Kurapika thought about what he had learned today, sitting in his office with a serious expression. Check the school... He really didn't trust that Zoldyck. But... the way they spoke to each other. That's not the way someone speaks to their kidnapper, it's the way one speaks to a friend. He seemed to genuinely care about Gon, and Gon seemed to genuinely care about him. It wasn't Stockholm syndrome, not quite. 'At least I wasn't in constant pain, or fear' he said. Kurapika thought back to when he'd asked Gon if he felt safe at school. There was a small moment's hesitation between his answer and the question, something Kurapika had written off because he thought he just didn't like sharing personal information. During their conversations, Gon never really talked about himself. But that wasn't it. He was hiding something, something so bad it caused him to try to commit suicide. He would've never guessed.
He seemed happy when I met with him. Maybe it made him feel like he wasn't alone? Like he had somebody to support him? But then...he left. It wasn't by his choice, but Gon must not have had anyone to go to about his problems. That's why he didn't want me telling his aunt about the assault. He realized, standing up with his hands on the desk. He was hiding it from her, from everyone. I need to get to the bottom of this, once I find out what's wrong...maybe it can be fixed. "Kurapika?" Dalzollene asked, he was the second in command. Previously first, but after he'd gotten promoted he seemed to accept his leadership. "We never checked the school" he said. Dalzollene frowned slightly. "The school wouldn't have any clues would it?" he shook his head. "That's what I thought, but...nobody checked it" he grabbed his badge and casual uniform for blending in. "You're in charge while I'm gone" His eyes widened. "Right now? But-" Kurapika waved a hand. "Tomorrow. Tell nobody where I'm going, or when. If anyone asks say I'll be back by tomorrow night"
Kurapika set up, putting on clothes that made him look younger. He wanted to blend in with the student body, and thankfully he actually a little shorter than the average 20 year old. He also placed a recording device in one of his pockets, and brought his phone. He might need to take photos. Actually, he also brought some forensic equipment just in case, you never know when you're going to need it. As he tried to walk up to the school, one of the school officers intercepted him with a suspicious look. "never seen you around here before, and I know all the staff." He slipped out his badge, flashing it at him real quick. "Posing as a student to get information about a missing kid" His eyes widened slightly, then he nodded. "you may enter" He replaced his badge and started walking, first just making his way through the crowded hallways. He noticed that there were actually many people who were his size, students got held back often apparently.
He tried his best to walk more like a teenager, god he had never really walked like that. He was one of those kids who grew up fast, he had to after all. After his clan was massacred by the phantom troupe a few years ago, he'd grown more calm and collected. But his rage never faded, one look at a spider insignia and he snapped. "Kind of wish he didn't leave" Kurapika paused, not staring but migrating a bit over. There was a male with long black hair leaning on a locker, speaking to a female with short orange hair. "yeah, Freaks was fun to play with" Freaks....Freeces? Sounds similar enough. There was a small circle of people around the two, it looked like some sort of school gang. Then he recognized those faces. It's the two kids who were assaulting him in that alleyway! 'play with', there probably school bullies. "I mean, maybe it's a good thing" Kurapika froze. "he was such a dumbass anyways, and a freak" Kurapika gritted his teeth slightly, then moved on.
He started asking around about him, casually mentioning the kid that had gone missing to random people. Nobody had anything nice to say about him, they called him all sorts of things. And then...he saw a picture. Kurapika knelt down, the people had faded from the hallways as class commenced. His eyes widened in shock at what he saw. It was Gon. He was bound up in ropes, completely bare of any clothing, and with a condom in his mouth. He looked like an absolute slut. This has got to be photoshopped. Kurapika felt his hand shake with anger, it took all his willpower to fold the picture carefully and place it in his pocket. There was a way to undo photoshop, he'd do it later today. Right now, he needed time to cool off. First, he needed to find his locker. Kurapika had explained to the principal what he was doing and he was given the locker combination as well as the locations of each of his desks and classes.
He arrived at the locker, then glared down at the etchings. 'freak' 'slut' 'pussy' How hadn't any teachers noticed this? They possibly thought it was normal bullying, you can tell a kid to stop calling someone names but you can't watch them 24/7. This was far past normal bullying though. He opened the locker, then put a hand to his mouth when he saw the things inside. He saw graphic pictures of nude men, period pads, countless letters, a few bows. Kurapika knelt down to pick up one of the letters, then gently unfolded it. 'if a friend jumped off a bridge would you do it to? Oh sorry, I forgot you didn't have any! Guess you'd die alone' he felt his anger spike, and he started taking pictures. Kurapika put on gloves so he could track every single person who'd touched these and do proper forensics, he didn't have proper time right now but he would do it eventually. He didn't bring anything to store things in without damaging them, tomorrow was Saturday so he'd do it then. Then Kurapika snapped a photo of the outside of the locker and went to the library.
He wasn't expecting to find anything there, but when he asked the librarian he said that Gon usually came here to eat lunch. It made sense though, who would want to be in a room full of hundreds of people that hated you? Kurapika was starting to get it, why he was so scared of going back to school. The assault...it's a regular occurrence isn't it? Constant pain, constant fear. What were the names again? Nick and Prue? Damn it he should've written them down. And I can't contact him again, I never got Gon's phone number and I doubt he has it on him anyways. Zoldyck's already off the radar, no way I'd be able to get ahold of him. He could leave a note in the park, in the same tree they'd sat in. It might not work, but it was worth a shot.
After the school day ended he entered the classrooms, fighting back his anger when he looked at each of his desks. They were carved with profanities and other inappropriate figures. He made sure to take a picture of each one, then noticed how most of the insides had been cleaned out or only had things stuffed in the back. In one of them he pulled out a paper, then his eyes burned with anger as he read it. 'gay freak' There was nothing wrong with liking men, was that what started this all? Some people were more accepting than others, apparently this school's students weren't. "Hello?" Kurapika glanced up, then saw a janitor. "Oh, hello." He looked kind of nervous, then noticed who's desk he was at. "I wouldn't touch that one if I were you" He said, frowning slightly. Kurapika kept a level head. "why exactly would you say that?" He asked, in a neutral tone. He rubbed the back of his head with a disappointed look. "I always find...things, in that desk. I've been the janitor for years, there's one like it in a few other classrooms"
He nodded. "The desk belongs to Gon Freeces, a missing student. I am simply conducting a search" he said, flashing his police badge. The janitor's eyes shot wide, and he stood a little straighter. "O-Oh, sorry sir. You may cont-" he held up a hand to stop him from leaving. "No, I want details. The case went cold after 2 months and we finally decided to take a look at the school." He nodded, then closed the door behind him and sat down at a chair with an awkward expression. "W-Well...first of all there's the pictures" Kurapika's eyes darkened a little. "Yes, I saw some of those. How often do you find them in his desks?" He rubbed the back of his head. "Uhh...every day pretty much. I have to frequently clean it out, there's constantly pads and condoms stuck on the inside. I don't understand why the hell this kid puts them in his desk though" He janitor looked disapproving. Kurapika scoffed. "You think he's the one doing it?" The janitor looked up with a slight frown. "Well...yes?"
Is that what all the teachers think? Is that why it hasn't been dealt with yet? Kurapika crossed his legs with a slight glare. "No. I've spoken to other students, I've seen his locker. It's the other kids in this school who are harassing him" The janitor looked startled for some reason. "When did it start?" He sighed. "it was...around 5 years ago, that's when I first started finding scraps of paper. Then it evolved into the...other things" Kurapika did the math. 12...he was 12 when this started. This school had grades from 6 to 12, which meant a lot of students. He wrote this information down and snapped another picture of the desk, then stood up and gave the janitor a curt nod. "Thank you sir, this helped substantially in my search" He nodded, "No problem officer" Kurapika exited the school, the dark truth settling in on his shoulders. Gon...he's been dealing with this pain for 5 years. Despite himself, he felt a tear form in the corner of his eye. It got so bad that being kidnapped might have been the best thing that happened to you. I promise Gon, really promise this time. He thought, as he got into his car. I'll get to the bottom of this, and then I'll find a way to make school safe for you again.
1790 words
To be continued...
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