It was 7:30 and Gon had to pick a dress to wear. Bisky said to wear a dress or something with a skirt, but it had to be long. He spent 10 minutes looking through all the clothes Alluka had given him and his eyes landed on something. That one.
(Pretend the skirt's knee length, I really liked this outfit)
Gon exited the room and made his way to the 1st kitchen, he felt a little nervous. He passed by a few people but no longer got stared at. Well, a little bit but not for a bad reason anymore. "Bisky" She glanced up from where she was currently supervising her cooks, then turned with a smirk. "Freeces" he walked over with a small blush, then fidgeted a little. "I'm nervous" he muttered. Bisky patted him on the shoulder. "You'll do fine." Then she grinned. "Your gonna want to lose the boxers though" WHAT? Gon flushed. "W-Why!" She held up a finger. "When you ask, you've gotta make it look like it's well thought out. It gives it a greater chance of it happening" One of the cooks came over. "Is everything alright over he-" She cut off when she saw Bisky smirk at Gon, Gon blushed and her eyes widened. "W-Wait a minute, are you-" Bisky cut her off. "No." Gon blinked. "Huh?" She shook her head. "She thought you were blushing at me for a sec" Gon frowned slightly. "I have a boyfriend"
"Then what's happening over here?" The cook asked in confusion. Bisky chuckled and Gon blushed some more. "Setting up the master and Freeces. Your gonna lose your virginity tonight for sure~" he blushed furiously. "Kyaa! Don't say it so loud!" She chuckled some more and Gon covered his face with his hands. "I- oh- uhh...ok I'm just gonna go now" The cook muttered, exiting the conversation and going back to cooking. Then Bisky cleared her throat, "You shouldn't go back to the room until it's time though, trust me" I don't know how I feel about this. He thought nervously. "U-Um...alright" He went to one of the bathrooms and slipped his boxers off, thankfully the skirt was to his knees so nothing was exposed and you couldn't tell that he wasn't wearing anything underneath. There's nearly 30 more minutes to wait for. He tossed the boxers in the laundry basket, every bathroom on this floor had one conveniently.
He walked back over to the 1st kitchen, then stood near the counter and watched the cooks make some breakfast. Bisky glanced over at him and grinned. "Enjoy watching superiors at work?" he huffed, crossing his arms. Every now and again Bisky kept talking about she was better at her job than he was at cooking, which was incorrect because Killua said himself that he preferred his. "Excuse you? A few days ago Killua bought me more chocolate robot molds because I could only make them in batches of 10. has he ever bought you stuff like that?" She scoffed. "I don't need it to make great food" Gon grinned. "He said your cupcakes didn't have enough sugar, I wonder why?" She shot him a small glare. "You add way too much!" Gon smirked. "But he likes it that way doesn't he?" They continued playful banter for a while, and before he knew it 8:00 was just around the corner. Bisky nudged him out of the kitchen. "I'll tell Mitsuba and Gotoh to steer clear of your room today~" She said with a wink. Gon blushed, then made his way to the room.
Gon took a few breaths, then grabbed his call button. Alright, so. I can drop it so it looks like I only meant to press it once. He cleared his breath and clicked it once, twice, then dropped it on the ground. No less than 3 seconds later, the bathroom door banged open. Oh shit- "Wh-" Killua paused beside him and Gon flushed when he realized that Killua had nothing but a towel around his waist. His hair was dripping. "I-I'm sorry, I only meant to press it once" he mumbled awkwardly. Killua sighed, running a hand through his wet hair. "I just got out of the shower, what is it?" Gon felt his eyes drawn to his figure, blushing. Bisky wasn't fucking around was she? Killua chuckled in a low tone and Gon's cheeks got even redder. "Done checking me out yet?" He bit his lip, then blushed hard as he slid a hand along Killua's hip. "I-I....mh..." He couldn't say anything, his heart was thumping in his chest. "Hm? Oh, you wanted a peek?" he said with a smirk. Gon looked away, "M-Maybe" He mumbled.
Warning time! :D Once again, pretty sure this falls into the category of smut.
Killua sat down on the bed and Gon did as well, Killua unfolded the towel from his body and dropped it on the floor. Gon flushed a little, half looking. Holy shit it's 8 fucking inches- "Done looking yet?" Gon blushed some more, he was losing his confidence and fast. "Mhm" he slid a hand up Killua's leg and paused for a moment, then slid his fingers along his member. Killua shifted slightly, then drew Gon a little closer. Ahh! I don't know what to do here! This part was definitely not what he'd practiced for. So he just massaged a little with his fingers, and he heard Killua moan a little. "Ngh~" Gon added a bit more pressure, and Killua's breathing picked up a little. "Don't be shy Coqui" he murmured, Gon flushed. I'm a goddamn bottom, of course I'm fucking nervous. Gon leaned down and hesitantly sucked a little on Killua's member. "Mhghh~" Killua's fingers ran through his hair a bit and he did it a little harder, encouraged by the pleasured noises.
"Nhh~ Mhh~ Hhh~" this went on for a few moments before Killua huffed. "Don't be afraid to go rough" Gon blushed a little. I-I'm not, I just don't want to. At least, that's what he told himself. This wasn't what he had wanted really, he wanted something else. But he would wait, and this was just fine how it was. Gon sucked a little harder, then after a few moments he pulled back. Killua blinked, then removed his hands. "Gon?" He pushed down his blush and moved himself onto Killua's lap. Killua's eyes widened slightly when he realized that he wasn't wearing any boxers. Gon kissed him for a moment, then mumbled in his ear. "I want to take the next step in our relationship" He couldn't stop the blush rising in his cheeks. He suddenly shifted, Killua's member sliding against his entrance through the cloth. "Nghh~" Killua blinked at him in surprise, Gon blushed hard and had to look away. "Gon I..." He leaned into Killua a little more, then he got gently moved from Killua's lap to the bed. "Wait"
Moment over.
Wait? He looked up at Killua's face, he was biting his lip. "Your 17" Gon blinked. "Yeah...?" Killua gave him a smile. "I'm 18, your still technically a minor." Gon finally got what he was saying. He's saying...no. Gon felt it already, the second hand embarrassment. He looked away and was about to get up when he felt Killua wrap an arm around him. "I...want to Gon. I do. But, we should wait until you turn 18" Gon blinked, then leaned into Killua's side. It's not a no..."When's your birthday? I never asked" He smiled a little. "May 5th" Killua hummed for a moment. "That's in 4 and a half weeks" a little over a month. "I should probably get clothes on though" Gon blushed, "O-Oh right, can you get me some boxers too?" Killua huffed and stood up, wrapping the towel back around his waist once more. Gon watched as he got up, then went over to his wardrobe. 4 and a half weeks. He thought, smiling a little. I can wait.
1342 words
To be continued...
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