Killua was usually busy so they didn't interact all that often. Well, except when he came to check up on him. Gon liked his room so he didn't leave all that much, but there was also another reason. The mansion was fucking massive. He'd seen a floorplan. 5 kitchens, 8 dining rooms, 10 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms, a library, a training room, and a whole bunch more. For that reason, he'd been given a call button. If was small and dark blue, if he pressed it Killua would come find him. He also had a second one for Mitsuba, being his personal maid. He'd come up with a variety of signals. 1, just meant that he needed Killua for something. 2, meant whatever he needed was important and couldn't wait. Rapid pressing meant he was scared and needed help. The bathroom attached to his bedroom was also fancy as hell. The bathtub was a fucking jacuzzi with a tv attached to the wall on the other side. There were speakers underwater that went with it, also a waterproof remote. He just usually turned on a music video or something, but he turned on live T.V and sat upright at what he saw.
He rapidly pressed two buttons, then watched with wide eyes. "I interrupt this program with an important message" the male said, beside him was a picture of a face. His face. On the news, on an important announcement. Gon quickly hit the record button just in case Killua didn't get here fast enough, the reporter (he assumed) kept speaking. "We've got an amber alert. A young man known as Gon Freeces went missing on July 12. last seen at Prekota bridge-", "Gon what's-" Killua stopped abruptly in the doorway and he pointed to the T.V. "I'm on the fucking news!" Killua's eyes widened and he walked over, looking at the T.V from a few feet behind him. "I repeat, Gon Freeces, age 17, last seen at Prokota bridge on July 12. let's hear from his aunt" Oh my god, she must be so worried!
When aunt mito came on the screen, she was crying and could barely hold the microphone. "would you say he has any enemies?" She shook her head, Killua frowned slightly. "N-No. He had so many friends and was always happy." Gon felt a tear roll down his cheek, Killua put a hand on his shoulder as aunt mito kept talking. "You...that's not what you said earlier" He looked down. "I...I don't know why I lied the first time. But whenever I gather the courage to tell her what's wrong, she greets me home like she always does and...I couldn't do it. She'd worry so much" The male spoke again. "Do you have a message? In case your son is watching this right now?" Gon's grip tightened slightly on Killua's arm. A message for me? What would she say? Aunt mito wiped her eyes, looking at the camera. "I love you honey. And....please come back home safe" Gon looked down. Come back home...I'm sorry aunt mito, but I won't. "Do you wish you could see her again?" Killua murmured. He shifted slightly. "A...little. But honestly...She wasn't really there for me when I needed her. I feel...I feel like you did so much more for me than she ever could"
Killua was silent for a few moments. "If you told her, she probably would have" Gon nodded slowly. "Probably...but I didn't. I couldn't" Then there was a slight sigh. "Meet me back in your room when your done washing, clothes are on the sink" Then he left. Gon sat in the warm tub for a few minutes, watching the rest of the amber alert interruption. Where's the alert broadcasting to- words showed up on the screen. Gon quickly grabbed the remote and paused the T.V, then pressed his button for Mitsuba. She entered his room with a polite aversion of her eyes. "Yes Freeces?" Gon smiled. "Can I get a towel and a paper with a pencil? I want to write down all those locations" He said, pointing to the T.V Mitsuba looked up, then her eyes widened in slight surprise at the amber alert. "Oh, someone went missing" He chuckled. "I was on the news this morning. I just want to know all the places it's broadcasting to so if I ever go outside we can avoid the places that have seen my face" She nodded, then retrieved his items. Gon wrote down all the places and then clicked play, then had to repeat those steps about 8 times because of the sheer number of locations. Oh wow.
He got out of the water about 10 minutes later, Mitsuba had left as well. It was then he blushed hard. A-Ah! Killua came into the bathroom while I was completely naked! I mean it was through water but still- Oh god. He looked down at his body, then realized something. I can't see my ribs anymore. Sure he was still thin, but not frighteningly so. Gon smiled a bit. That diet's working, I'm not overweight or unhealthily underweight. So he slipped on some clothes. There was a green jacket that he loved, coupled with a tank top and some green shorts. A few days ago he'd told Killua what kind of clothes he liked to wear and he got a whole bunch of outfits, this was his favorite one. He made his way out of the room, Killua was sitting on his bed facing the other direction. Gon slid down about a meter away, crossing his legs and putting his hands in his lap. He instinctively put his hands together as if the handcuffs were still there, it was a habit from having them on so long. "You wanted to talk about something?" He said with a smile. Killua turned, and he shifted slightly at the serious look on his face.
"Gon...I want to ask you a question" He blinked. "Sure, go right ahead" what question was it? Why did Killua feel the need to ask? He looked Gon in the eye. "What exactly...did he do to you?" Gon stiffened. He....He means Hisoka. Gon hadn't said much about what happened, just that 'he' did it multiple times. "If you're not comfortable answering that's fine" He said, looking away. Gon bit his lip. If...I tell him, will he still want to be friends? But he felt like he owed him. Owed him for saving him, taking him in. "I-I..." He tucked his knees under his chin, wrapping his hands around his legs. "O-One day when I was 15" He said, voice breaking slightly. "He caught me in the hallway, and d-dragged me behind the school" His eyes watered, he could still remember the terror he'd felt. "H-He tied me up and gagged me and then started touching me all over. I didn't like it, it hurt and I was so scared." His hands started to tremble, body shaking slightly. Killua was listening with a guarded expression, like he was putting on a straight face to hide his true emotions. "H-He ripped off my shorts, I tried to scream but nobody could hear me. It was horrible, I...I had nail marks all over me"
Gon sobbed for a bit, then Killua spoke. "I'm sorry you had to go through that" He laughed bitterly. I'm not done yet. "I got sexually assaulted by an 18 year old, and I couldn't tell anyone. He'd show this picture to the entire school, it was of me bound up without clothes but it was photoshopped to make it look like I was enjoying it. I couldn't I...School was already hell enough." He said the last part weakly, then looked down. "T-Two months later...I got a note. It said if I didn't meet him behind the school he'd come get me. I didn't want to, but I didn't have a choice. It started happening every other month, I s-started going back on my own without a note. And he stopped gagging me too." He squeezed his eyes shut, sobbing again. "H-He tried to rape me once. But I p-promised to come back three times that month I-If he didn't." He heard a noise from beside him, but he was too caught up in the memories to tell what kind of noise it was. "T-The day you kidnapped me, he had this....thing. It was a sex toy, because I refused to lose my virginity he offered it and asked again. T-This time...I said yes. For five minutes, and I'd come back again tomorrow for 5 more. Usually it goes for almost thirty minutes so I thought I'd be worth it, even if it hurt more"
It was worse, so much worse. That was the second worst mistake I've ever made. The first was telling aunt mito I was gay, that's how it all started. "It hurt so bad, I couldn't do that again. I couldn't take it anymore. S-So...I thought back to a note I'd gotten. It said...'If a friend jumped off a bridge, would you do it? Oh wait, you don't have any, guess you'll die alone.' " He smiled. A sad, broken smile. "That's why...you don't want to go back home" Killua said softly. He laughed. "That's only half of it. I get photos of naked men in my desks, water dumped on my head, pads stuck in my desk because I have a feminine body, death threats, whenever someone bumped into me they would freak out like I was some sort of disease. I'd get hit almost every day, it ranged from being tripped in the hallways to getting beaten bloody on the sidewalk. It wasn't even safe outside of school anymore, if I ran into Nix's group I'd get pounded into the ground no matter where I am" He breathed hard, then closed the distance between them and shoved his face into Killua's shoulder.
"E-Ever since I've been here. I haven't got hit once. Nobody called me horrible names, or tried to touch me. Sure there were a few missteps but...I feel safe here." He said, crying into his shoulder. "Y-You never hurt me, not once. Even though I was kidnapped and chained, I felt safer here. Y-You were the kindest person I'd ever met" he mumbled the last part, and he felt Killua slide his arms around him in a hug. "You saved me. And...I feel like I owe you something." He looked up into Killua's sad and slightly furious expression. "Can I...get names?" Gon blinked. "Huh?" Killua grabbed a notepad and a pen, a flash of anger in the depths of his cold sapphires. "Give me the names of everyone who hurt you." Gon looked away. "W-Well...I don't remember them all. But I know some." He was practically sitting in Killua's lap right now, then his hand slid along his chest and Gon got a wave of bad memories. The touch itself wasn't horrible, but the memories that went with it. He scrambled backwards, eyes wide and breathing hard. "Oh I'm sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable?" He shook his head. "N-No it's just...the memories" He said weakly, wiping his eyes.
"Anyways, names?" Gon nodded, then collected himself. "Hisoka Morrow, Nix Hill, Kuri Pyre...I don't remember last names but the first year there was a group of people who were seniors. Uvogin, Feitan, Machi, Phinks, Shizuku, Shalnark, Pakunoda...there's a few more but those are the ones I remember from that group. And...then everybody else did too. Well, most of the people in my grade." Then he remembered a name. "O-Oh! I had a friend" Killua paused, glancing up. "I thought you said you didn't have any" Gon sighed. "Ever since I started getting bullied he stopped talking to me. But I know he didn't play a part in it, his name's Leorio Paradinight. I don't know what you're planning to do with this list but he didn't do anything wrong" Killua nodded. "Alright. Anyone outside of school?" He bit his lip. "Well...A few months ago I met this police officer. His name was Kurapika, and he saved me from being beat up one time" He looked down. "H-He came to talk to me every day for a whole month. t-then one day...he stopped. He didn't come back, I thought I finally made a friend...he probably just got busy though, I don't blame him" Killua smiled. "Excellent. I'll keep these names in mind when I look for requests for my parents" he said. What does that mean?
2080 words
To be continued...
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