There was a knock on the door. At least, that's what Killua said. All Gon heard was a small thump and a scratching sound. He was currently wearing one of the outfits Alluka gave him, the one with the short white crop top and the jacket. He used to think having a feminine body was a bad thing, that's what everybody else said. But then Killua kept saying how good he looked with a dress and a skirt, otherwise he never mentioned it. So he started liking it, it meant he looked awesome in women's clothing. Honestly he'd always thought he didn't look that great, but when he wore clothes like that he saw himself a little better. They just fit right, that was why he'd never really felt all that good in normal clothes. "I'll go get it" Killua said, then walked down the stairs. Gon waited. He waited for a good 5 minutes before going after him, at which point he looked down the big ass staircase and his eyes widened slightly.
"Hey man! Great to see you" Killua said, talking to a boy around his age with short brown hair and brown eyes. He had this...weird outfit on. It kind of looked like a karate uniform. He smiled. "Yeah, finally got away. Nice to see you too Killua" I-....I thought he said he didn't have friends? Gon felt...slightly irritated. He didn't really know why, but he did. Who is he? Killua put his hands behind his head with a slight smirk. "It's been a few months Zushi, got any reason why you haven't been able to come?" Months, so he's known him for a while. He never told me. Zushi rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I had to train. Master Wing's teachings 'weren't good enough' so they hired someone else." His face fell slightly. "I miss Master Wing, my new teacher's harsh and demanding" Suddenly Killua dropped his hands. "Oh! There's someone I want you to meet" Zushi blinked. "A new servant?" Killua hesitated for a moment, like he was trying to think about what to say. Gon snickered quietly, then bounded down the stairs. Since the mansion was so big he'd been getting more exercise and had built up more endurance and speed.
Zushi's eyes widened slightly, Killua's back was to him and he didn't seem to notice him yet. Then Gon leapt at him and Killua turned, catching him. "Ah! How'd you know I was there!" He said, blushing a little as Killua caught him bridal style. He turned back to face Zushi, who looked like he had mixed feelings about this interaction. Killua chuckled. "I could hear you running down the hallway. I'm a trained assassin, your loud ass footsteps weren't stealthy at all" Zushi's eyebrows raised a little. "Isn't that Gon Freeces? That kid that went missing a few months ago?" He beamed. "Yeah!" everybody seemed to know him now, but not for a bad reason. Well- is it bad? My life's a mess. But it was a happy mess for the most part now, the last three months had been the happiest of his life. "So...meet my boyfriend" Killua said, smiling a little. Zushi's eyes shot wide and Gon blushed. "Who's this guy anyway? I thought you said you didn't have friends" He blinked, then shook his head. "No, I'm not allowed to have friends" Zushi nodded. "Me neither." I- what?
"Well, that's how friendship works. You guys are friends, and you said I was dumb" They both just kind of blinked for a few moments, then Zushi shrugged. "You can't exactly blame us, how do you know how something works if you've never had it?" Gon thought for a moment. Oh, he's right. "Oh yeah. How is it like to have parents?" Killua snorted, "That's one way of looking at it" He and Zushi started walking, they wound up in the great hall where Silva and Kikyo had that meeting. All three of them were on the same couch though, Gon leaning up against Killua a little. Suddenly Zushi frowned slightly. "Hold on a minute, didn't you kidnap him?" He and Killua both looked at each other for a moment. "It's a lot more fucking complicated than that" Gon nodded. "Yeah, it's...hard to explain" he mumbled the last part, looking away. Then he shifted a little. "There's multiple things wrong with this. Are you sure he doesn't have Stockholm syndrome?" Killua stiffened. "I...I never thought about that"
Gon shook his head, leaning onto Killua's side. "If that was the case...it wouldn't have happened instantly. But..." He blushed a little. "Literally the first time I saw you I had a crush-" Zushi spoke over him. "Does he know about..." Gon blinked, then shrugged. "Him being a Zoldyck? Didn't find that out until more recently. Your last name doesn't define you, I told you this already" he said the last part to Killua, smiling up at him. Killua smiled back a little. Zushi shrugged. "How the hell did you explain it to your parents?" He and Killua both blushed. That's not exactly how it went. "Before we started dating" Killua started, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. "Gon didn't want to go back home, so I let him stay. My parents were coming over so we decided to pretend he was a slave" He shot a small glare at Gon and he laughed nervously. "This idiot decided it was a good idea to throw himself down the stairs to get bruises instead of having me give him fake ones with makeup" Zushi looked alarmed. "You did what?" he rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin. "I can't fake pain. I said I'd let Killua give me a few real bruises but when he refused it just...seemed like a good idea at the time I guess" he mumbled the last part awkwardly.
Then Killua groaned. "I accidently hinted to the fact that me and Gon were going to have sex during a conversation and we ended up having to fake it-" Zushi spit out some of a drink that he was sipping, then started laughing. Gon blushed hard and covered his face. "It was so embarrassing! Mitsuba walked by afterwards and my hair was all messed up and I had a few fake hickeys and I nearly died" he sulked. Then Zushi wheezed to a stop and coughed. "One thing" Both he and Killua looked up at his slight frown. "Forgive me for asking this but...how the hell did this even happen?" he shifted a bit and looked down. "Not only are you a criminal and he's just a normal school kid, but you kidnapped him. It's not making sense" Gon bit his lip, Killua slid an arm around his waist. He's one of Killua's friends...I guess it wouldn't hurt. "Do you...want to tell him?" Killua murmured softly. "Right before I was kidnapped...I was going to jump" he said.
Zushi's eyes widened, and Gon snuggled into Killua's side some more. "I-I... couldn't take it anymore. The constant pain, harassment, humiliation. I...I" Tears rolled down his cheeks and he shoved his face into Killua's side as he cried. Then he smiled a little. "B-But then I got brought here" He said softly. "Nobody...called me names, or hit me, or touched me." He wrapped his arms around Killua, and Killua hugged him back as he wiped his tears. "K-Killua was the kindest person I've ever met. This was the safest I've felt in years. Even though I was kidnapped, handcuffed, confined in a single room. I felt safe. I felt...free" Killua ruffled his hair a little, he had to admit it made him feel a little better. "You didn't have to say the whole thing if you didn't feel comfortable" He said in a slightly worried tone. Gon wiped his eyes, looking away. "I...I don't know why I felt like explaining. I just...I don't like remembering it."
Then Killua grinned, "I know what'll take your mind off it" Gon blinked. "Hm?" He chuckled and grabbed his phone, then showed something to Zushi. His jaw dropped. "Holy crap! How the hell do you look so good in a skirt?" Gon flushed. "KILLUA!" he snickered, "I thought you said you liked cross dressing" He teased. Ahh! He covered his burning face with his hands, sulking in embarrassment. "Well I have a feminine body so I thought, 'I should like dresses right?' so I just kind of went with it and tried on one and I do actually kind of like dresses" he shifted a little, gesturing to his outfit. "This is actually women's clothing, it feels better for some reason on me." He shifted slightly again, looking down. "I...it's the short skirts that I don't like, Alluka said she wouldn't make me anything below a certain point though" he mumbled. Killua groaned. "How'd we get back to stuff like this again?" Gon huffed, looking away. "5 years doesn't shake easy, the memories keep coming back" He mumbled. Killua blinked. "Wait, you wore a skirt before that long ago?"
Gon shook his head, biting his lip. "No...first was the maid dress, then...then....Retz" He said her name with clearly uncomfortable and nervous tone. Killua kissed him on the cheek and he blushed, snapping out of it. "Don't worry, I shot her for you" Gon jumped a little, looking up with a startled expression. "W-Wait, you did?" I have mixed feelings about this news. He grinned. "Yeah. But...you were there right?" he scoffed. "Sorry, too busy hyperventilating to notice" Then Gon frowned slightly. "Did you kill her?" he sighed with a satisfied look, but shook his head. Zushi frowned slightly. "Where'd you shoot her?" He smirked. "The crotch, nobody'll ever find her body attractive again. Bitch'll never get a boyfriend like that, good luck trying to rape someone now with a bullet wound there bitchass whore" Zushi looked horrified at what he just implied, Gon smiled a little. "That...is it bad that that makes me feel better?" He slung an arm around Gon's shoulders with a grin. "Not at all. And if I ever come face to face with Hisoka I'm putting a bullet through his skull, no questions asked"
He felt his eyes tear up a little, and Killua's own widened in concern. "G-Gon? I'm sorry, should I not have mentioned him-" He leaned into Killua's side, smiling while crying. "I...thank you. Thank you Killua" He fell silent, then rested a gentle hand on his back. "Then why are you crying?" he smiled some more, snuggling into Killua's chest. "I...I'm so happy. It's been so long since I've been...happy" He said softly. I've spent so long just trying to make it through school. I never...I never thought I'd be happy again. But Killua had given it to him. He'd given him the ticket out of his hellhole of a life, and he'd shown him more kindness than he'd ever thought was possible. Gon turned, "I love you Killua" Killua rested a gentle kiss on Gon's lips, "Love you too Gon"
1839 words
To be continued...
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