Kurapika got a call. He put the phone to his ear. "ye-", "Kurapika you need to hear this! Come to my location" He stiffened, that was Baise, she was the undercover agent. Baise never called him directly. He got a text on his phone and hung up, then looked down at the location. It's like an hour and a half away. He quickly got his police car and turned on the sirens as he started going. Cars moved out of his way as he went, the trip turned into a solid hour because of less traffic. When he finally got there it was a hospital, and Kurapika made his way to the room Baise was in. there was a black haired teen covered in bandages, looking panicked. "He started talking but we stopped him as soon as he said something about seeing someone that matched the description of Gon Freeces" She said. Kurapika walked over to the male, taking out his notepad. "What happened?" He looked up fearfully and started talking. "I-I saw this guy at the McDonalds, I thought he was cute so I helped carry his stuff" he stammered. Kurapika's eyes narrowed slightly. "was it him?" He asked, showing a picture of Gon. He nodded rapidly, then looked down. "O-Ok, this is going to make me sound like a douche bag but..."
Kurapika thought he knew where this was going. "I tried flirting with him and he seemed unaffected so I pinned him to the wall and kissed him" I can already predict what happened here. He thought. "I-I swear he seemed to enjoy it! But after a few minutes he started crying, and struggling." Kurapika froze. The teen looked up with a worried expression. "He kept saying how he was scared and he didn't like it and he wanted me to let him go, I was about to when I got stabbed in the shoulder" His fear...it must be tied to that picture. He'd reversed the photoshop on the picture, but it only made it worse. Instead of having a condom in his mouth, Gon had tears streaming down his face and a gag. He looked like he was terrified. "This guy with white hair and blue eyes, he kicked me away and then Coqui ran over to him-" Kurapika paused. "Coqui?" He nodded. "T-That was the cute boy's name" Baise frowned slightly in his direction. Must've been a fake name. "H-He grabbed me and slammed me into the wall, then said something about how he was sick of people trying to rape his boyfriend. T-That wasn't what I was doing! But he wouldn't stop hitting me-"
Kurapika froze. 'sick of it' which means...it happened before. Is that what that picture was? Someone trying to rape him? This case, just got a whole lot worse. Baise also looked alarmed, then she paused. "Hold on, he said boyfriend" The teen nodded. "Y-Yeah. I know it was a dick move but when he said he had a boyfriend I kissed him anyways" Then he shivered. "One last thing, he said one last thing before he left" he looked up with fear. " 'Never mess with a Zoldyck's property' " That last part made Kurapika uneasy, but it made Baise's eyes widen in alarm. "Zoldyck..." Kurapika kept a straight face, nodding once. "Thank you for your personal account of the situation, it has helped a lot with the investigation of a missing teenager" His eyes widened. "M-Missing?" Kurapika showed the picture again. "This boy's name is Gon Freeces, he went missing about 4 months ago near Yorknew. You will not be charged for sexual assault for your intel" Part of him wanted to punish this teen, but he had already been punished enough. "Y-Yes sir, thank you sir!"
Gon was swinging a knife at a target, it had been 3 weeks since he started training with it and he was decent. "Now, practice with a live target" Gon froze, then Killua shoved a man in his 30s in the room. "W-Wait!" Killua drew his gun, then aimed it at the man's head. "If he successfully harms you in any way I'll put a bullet through his skull, he's been here for years and is a shell of a person now. I've been wanting to end his life but this is the perfect opportunity" Gon gulped. "You don't have to kill him, I'll do that" Killua added. He let out a relieved sigh. The man looked around with a blank face, then noticed Gon. "Hnnuh?" He started walking over and Gon tensed with his grip on the knife, then dodged an attempt to grab him and slashed the man in the shoulder. He yelled, stumbling backwards. Gon flinched slightly, then he saw the man back away. Gon grinned. "I-I did it!" he spoke gibberish and Gon frowned slightly. "What were you doing with him?" Killua sighed heavily. "My parents told me to lock him in the dungeon for a few years. They said that they'd send servants to feed him, but they only did it once a month."
Gon scowled. "Assholes" Killua shrugged, then fired. Gon flinched slightly at the gunshot, he still felt bad for the man. They were in the training room, it was pretty much a large open room with targets and weights and a few other things. Gon started twirling his knife between his fingers, it was a small thin one that could be easily concealed. Killua grinned, coming down and doing the same with his own. Gon huffed as he did it without looking and twice as fast. "Showoff" he gave Gon a kiss on the cheek and he flushed, then lost concentration and dropped his knife. "H-Hey!" Killua snickered and snatched it, then did both at once. Gon huffed and turned, then started walking. "Well fine" Killua stilled, then slipped the knife back into his specially made pocket sheath, both Gon and Killua had one now. "Don't you dare go anywhere without that knife" He said firmly. Gon smiled a little. Overprotective much? But he liked it. Gon liked that Killua was always worried about him, it made him feel safe.
He was twirling his knife between his fingers again, Killua told him that if he did that as someone shady was approaching him they'd most likely back off. His door opened, and Mitsuba gasped. "F-Freeces what are you doing!" He lost focus, then dropped his knife. "Ah! Mitsuba!" He turned with a pout. "You made me drop it" Then he realized her alarmed expression and blinked. "Oh right, did Killua not tell you? He's teaching me how to use a knife" She shook her head, "No, sorry" He smiled. "It's alright, you were just worried about me" He reached down and grabbed his knife, then did slashing motions in the air a few times. "Since I'm not that strong I can't punch people to get them to back off, but a knife's so small and light I can just stab at them and they'll go away! I won't ever be in an uncomfortable situation again!" Mitsuba's eyes widened a little, then she smiled. "Wonderful"
A few more days passed, and Gon felt himself wanting something more and more. We've kissed, we've done other things. But...we've been dating for 4 and a half months. He flopped over on his and Killua's bed with a blush. How do I ask? I- Damn it I can't just say the words, that'll be embarrassing as hell. Especially if he says no. He didn't know what to do. Then he remembered someone who had helped him with relationship stuff before. Bisky! Gon pressed his Mitsuba call button, she came in a few moments later. "Yes Freeces?" He smiled. "Could you get Bisky for me?" She blinked, but didn't question it out loud. "Yes Freeces, she'll be here shortly" Mitsuba said with a slight dip of her head, then walked out again. Gon sat up and blushed a little 10 minutes later as Bisky opened the door, he was suddenly second guessing himself. "Freeces? I heard you needed me for something" he blushed a little more and rubbed the back of his head. "I uhh...I need advice" He mumbled awkwardly. She blinked, then walked over and crossed her arms. "With what?" Ahh! I'm so nervous right now! "I-I don't know why but I feel like you're the best person to ask for relationship advice" he muttered. Bisky grinned, then uncrossed her arms and sat down on his bed beside him. "Right you are. Now, what exactly do you need advice on?"
Gon looked away, "W-Well...I wanted to take another step in our relationship but..." Bisky snickered. "You want to have sex?" Gon blushed furiously and covered his face with his hands. "H-How the hell do I ask?" Bisky chuckled. "say 'I want you to fuck me', that should work" He shot her a dirty look. "We both know that is not how that's gonna happen" She hummed for a moment. "Your definitely not one to go the bold approach" he muttered half to herself, seeming to actually think on this. "The moment has to already be intimate. Try to get him to kiss you or something, a makeout session might be better" Gon blushed a little. Bisky quickly stood up and locked the door, then walked back over with a laugh. "Sorry, I feel like the door should be closed for this" Gon was kind of confused by this. She cleared her throat. "So, I'm gonna demonstrate it ok? But I'm not going to actually do it to you" Oh. OH. So that's why the door's locked. He nodded, then sat back and watched.
Bisky left 10 minutes later, Gon still wasn't sure about this. While Bisky was there they actually practiced what he was supposed to do so he didn't end up fucking something up and embarrassing himself in the process. Bisky said she'd help 'set up' the situation. Yeah, he wasn't 100% sure what that meant. Anyways, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning he was supposed to double click his call button and play it off like it was an accident. What could possibly go wrong?
1690 words
To be continued...
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