Killua was irritated. The only person he found suitable for kidnapping was a bratty teenager who was constantly on her phone. He sighed, then felt a double click. He frowned slightly down at the device. Why would he need something? I'm in the middle of the job. He started walking, the target was leaning on a building tapping away on her phone. He got it again. Killua ignored it, then quickly hit his pressure point and hauled the victim behind a building. Killua let out a deep breath, then started back home. It was by car, he positioned the kidnapped girl so she looked like she was sleeping in the passenger seat. He got another signal from Gon. That's...three times. Is he just playing with his button? Killua couldn't help the small misgiving he got. "I'm gonna go check on him the moment I-" Then he got a distress signal, Gon clicked 5 times rapidly. Killua cursed under his breath and upped the speed, going as fast as he could without getting you know, pulled over. As soon as he made it back to the house he quickly cuffed the victim and hauled her inside, throwing her without care in the room he usually did before walking quickly to the meeting room.
His parents were talking on the couch, no sign of Gon or the other family that was supposed to be here. "Mother? Father? Where's Gon?" Silva grinned, leaning back. "Omokage offered 40 grand for him" Killua froze. He- what- Killua couldn't believe what he was hearing. "YOU SOLD HIM? WITHOUT MY PERMISSION?" He yelled. Kikyo waved a hand. "You can just get another. It was too good to pass up" That must've been why he'd called Killua, they were discussing buying him and Gon needed him there to refuse. Killua felt tears sting the corners of his eyes. I need to get him back. I- I can't let him go through that. He's already gone through so much shit in life. "HE WAS MY FAVORITE! I HATE YOU!" He yelled, shoving past his mother as she tried to calm him down. Killua ran to his bedroom, slamming the door shut and flopping down on his bed. I...I don't even know who bought him. How do I get him back?
Gon wasn't in handcuffs. No, he was just allowed to wander. Well 'allowed' and 'should' are two very different things. The mansion was bright and plain, not much lavish decoration. He was currently sitting on a stool, watching Retz eat lunch. She seemed really bratty to him, more like a 10 year old then someone around his age. She kept ordering the servants around and he flinched slightly when she hit one for not making her food correctly. "I'm gonna tell big brother and have you demoted!" She snapped. Then she smiled at him sweetly and beckoned him over. "Gon! Come sit" He nervously made his way over, before getting pulled down in the seat right beside her. Gon felt awkward, and she giggled and handed him a fork. "feed me some strawberries!" Oh....alright? He hesitantly stabbed one with the fork, then kept his fake smile on as he lifted it to her lips. She opened her mouth and he placed it in there, then pulled the fork back as she chewed. He was about to speak when suddenly he got struck in the side of the face. "Slaves don't sit next to their masters! Behave yourself!" Omokage said sternly. But...she told me to.
Retz gasped. "Big brother no!" She wrapped her arms around him and he forced his breathing to stay steady as she scowled over at him. "Don't put a scratch on him! I asked him to feed me strawberries!" He sighed. "Why did you want him so bad anyways? He's just a slave" She pulled Gon closer, he was practically sitting on her lap. "He's cute, I want him" Gon's breath hitched slightly, memories flashing through his brain. Then she trailed a hand up his chest while still talking and he didn't stop to think. Gon threw himself off her and onto the floor, gasping for air as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Gon? What's the matter?" Retz worried, cupping his cheek as she crouched beside him. He was glad that she wasn't mad at him, that would've been worse. He looked away, wiping his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I just..." He tried to think of an excuse. "I have PTSD. I-I...can you not put me on your lap? I-I mean I know I shouldn't ask you but...it brings back horrible memories" He whispered the last part, and then he got kicked by Omokage in the side. Gon gasped, then gritted his teeth against the pain. Retz stood up and shoved him. "Stop it! He's perfect the way he is."
Is she...kind? I can't tell. Because the way she treated the others was horrible, but the way she treated him... "He needs to learn not to disobey. A slave does what he is told" Omokage said coldly, narrowing his eyes slightly at him. "he can't help it if he has PTSD. Besides, I like him. Don't ruin his beauty and his personality with fear and hitting!" She helped him stand up, then fretted over him for a little while more. Well...I'm not hating this. I'm not liking it either though, I have a feeling she has an ulterior motive. He smiled shyly, this time it was a real one. Retz's eyes seemed to sparkle a little and she stuck her tongue out at her older brother. "He's mine! You're not allowed to hurt him." he frowned slightly. "You usually don't care when I punish your servants" Gon god a weird feeling. My gut says something bad's going to happen. "Well not this one. This one's perfect the way he is and needs no corrections" She said, sliding a hand along his side. Gon twitched slightly, keeping his breathing steady again. I don't like how she keeps touching me. Wait- Suddenly, something Killua had told him hit hard. 'slaves are usually used as sex toys'
This would be a great time for a warning. I go a little into details here but it's not exactly smut, fuck you Retz.
I don't want to, I don't want to do that. Hell I don't even like her touching me, what do I do? I can't run, I can't fight back- "Gon, let's go to my room!" Retz said cheerily, grabbing his hand and practically dragging him there. Fuck, shit, damn it. I'm scared, what do I do? As he was brought to her room, he blinked a few times to clear his eyes. It was all fucking pink. Dolls everywhere, some puppets on a string, a frilly girly queen sized bed. "Go put that on!" She said, with a giggle. Gon grabbed the outfit and went to the bathroom, then gulped down at the clothes. I'm gonna get raped. He breathed for a few seconds, trying to fight his fears. m-maybe she just wants to see how cute I look? I guess I can put it on...
He felt a tear roll down his cheek as he looked in the mirror. I'm scared. "What's taking so long?" Retz asked from outside the door. "J-Just give me a minute, it's a bit tight" He said, then wiped his eyes. Will I ever see him again? Gon missed Killua already, he didn't like it here. He'd only been in this house for 3 hours and he already felt unsafe. I don't want to do this, I don't want to experience that pain again. Then he thought. If I...tell her to be gentle, will she listen? It's still going to be horrible, but at least it won't hurt. The skirt was uncomfortably short, and the top was as well. It had all sorts of holes that exposed most of his body anyways. Might as well be fucking shirtless, shit I have to go out now. He calmed his breathing, then put on a smile. He wasn't all that good at pretending, but a smile he could do. You've been doing it for years, just act like everything's ok.
He walked out of the room and Retz squealed, blushing a little. "it looks so cute on you! Oh my god you pull off a skirt so well!" Killua said the same thing about the dress...guess I do have a feminine body. He beckoned him over to the bed. "sit down!" He complied, trying his best to keep that short ass skirt covering his crotch. It was hard, the damn thing was way too short. "I knew it was the right call getting you" She said, sliding a hand up his side. Gon's breath hitched and he decided to just up and ask. "Why...exactly do you like me so much?" Retz smiled, "You're so perfect. Big brother gets me loads of servants but your different." Then she pressed forward and locked their lips together. Gon's eyes went wide and after a moment she pulled back, then slid her arms up his sides. "I want you" She whispered in his ear. N-No. I don't- stop- She slid her hands up the ridiculously short crop top and grabbed at his biceps. "W-Wait" He said. Retz paused, glancing up at his face. He felt heat rising in his cheeks. Please listen to me. "Can you...be gentle? I...I don't like rough" He mumbled. She frowned slightly. "I'm not being rough" Damn it.
She kept doing it, and he felt his fear rising along with his heart rate. Stop it, I don't like this. Stop touching me- then she kissed him again, Gon felt tears in the corners of his eyes. Sure he could run, or fight back, but what would happen then? He'd be punished. Retz would no longer favor him, he'd be treated just as worse as the others. But is this any better? Being forced to do this? He didn't know, he couldn't decide. I hate my life. Then one of her hands removed itself as they were still kissing, Gon decided to kiss back a little even though he hated it. If I please her, she'll stop sooner right? Then he felt a hand slide up his thigh and under his skirt. NOT THERE! That was where it usually hurt the most, he didn't want that feeling again. Gon brought his own hands up to her chest and gently pushed her away. Retz blinked, then pulled back. "Oh, you want a turn?" Gon bit his lip as she took off her shirt, sitting there in just her bra. What do I do? If I touch her, she won't touch me. But I don't want to touch her, I don't like her. I'm fucking gay anyways.
"Do you want my skirt as well?" She asked with a wink. SHIT. If I don't she's gonna fucking rape me, damn it. Gon gritted his teeth and pushed her down onto the bed, then resultantly massaged her chest with his hands. It's so squishy, I don't like it. Damn it I hate it, I don't want this. He forced himself to keep going, leaning down and pressing their lips together. "Mh~ Nh~" Gon felt horrible doing this, but it was for his own self preservation. At least, that's what he tried desperately to believe. He was driven by fear, but he knew it was still wrong. Retz's hands slid down from his back to his ass, he felt tears forming in the corners of his eyes as this progressed. I want it to stop. Please stop-
1950 words
To be continued...
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