Gon was going to the grocery store to get some things for aunt mito, she'd asked him to get him some stuff for her to cook with. He was just walking when a face caught his eye. Gon took a sharp breath and kept walking. Please don't see me please don't see me please don't see m- "Hey Freaks!" Gon paused, then turned with a smile to look at the group of people who usually were the ones who gave him beatdowns. The male in the lead was Nix, he had long black hair and cruel cerulean eyes. Nix was the one who spoke, and they slowly made their way over. "Oh hey" He said cheerfully, smiling his brightest. He was grabbed by the arm by Kuri, who was a female with short orange hair and laughing emerald eyes. "I wanna have some fun, but the street's too crowded. Whattya say Freaks?" Fun...this is fun. He thought. How messed up my life is, for the image of me beaten bloody to be tied with the word fun.
He beamed. "Sounds great!" The group of five snickered and muttered to themselves as he was led away, talking about how stupid he was for thinking they actually meant something fun. No, he knew what was coming. He just wanted to get it over with so he could get aunt mito's groceries sooner. He folded the paper list and slipped it in his pocket, smile fading as he was drawn into an alleyway between buildings. "Dumbass, you really thought we had something fun planned for you?" Nix smirked, gesturing for the others to grab him. One of them grabbed his left arm, another his right. Two more restrained his legs and Kuri was slipping out the 5 shiny rings she usually wore when he got beatdowns. I don't like being hurt. A tear rolled down his cheek. But...I can't stop it. It's endless. Nix smirked. "This'll be fun to watch"
Then he was hit square in the jaw, Gon couldn't help his yelp of pain as he saw stars for a few seconds. She hit again, this time in the stomach. He coughed hard, wheezing for breath as the air was knocked out of his lungs. Why won't it stop. He got hit again and again, a bit of blood splattered on the ground. Why can't the pain just- "HEY YOU!" Nix froze, then turned to the voice. Gon's head hung low, he'd just gotten bashed hard in the chin so his ears were ringing slightly and his vision was fading in and out. Oh god- He felt a hand on his shoulder, shaking him. There was a voice, but his ears were ringing too loudly to hear it. The pain...it left. Then he realized. Hand... Gon started to sway slightly, then he sagged into a body. "Kid are you alright?" Gon blinked, then blinked again. He glanced up and then his eyes widened slightly at what he saw. It was a male, he had short blonde hair and brown eyes. And he was a police officer. Gon stood up, beaming. "Oh hi!" He bit back the pain for a little, it wasn't too bad. The officer looked slightly taken aback by his cheerful mood when he had just gotten beaten up.
"What's your name?" He asked, taking out a notepad of some sort. He giggled slightly. "I'm Gon Freeces!" he nodded. "Age?" Gon blinked. "I'm nearly 17" He hummed slightly in response, then got out a med kit. Gon waved a hand. "Oh it's not that bad-" The officer shook his head. "it could get infected. Tell me, where did they hit you?" Gon decided against giving the full explanation, just pointing. He pointed to his face and his stomach, which was only half of what happened but he didn't need this officer to worry. "So um...what's your name?" He mumbled awkwardly. He smiled. "The name's Kurapika." Kurapika finished bandaging his stomach and head, then got out a phone. "Do you have a parent or guardian's phone I could-" Gon spoke over him. "You can't call aunt mito!" He paused, then looked at Gon with a slight frown. "Why is that?" He sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "I...I don't want her to worry. It's not too bad, I'll just say I fell or something. Besides I have to get the groceries!" Kurapika looked at him for a moment, then shrugged. "Alright, let's go"
Gon blinked. "Let's? like...you....and me?" He was confused by this, why did this officer care? He smiled, and Gon knew. It wasn't a fake smile. He'd seen fake smiles, they were edged with malice and sneers. "Why not? I could help you carry those home. I've actually just been put on the field, I'm 20" He slipped his hand into his as they walked, Kurapika blinked down at it for a second before continuing on his way. "Nice, you must...not have school anymore" He shrugged. "Well, sometimes I wish I could go back. School's one of the most important aspects of a young person's life" Gon kept that smile on his face. Is it...normal? Is he saying this pain his normal? "O-Oh yeah...true" He felt his voice wobble a little and Kurapika's eyes snapped to his face. "Is...something wrong?" He shook his head. "N-No?" Gon felt a tear form at the corner of his eye and quickly looked away. "Do you not feel safe at school?" Shit! I- Damn it I can't! "W-What? No! I just...got into a fight....with a friend" He mumbled.
He felt arms around him, Gon was startled for a few moments before he realized that Kurapika was hugging him. Gon's arms trembled slightly as he brought his hands up to hug back. It feels...nice. "Hey, I can come back every few days to talk for a few minutes until you feel better" He murmured. Gon felt tears welling up in the corners of his eyes and he smiled through his tears. "R-Really? You'll come back?" He said, in a small slightly shaking voice. "Sure. It's my job to make sure kids like you are safe. Can't have a repeat of what happened a few minutes ago now can we?"
They ended up talking every other day. He and Kurapika would go to a café, or a restaurant and just talk. Usually they'd talk about him, Gon didn't have a whole lot to say about himself. It gave him a small thread, something to cling onto to keep himself from getting dragged under. But then one day...he stopped coming. Gon sat at the same café they usually met at for a whole week. I guess...he got busy. Gon felt himself shifting back into his old habits, he no longer had anyone to eat with so he started eating less again. The beatings got harsher, or maybe it was just his old viewpoint on life coming back. It got worse. He started getting death threats. Well, they weren't exactly death threats but they might as well have been. 'You don't deserve to be here' 'just drop dead' 'nobody'll miss you if you just disappeared' 'Go die' Gon had once been a happy person. But faced with the name calling, the threats, the bullying, he forced himself to keep smiling.
Time passed, he was 17 and a half now. He spent his lunches in the library now, he couldn't sit in that crowded cafeteria without getting tripped or a tray being dumped over his head. You'd think that with all this bullying, he'd acquire some resistance to pain. Or at least a little more strength to be able to fight back. But his legs got weaker, his body was thin and tired and he couldn't find the strength to even attempt running any more. Then one day, he got a note in his desk. 'if a friend jumped off a bridge would you do it to? Oh sorry, I forgot you didn't have any! Guess you'd die alone' His hands tightened slightly around the note. Jump off a bridge? Who would be stupid enough to- Gon froze. There's a bridge, it's only about a half mile's walk away from my house. Gon folded up the picture as the bell rang, then grabbed his bag and made his way outside. It was the end of the second month, which meant he had to go see Hisoka. Gon had once told himself to try to like it, maybe it would come easier. But it hurt, and he couldn't. it didn't matter though, he came back at the same time like an obedient dog.
"Welcome back Freaks" Hisoka said in that low creepy voice. Gon smiled, it was forced as hell and they both knew it. "Nice to see you again Hisoka" He chuckled. "I've got something different planned for today" Gon tensed slightly, then sat down on the faded grey beanbag that Hisoka had hauled out here one time. It was more comfortable then the floor, and he'd take any shred of comfort available. "So, you've expressed your dislike of...losing your virginity" Gon nodded slowly. One time Hisoka had tried to rape him, Gon had promised to come back three times that month if he promised not to do it. He smirked, then pulled something out of a bag. Gon's breath hitched slightly when he saw it. It was small, and a rough cylinder shape. He didn't know what it was called, but he knew what it was for. "But I'm sure you won't mind this" He said with a lust filled smile. If I...do this willingly, will it get it over sooner? He didn't respond to him for a few minutes, just stared down at the ropes that were laying near his feet. "So, what do you say?" Hisoka whispered in his ear. "Are you going to let me play with you, or do we need a repeat of that deal we made a while ago?"
Gon turned, flopping down face first onto the beanbag. "5 minutes" He said quietly. Hisoka made a slightly surprised noise. "What was that?" He felt tears roll down his cheeks. It's gonna hurt, I know it is. But... "I'll give you 5 minutes, then tomorrow I'll come back and do it again." He heard a chuckle, then his shorts were slipped off. "Deal~"
Gon sat on a bench near the café, crying silently. I just got raped. Sure it w-wasn't...the real thing but it's still rape. It hurts, it hurts so bad. He couldn't do that again tomorrow. So he started walking. His legs were weaker than usual, must be a side effect. He walked for about an hour, eventually arriving at the bridge. He leaned down on the railing, looking over the edge at the 5 story drop. If a friend jumped off a bridge...would you do it. He mused. I don't have a friend to jump with me...guess I'll die alone. He hauled himself up onto the railing, then sat down on the edge with his legs dangling off. I wonder if there's pain in hell... He felt himself start to slide, then he fell deep into darkness.
1852 words
To be continued...
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