brat" Bisky hissed. He doesn't seem mad to me. "How are you supposed to cook properly with those cuffs? I think it's a very likely scenario" He joked back. Gon puffed out his cheeks in irritation. "Well Mr. kidnapper, maybe if you let me go places without the handcuffs we wouldn't have that problem. That's on you, not me." Nobody else spoke, they were watching with slight fear for some reason. Why's everybody so tense? "Well maybe if you weren't dumb enough to get kidnapped, you could cook without restrictions" he shot back with a slight smirk.
"Well maybe I wanted to be kidnapped" He said sticking his tongue out. Killua snorted, then started laughing. Gon's eyes shimmered a little. His genuine laugh is so musical. The other cooks and maids in the room looked shocked, awed, or slightly scared still. Killua recovered and then chuckled. "Maybe I'll keep you around for entertainment as well. It's been a while since someone's made me laugh" Gon felt rather proud of himself. I can be useful. "Great! Now where's my new kitchen?" Killua huffed, "Have you not memorized the floorplan of the entire building yet?" He blinked. "I- Wh- No? how the hell am I supposed to do that? It's so damn big" He snickered and turned. "Don't worry, I have. c'mon" He walked after him, then shot grin over his shoulder at a very shocked Bisky. I have special privileges. Then he blinked. Wait, why? Maybe it was because he wasn't a servant, but a friend. "Here you are"
Gon blinked at the tiny kitchen. "You weren't joking about it being small. Especially compared to the rest of the house" Killua shrugged. "Was supposed to be a bathroom, but we had more than enough so for some reason they put a kitchen in here instead" it's still tiny compared to the bathrooms. But Gon smiled, walking to the middle and running a hand along the counters. "I love it" and what was better, it was just down the hall from his own bedroom. "So...can you really cook?" Killua asked skeptically. He sighed. "Not really. I mean, I can make eggs and waffles but that's kind of it." He could also bake, but he didn't really like sharing that. He always thought his baking was terrible, one time when aunt mito had it she got food poisoning. "Ah. Well, have fun. I have work to do" He said, then started walking away. Gon bit his lip. "What kind of work do you do?" He asked curiously. Killua paused, then frowned slightly over his shoulder. "Gon, you know I'm a criminal. You can probably guess" He shrugged. "There's different types of illegal things. I was just curious. You don't seem like a cold blooded murderer, or someone who steals priceless artifacts. So, what do you do to afford his giant house?"
He sighed, turning away. "I was supposed to be an assassin" Gon's eyes widened slightly. His back...was that from his work? Damn... "But once I got a choice of my own path, I decided it was immoral to kill innocent people. So I kidnap people and sell them for ransom" Gon thought on this for a moment. He's not a bad person. He changed when he could, maybe he was forced onto this path. That matched his actions, someone who was a ruthless assassin wouldn't have treated him the way he did. He wouldn't have cared about my boundaries, or let me take off my handcuffs in my room. He would've sent me back home no matter how much I begged to stay. "Hmm...interesting" Killua gave him a slightly shocked look. "You're not...mad? Or scared of me?" Gon laughed. "You haven't hurt me have you? And you're not sending me home. Like I said, you're the kindest person I've ever met. You must have reasons for what you do, once you get into crime there's no getting out." he smiled, and he could have sworn he saw Killua smile back for a split second before he turned away again.
"Anyways, have fun. Don't burn the house down" Gon growled. "I'm not going to! Jerk!" Killua chuckled over his shoulder, then disappeared down the hallway. Gon decided to look through drawers and cabinets, then realized with slight frustration that there wasn't anything he knew how to cook with in here. Oh come on! Then, he saw something. It was a brownie mix. "I can make brownies" he muttered, before pulling it out and grabbing a pan and reading the instructions. Gon decided to add some powdered sugar and razzberries because they were there, sure it wasn't on the instructions but he could make it work. He also altered the recipe to add some fudgelike texture and a bit more sugar, everything's better with more sugar. Gon coated the razzberries in some sort of syrup thing. It had a strong concentration of sugar and made them look all sparkly. It didn't taste like syrup though, more like caramel. It was kind of hard mixing the berries in with the batter while he was handcuffed, but he made it work. Gon had quite a bit of fun, although it probably wouldn't be eatable so what was the point?
Gon hummed while he was cooking, wishing he had brought his phone when he was kidnapped so he could play music. Maybe I could ask for a phone. But he might think I want it to call someone. Well, if only I could tell aunt mito I was ok. She must be so worried while I'm here pretty much having the time of my life- Gon yelped and quickly turned off the oven, during his musings he had forgotten about his brownies. Well fuck. There definitely not edible now. Gon put on oven mitts as best he could and got the pan out, then sighed down at his slightly burnt brownies. Not like I was planning on eating those anyways. He thought kind of glumly. I can't cook, I'm not good at anything. Well, except for being sexually assaulted apparently. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. Maybe I don't deserve to be here. If I can't be useful, why do I get to? He put his brownies on a platter, then stared at them for a while. I can't wash the dishes like this, might as well bring them to the other kitchen. So he started moving. It was slow going, but that didn't really matter. There was nobody in the kitchen due to it being around 10:00. Gon made his way back to his room, then removed the handcuffs and flopped down on his bed. He closed his eyes, drifting into a small peaceful sleep.
Gon shot upright in his bed, there was yelling. Yelling? Is something wrong? He quickly got the handcuffs on, he had mastered putting them on himself. He also was allowed to adjust the tightness around his wrists, Gon preferred tight but not too tight. If they were loose then they would wobble and rub and make his skin raw. So Gon quickly made his way towards all the yelling, and paused. It was Killua, shouting at his cooks. Why? Bisky looked extremely confused and overwhelmed. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW?, IT WAS IN YOUR FUCKING KITCHEN!" he was yelling. She gritted her teeth. "I don't know how it got there! I asked everyone, nobody made it!" Gon blinked, then his eyes fell on a plate. It was the platter of brownies he made, and it was half eaten. DAMN IT. He had forgotten to throw it away. Then he realized. "Kyaaaa!" Everybody turned to look at him, Killua stopped yelling for a minute. "Did you actually eat that? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left it out" He looked down, shuffling his feet. "Hold on, you're the one who made it?" Bisky said with a slightly shocked tone.
He looked away. "S-Sorry...I should've just thrown it away, I can't cook-" Suddenly Killua's hands were on his shoulders and his eyes snapped up with a startled gasp. "The fuck do you mean? They were awesome!" Gon's eyes widened. "W-Wait really?" Killua let go of him and grabbed a brownie, then held it out. "Eat one" He slowly took it, then put it in his mouth. Holy shit....I made this? It was so sweet, and gooey, and it was the best brownies he'd ever had. His eyes watered slightly. I made this. Killua grinned. "I knew it was the right choice giving you that kitchen. On second thought maybe I should give you one of the bigger ones-" He held up his hands. "O-Oh! Don't do that. I like my kitchen actually, it's easier to reach things and stuff's smaller. I'm kind of short so it works for me" Bisky's eyes narrowed. "You must've copied a recipe or something." He blinked, then shook his head. "There was a box of brownie mix and I followed the instructions for the most part, then I added the razzberries and some more sugar because why not? I also put some powdered sugar and well...I actually burnt them a little, I'm surprised there any good at all" He admitted.
"Are you fucking kidding me? The crunch on top is perfect, I don't know how the hell you pulled it off" Killua continued, and Bisky crossed her arms. "Master Killua is extremely hard to please when it comes to food. The fact that you did it so easily...is impossible. Especially if you're not a professional" Really? He glanced over at Killua, who was shoving another brownie in his mouth with a shimmer in his eyes. Gon smiled, then wiped his eyes. Then he smirked. "Ha. I did not burn the kitchen down" He said loudly. Killua blinked over his shoulder at him. "I believe an apology is in order" Once again dead silence, he guessed that nobody demanded things of him because he was the master of the house. He groaned, then walked over and ruffled his hair a little. "Cook more often idiot" Gon beamed. "I didn't hear an apology~" he said sweetly. Killua growled a little. "Fine I'm sorry! Now make more food." He ordered. He giggled, then turned. "Alright! But I'm not good at most things. Just cakes and brownies I guess. Well... you might want someone to taste test my cakes before you try it. Last time I gave aunt mito food poisoning"
2067 words
To be continued...
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