"Speak, you can't have your tongue caught now can you." Ramar taunted as he looked at the Lycan who was panting like a dog in heat, he knew what he wanted to say but it was better that one of the whores at the mercy of the demon king speak, from him it would be a conspiracy. "What is it, Jon?" Alquin growled as the scent of blood permeated the air.
"I was attacked my lord, more so threatened by someone in the castle not to speak of this, but please grant me your protection first before I speak." Jon urged pleading with the king because he knew what he was about to say would very well lead to the end of his life. "Granted, now speak because you're ruining a perfectly good evening for me." Alquin demanded as he looked at the man in front of him with frightened eyes. "My lord, Saytor, and Marcos are having an affair behind your back, Marcos has conceived, hidden the child by spell and it is not yours." Jon mumbled looking at the floor than the king.
Alquin roared with laughter as Jon had finished. "I knew you were desperate for my attention Jon, but these lengths are extreme." Alquin burst out laughing again. "My lord I tell the truth, I saw them, when I was on my way to tell you, I was intercepted by someone in the shadows they threatened me not to speak, please my lord, believe me, you can search my mind for the truth." Jon begged as Alquin calmed, the demon looked at the witch king who had remained stoic and knew something wasn't right.
Immediately Alquin had his hands wrapped around Jon's head. "Forbidden Circle: Psychic Division." He mumbled and it all unraveled to him, he saw what Jon had seen, he saw the baby bump, he saw the kisses, he saw his matriarch in the arms of his general. "No!" Alquin screamed and for the second time, the castle chandelier and anything glass burst into specks of little glass because of his anger. "You might want to hurry, your matriarch is trying to get out of the castle along with his followers." Ramar warned and it brought Alquin's mind to heal.
"You knew about this, why didn't you tell me?" He demanded and the witch king scoffed. "Would you have believed me, I could sense the child a mile away, powerful creature, something is going on in your home and outside Alquin, I suspected a lot, so I blocked any access to the outside world, your husbands and advisors can't leave, except the demon Malia, her mate nullifies my barrier magic, therefore, she can too temporarily, it was never my forte." The witch mused himself as Alquin growled.
"Guards bring me Saytor, find your king and the rest of his traitorous followers!" The demon yelled but Ramar flicked his fingers teleporting them to the exact location of where Marcos, Villa, and Saytor were. "You, I will have your head!" The demon king yelled as he lashed out with red claws to capture Saytor, they stood outside the door so when the claws tried to pass the entryway they vanished. "Impressive vampire." Ramar mumbled looking at Villa, the vampire smiled looking at the king.
"Whatever it is you want Alquin or whatever you think we did, don't use anger as a tool to avenge any of it." Marcos argued looking at the demon king, he knew Alquin in his rage would kill any who he felt had betrayed him. "I want his head on a pike!" Alquin yelled as Villa stood amused by the demon's rage. "Have I committed a crime worth death, have I committed a crime that would condemn me to any fate without trial?" Saytor argued and the witch laughed. "Please general, you know you're just stalling, sleeping with the king's mate is an offense worth treason." Ramar argued as Malia entered the room.
"Isn't sleeping with your enemy somehow a betrayal too?" She questioned and the four who were being attacked smirked. "So you know, it seems I was right Alquin, there has been more going on in this castle than we thought." The witch king pointed out to a furious Alquin, the walls began to shake, the temperature began to rise around the room and outside. "My lord." Jon pleaded as he and Tristan arrived at the scene. "The concubines, cute." The witch king commented with a chuckle but the two could only glare at him.
Ramar knew there was more than just knowledge going on between the mystics around him, a pregnancy had been concealed for months, bonds had been severed, and loyalty lost, he could feel there was a higher power and strategist in all of this, it had been done in the dark, perfectly crafted to detail, he finally realized there was more than just a hidden child or affair, and a certain witch was at the centre of it. "How does it feel to sleep with the man who raped your son?" Villa questioned and the demon king lost his fury, Ramar the witch king lost his cockiness, the words had hit him hard.
"Did he tell you, they used fae poison which destroyed the fertility and regeneration cells in his body." Marcos added. "Shut up!" Alquin growled as this was news Ramar mustn't hear. "What?" Ramar questioned turning his anger to Alquin and the fae, the three mystics behind and beside him fell to their knees as his hold on them forced them down, Alquin retaliated with his own power and broke free. "You hurt my little Mier!" Ramar accused as lightning struck outside in huge bolts.
"It was a mistake, I promise you." Tristan begged but it only intensified Ramar's anger. "There is no mistake like that." He replied waving his hand throwing Tristan through several walls, the fae blacked out instantly. "He didn't tell you did he, raped and left him unconscious bleeding out, his son won't even look at him, he's a monster and so are you." Saytor growled earning a chuckle from Alquin. "Now I'm the monster, when you bathed in the blood of witches and vampires, you were an angel huh." Alquin taunted looking at Saytor.
"I'm trying to atone for those lives I took, I'm not the one with a kingdom on the brink of civil war." Saytor stated gravely and Malia decided to intervene. "The council of elders, what remains of them, will convene tomorrow, they will judge Saytor along with the king, unless you want to end it here we can do that, but once you decide to fight just know your whole secret will be brought to light." Malia warned and the witch king chuckled. Alquin was silent but everyone could feel his power bearing down on them, he was truly a demon king.
"Fine as you wish." The demon king conceded as he turned to leave. "But be warned, by the end of the day tomorrow, your blade will be the one that takes your life Saytor." Alquin threatened and vanished without trace. "Ramar, just so you know, my mate has been watching everything." Villa called out to the witch king. Ramar gasped as his anger flooded his face. "You didn't." He hissed but he couldn't do anything, the vampire had created a domain only his magic would work just past the door.
"I wonder what your wife or daughter and son would think." Malia mused looking at the witch, he became pale and pale as the threats came. "I will keep the secret of how you're the king now, and how you both severed your connections to Alquin if you keep my secrets." Ramar bargained and he knew his enemy couldn't resist, but any fault on his part or theirs, would lead to war for both parties. "Deal father in law." Villa muttered before the vampire vanished.
"Please you have to get us out of here, I know you can leave this place I've seen you, I don't want to be here please." Tristan begged the four inside the room as he was outside, he had woken up watching the whole scene take place. "I have finally made sense of everything, and I cannot be tied to Alquin, please I beg you please, don't let him have me." Tristan pleaded with tears looking at Marcos. "I gave you the chance Tristan, you wanted the king's horse cock instead of freedom." Malia responded harshly and shut the door.
"I need to kill Jon, I will be right back." She announced and she too vanished.
Jon was exhausted, he hated himself for what he had done, once Alquin had calmed down he had ran to his room for safety, he needed to escape but how when there was a barrier by the witch king, he felt guilty of many crimes, it was haunting him, something told him that he should've taken the threat from the shadows more seriously but he hadn't.
Would Alquin truly protect him, care for him even after all this, he had wanted to be the only one to the king but now there was the witch king who seemed to be yet another lover to Alquin, was it worth it in the end, would he truly have the king, something told him it was a pipe dream, but he hadn't listened and now he was paying for his mistakes, karma was a bitch who played the worst cards, he knew she would catch up.
"You're cute." A stunning man mumbled as he leaned on the wall next to a portrait of the king. "Who, what, how—." He couldn't speak coherently as the gorgeous stranger smirked looking at him, he was seven foot tall, ink black hair, golden skin that radiated his beauty even more, he was earthreal and it left him speechless. "Don't fret, it will all be over soon." His voice sent thrill and a shiver down his spine, he was masculinity at it's finest.
"Who are you?" Malia questioned as she appeared in Jon's room further making him shocked. "Hello auntie, the man cheerfully greeted yet Malia and Jon were still confused. "My name is Lore ChevalierWrath, and I was sent by my father to kill this one." He smoothly explained making Jon freak out. "Wait kill me, you're the son of those two how?!" Jon frantically screamed and questioned, his heart was lurching out of his chest, someone wanted to kill him.
"I hate your papa sometimes, he was supposed to be my kill." Malia whined as Jon ran in a burst of speed to the door only for a shadow portal to appear and throw him back onto the bed. "How about we split him, I hurt him and you finish him off auntie." Lore suggested as if killing the king's mate wasn't something to be of high regard. "Sounds appealing, I did warm him about snitching." Malia replied with a sadistic glint in her eyes. "Naughty boy." Lore rumbled as a blade made its way into Jon's stomach.
"Please don't please!" The Lycan was trying to fight but with the barrier, his will and mana weren't surfacing, something was wrong with him. "I poisoned his mana stream, he's basically without will." Lore grinned toward his aunt, Malia squealed and moved to stab Jon's thigh, the tortured Lycan screamed out but it seemed no one could hear him. Lore made rope appear from thin air, using the chandelier he hung Jon upside down. "You really should've made better life choices." He mused trying the last knot. "He really should have." Malia supported as two blades were plunged into Jon.
The lycan screamed but no one could hear, punch after punch, kicks and magical burns rained down on his body until he was covered in wounds that weren't healing. "You'll join your family soon little puppy, I enjoyed slitting your mother's vile throat open, she had a little more fight in her than you." Lore chuckled after his reveal, Jon was enraged he tried with all his might to break free but Lore placed a palm on his broken thigh and siphoned the energy and mana from him.
"Snitches get stitches, but in your case, say hello to death." Malia waved her blade as Jon's body lost its head, the woman sighed happily but wouldn't enjoy her moment as Alquin appeared in the room, Lore had been quicker and taken her into the shadow world. "No!" Alquin screamed feeling his connection to Jon die, but his connection to lycan power was still intact. "That was nasty." Ramar mumbled as he stood at the door in only sleeping pants. "I failed him." Alquin mumbled as he cut the ropes holding Jon's torso.
"I believe he made enemies he couldn't handle, enemies he shouldn't have made, you didn't fail him, the kind that killed him, he wouldn't have lived either way." The witch assessed as he felt the void left by shadow kin, he wondered who had saved them or rather how had they been saved at all. "You have the access to his power, that's you needed, I can do a compound spell and bring him back, but send some of your mem to get me the ingredients for the ritual first, that's if you want him back." Ramar offered and Alquin silently agreed.
"Now come back to bed, I believe you need a good massage." The witch purred much to Alquin's satisfaction and the two walked out leaving the guards to reattach the Lycan's body.
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