"Gon" he jumped slightly, then glanced over his shoulder. Killua was standing in his doorway, Gon was currently sitting on his bed. "Yes Killua?" He slid down on the bed next to him, then placed a hand on his. Gon blushed a little. What's brought this on? "I...um...was wondering" he mumbled. Gon glanced over at him, and he was staring into Gon's eyes. His heart rate picked up a little, Gon's fingers twined around Killua's as well. They both breathed each other's air for a few moments, before Gon decided to gently place a kiss on his lips when he didn't make a move for a solid 10 seconds. "Mh~" His eyes fell shut and Killua moved him closer, their chests brushing together a little. This is nice. He thought, then a hand slid up his chest and he shuddered, pulling back. Killua gritted his teeth. "S-Sorry" Gon slid an arm around him as he tried to get up, biting his lip. "No...don't apologize. It was just...if I close my eyes sometimes I can imagine it. It...my eyes need to be open, so I know it's you"
Eheheh, small warning. Nothing too big, but there's a bit of touching here if it's not obvious already. -3-
He blinked, then glanced up. "So...I can..." Gon nodded, shifting a little. It feels nice when he touches me, he's always gentle.
Killua slid a hand up his chest, Gon flushed a little at the contact but kept their fingers interlocked. He blushed a bit more, looking away. "You can go under if you want" He mumbled. Killua cupped his cheek for a second, and he looked into his eyes. "Only if you're comfortable with it. Don't feel like you have to please me if you don't want this" He murmured. Gon smiled a little, then shifted slightly to where he had both hands on Killua's hips. "It feels good when you do it" he said softly. Killua lowered his hands and then slid them about an inch up his shirt, gently tracing. He twitched a little, eyes half falling shut. "Nh~" The hands lightly circled his waist, then moved up another inch. "This nice?" Killua murmured. He nodded, "Mhm" he's so gentle, despite being an assassin, despite being a criminal. He's... Gon felt his hands slide up a little more, slowly so if he wanted to protest he could. "Mh~"
He enjoyed the feeling for a while, Killua's hands were warm and comfortable. Then one of his fingers traced along his pectoral muscle and he twitched slightly. "Nhh~" his blush deepened a little, and his hand slid up Killua's side a bit as well. "You want to touch too?" Gon hummed for a moment, then decided to give in and slide his hands up Killua's shirt a little. "Nhg~" His fingers brushed against his pectoral muscle again, and Gon traced his own fingers along the lines of his abs. "Nh~" He's got so many muscles, but I've never seen him work out. I wonder where the training room is? His hands traveled up, exploring the lines and muscles on his abdomen. Then the door opened.
Moment over
"Freeces it's time fo-" Mitsuba cut herself off awkwardly and he blushed, then pulled his hands back. Killua kept going though, and he blushed even more. "K-Killua" He blinked. "Hm?" his hands paused, then followed his eyes. He blushed some, then removed his hands. "O-Oh....uh..." Gon covered his face with his hands. "That was awkward" He muttered. Mitsuba cleared her throat. "it is time to retire for the night" she said sweetly. Killua blinked, then scooped Gon up. He blushed a little. "K-Killua what are you-" he chuckled. "We're going to my room" He closed his mouth, accepting this answer. Mitsuba also accepted the answer, exiting the room and closing the door after they left. He was set down in Killua's bed, who slid off his shirt like he usually did to sleep. Gon bit his lip, then as Killua lay down he placed a hand on his back. He stiffened slightly, then glanced over his shoulder. "O-Oh...those" He mumbled. Gon traced the lines, and Killua seemed to relax into it. "How'd you get these?" He murmured.
Killua sighed. "Training" His eyes widened slightly and he paused his movements, then resumed. This training of his sounds harsh, I count....38 scars. "Makes me wonder...who had the worse life" He murmured. Killua chuckled softly. "There both equally shitty" He sighed, then slid down in the bed. Gon was about to close his eyes when he felt Killua roll over. He felt arms slide around him and pull him a bit closer, spooning him. Gon blushed a little, but it felt...nice. He sighed, letting his eyes drift shut. When he didn't protest, Killua shifted a little closer. Their legs tangled together and Killua nuzzled into his back a little. He drifted into a deep peaceful sleep, a warm darkness enveloping him gently.
"G...n.......n......Gon!" His eyes opened, it was morning. Killua was staring at him with a slightly irritated expression. He blinked once, twice, then flushed. He was laying directly on top of Killua, hands latched around the back of his neck and legs tangled with his. Honestly he probably could have moved him with ease, he wasn't very strong. "Uhhh...good morning?" He said awkwardly. Killua huffed. "Got off me moron" He keeps calling me stupid. Well I mean it's true, but still. Although, he never insulted him harshly or aggressively. Whenever he insulted Gon, it was always in a lighthearted tone. Like he knew just how fragile he was. Looking at him, you'd never think he could be so kind. Gon smiled a little as he removed himself. But he is, he really is. "Alright...plans for today?" Killua shrugged, then Gon's eyes trailed down his chest. "Checking me out?" He said with a slight smirk. Gon blushed a little. "Just...wondering where the training room was. You must have one right?" Killua blinked. "No offense...you wouldn't have much use for it" He laughed dryly. "I know I'm weak, I'm not planning on training anyways. I was just wondering"
"it's on the 4th floor down, you've never been there" Gon nodded, then thought for a moment. What is down there? "Is there anything else?" Killua hesitated for a moment, and Gon frowned slightly. There is, but he doesn't want to tell me. Is it...something bad? There was a commotion from outside and they both looked to the door, he could hear Mitsuba running around. "W-Wait! You're not supposed to leave your chambers young master!" There was a giggle, it was a female voice. Killua cursed under his breath and started to get up, then the door slammed open. Gon's eyes widened when he saw her. She had long flowing black hair and sparkling blue eyes that looked just like Killua's. "I wanna go see big brother!" Killua has a little sister? She paused when she saw Gon, mouth parting slightly with a slight shimmer of her eyes. "Young Master Alluka please-" Mitsuba paused at the door, then let out a sigh of defeat when she saw them. "You must be Gon!" Alluka said, running over and giving him a hug. She...knows my name? he glanced sideways at Killua, who was rubbing his temples with a slightly irritated look.
"is this what else is on the 4th floor?" He sighed. "yeah. Gon, meet Alluka. My little sister" She smiled up at him, couldn't be older than 16. "I've been here for nearly two months and you didn't introduce me?" He said, kind of sadly. Alluka let go and then went to hug Killua, who wrapped his arms around her with a soft smile. "Well...it's complicated" He said quietly, and Gon thought he saw a flash of anger in the depths of his sapphire eyes. Woah... he decided not to ask, at least not yet. "Isn't big brother and Gon boyfriends or something?" He and Killua both blushed. Mitsuba looked like she was about to correct her when Killua sighed. "Yeah" Her eyes widened, they hadn't actually told anyone except for Bisky yet. Suddenly Alluka stumbled a little and Killua caught her, then she turned with an odd expression. "Uhh...." Her eyes seemed blank, and he was pretty sure that they were darker. "Hmm..." She walked slowly over to Gon, he was enormously confused but stayed silent.
"Accept Killua's boyfriend" She said, then stumbled slightly again. This time Gon caught her, he was worried for this kid. Then she looked up and her eyes were normal again, as was her personality. "Oooh, can we play dress up sometime?" She asked eagerly. Gon smiled. "Sure. Can I...talk to big brother for a moment?" Alluka blinked. "Oh, ok. I'm not supposed to be out of my room anyways" She went back over to Mitsuba and slipped her hand into hers, then they walked back out of the room. Gon looked up at Killua with a question in his eyes. The hell was that? He rubbed the back of her head. "Alluka has a...split personality disorder" Oh. He slipped on his shirt finally. "Her name's Nanika, mother and father think she's a disgrace to the family and keep her confined to her chambers on the 4th floor down." Gon frowned slightly. "Your parents are assholes." he laughed, "yes, they are. I personally hate them, and everybody else in my family. Well, except Alluka. I guess grandpa Zeno isn't too bad but Piggy's a bitch. And Illumi"
Gon blinked. "How big is your family?" He sighed. "Mother, Father, Grandpa Zeno, Milluki's one of my older brothers, I call him piggy. Illumi's scary as fuck, he's the oldest. Kalluto's my younger brother, and Alluka's my little sister" I never knew his family was so big. "So...do the others live here too?" He asked, kind of nervously. Killua snorted. "Hell no, if they did I'd lose my mind. The rest of them live at mother and father's house, the only reason I got my own mansion was because I'm supposed to be the head of the family business one day" He said, rolling his eyes. Gon bit his lip. The head..."I never wanted it though. Like, I have two older brothers! Why can't one of them lead? Illumi's a lot more capable than me anyways." Gon shrugged, "Beats me" Then Killua stood up, stretching. "Alright, you should probably go get ready for the morning. I bet Mitsuba's already got breakfast for you"
1733 words
To be continued...
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