(words: 2926)
Imagination is a thing to create stories and develop a scenario that's built on the mere hope that your mind creates for that very situation. I have spent hours imagining what it would be like to be in this very moment. To imagine all the very possibilities that this ending could go.
There was always a fear that it will go all wrong. That there will be disappointment and pain inflicting the relationship that we spent so much time to grow. There was always the question of what our reactions will be. Would it be anti-climatic? Or would it be a powerful shock that will send both realing?
There is a crackle in the sky's atmosphere which sends me back to start actually functioning instead of standing still on top of a rooftop like an idiot. The rain is pouring even harder as the sky grows more crowded, the pounding on the umbrella I am holding strains under the force of the water.
The humid air sticks on my skin like glue and the sent of worms and wet dirt looms up to surround me like noise. My suit is sprinkled with water as the rain pours and splashes up on my feet and legs. Despite the wet air, my mouth tastes like a dried up desert with cacti shoved down my throat to prevent me from talking.
Over the noise of rain beating down on Paris, I hear a frustrated groan from the boy who is on his stomach and looking over the sloped edge of the building.
"Shouldn't there be a ladder here or something?" He yells out and I grip the umbrella to keep myself steady from the impact of his familiar voice.
He leans further over the edge, looking both ways in search of this ladder. The blonde slaps his hands on the concrete before jogging to the other side of the building in search of the ladder so they can get down.
He passes me without making eye contact, but I continue to stare, especially at his furrowed green eyes that somehow still looked bright despite the dark sky. Looking at those eyes just made the pit in her stomach grow because those are the eyes that were staring into her's just ten minutes ago. Those were the eyes that used to be surrounded by an obsidian mask that hid who he was.
Now the mask is gone. Because I knew what the scene was from. The same scene that I have played in my head so many times once it happened. The scene when he gave me his umbrella.
So when Chat Noir stretched out his arm to hand me the umbrella I'm holding at this very moment, and the same raining atmosphere sent the same warm feeling in my chest, it was only inevitable for me to figure it out. And his eyes. How could I forget about those eyes?
Before I knew it, I was whispering out his name like a word from a poem and his eyes shot wide and his expression sprung into surprise and excitement. Then she repeated his name, but now along with his last name that is plastered over all the streets in Paris. Then his excitement turned into sadness and disappointment and...
Then he was stumbling on words that I couldn't even comprehend because he wasn't denying it. Chat Noir wasn't denying it. So she stayed quiet as he freaked out and ran his clawed fingers through his wet, golden hair, only to somehow mess it up even more than it already was.
And now he was looking for somehow to escape, because before he knew it, his luck ran out and he untransformed, only to fully reveal that, yes, I was right. His hair remained matted on his face and the same expression of fear and shock was tattooed on his face. The only difference were his clothes that got soaked within only a few seconds.
Then he was shoving the umbrella into her hands and began yelling at his kwami with desperation in his voice. After that, he began looking for a way out. A way to get as far from me as possible. Typical.
And so I stood at the same spot the one-sided reveal occurred and I mentally began doing backflips into the ocean that the heavy rain seemed to create around her.
He was now looking over at the last side and stood up to release a growl into the loud sky. "Doesn't every building have a ladder on it or some kind of door? Isn't it a law or something?"
He paces up and down the roof and I follow him with my eyes, watching as his frustration turns into fatigue. He stops only a few steps away from me, back facing me as he gazes down onto the empty streets. His clothing sticks to him uncomfortably, but he doesn't seem to notice the unrelenting storm. The sky crackles and his entire frame is haloed by white light.
The night was planned only to hangout, to get to know each other better to strengthen their bond and teamwork. They have been planning these meet ups for a while now and it was always a good time for both of them. Their friendship has never been stronger.
He had brought an umbrella tonight because he read the forecast before heading out. At first, I teased him as I gestured to the clear and beautiful sky, but when dark clouds came in like a tsunami, he turned his head slowly to look at me with a devilish smirk.
I wonder if he now regrets bringing the umbrella.
"Are you okay?" My voice came out small and hesitant and I'm surprised he even heard my small voice ay all.
He shook his head. "I don't know." He turned around and they met each other's eyes. I swallow hard. "I should've known you'd know exactly who I am. I shouldn't have been so damn hopeful and naive 'cause of course you'd know who I am."
He looked away and his face is tense, and the rain slightly obscures my vision which makes him look like he's a photograph. He really did have an inner model in him whether he likes it or not. His profession suited him in every tilt of his body and sweep of his hair.
If I were to take a photo of him at this very moment and share it with the world, people would've just thought he was a great actor, but him emotions were real and inflicted by something those people could never learn about.
"I thought-" He started then cleared his throat. "I thought that it only mattered to find out who you are. I never questioned what it would be like for you to find out who I am."
I am startled by the truth of these words. Cause he never really did talk about her finding out who he was. It was always her.
It was always her.
"I'm sorry." His smile is soft and sweet, but the kind of smile that he would force on for one of his photoshoots. "You're probably disappointed that the 'amazingly rich and handsome' Adrien Agreste is just some sort of attention seeking nerd."
He runs a hand through his soaked hair again, the forced smile faltering a second before rising up. "I'll just feed my kwami so I can get out of you hair."
He opens his white shirt to let out a small, cat-like kwami who started to complain about the rain ruining his fur before brightening up once he sees the piece of cheese held out in his owner's hands. The stench of camembert lingers in the air, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust and watch as the black cat gulped the cheese in one bite.
The kwami then took a glance at me with a surprised stare before looking over to his owner and then shrugged before going back into his hiding spot.
"He should be ready in a second." He muttered while staring at the ground.
I nod which makes me realize that I have not said a word this whole time. The entirety of the time that he was freaking out and was ready to mentally and physically combust with panic, I haven't said a word. Nothing. Like the pathetic, scared girl who has a huge crush on the very person who's been flirting with her alter ego for months now.
It takes her longer than I'd like to admit to actually summon the courage to say something in the rain filled silence.
"Look, I-"
"No." He interrupted which sent a small spark of anger in me. "It's okay. Just please don't act weird around me now that you know. I'm still the same person that became your partner."
I'm about to give him a piece of my mind when his kwami flew out and yelled out that he was ready. It was only a few seconds between his 'Plagg, claws out!' and the flash of green light to dissipate to reveal Chat Noir. It was like seeing the production of a movie after seeing the actual film. You knew that it happened, but it wasn't until you saw how it was created that everything seems so much more astonishing.
He gave her a smile and nods his head. "See you later, M'lady." Then he draws out his staff and prepares himself to be launched into the sky.
"Wait!" I cry out and reaches out an arm despite not actually moving her body. "Don't you want to know who I am?"
I sound annoyingly desperate but I let my pride go. The situation is far too dire for my insecurities around my crush.
I have a crush on Chat Noir.
I am shocked that that knowledge is not as revolting or scary as I thought it would be.
"It's okay. I know you're against it, so I'm not going to pressure you." Then Adrien flew up into the air and the rain parted from his body like fire on the front of a rocket ship.
"Damn you and being so freaking nice." I cursed under my breath.
Adrien was now on the next building when I took a deep breath and shouted with as much strength I can muster.
"My name is Marinette!"
God, she hopes no one else heard that.
Adrien's head whips around with shocked eyes and then panic as he starts falling. I throw my yo-yo and lets it wrap around his waist before I pull him in. Adrien crashes into her and they both groan at the impact.
Adrien gets off of me and rubs at his probably aching stomach. I wipe at my skin and hair as I begin to get soaked from the still pounding rain, my umbrella now too far to reach and my need for caring quickly washed away.
I look up to see Adrien staring at me with pupils blown wide and mouth dropped into a small 'O'. I felt my heart stutter at the sight and I want to look away with the embarrassment finally soaking in, but I am in a trance. I can feel heat flush my cheeks.
"My name is Marinette." I say again but much quieter.
Suddenly, Adrien was laying on his back with a loud groan, hands covering his face. "I can't believe this." He droned out.
I frown at his reaction and suddenly feel very subconscious in my own skin, even with the mask still on my face. I hug my knees as I watch Adrien continue to have a life threatening moment which really dug deep into my heart.
"I can't believe I've been flirting with Marinette Dupain Chang this whole time." He whined which just hurt me even more. I take back what I said before. He was not nice at all.
Adrien then peeked out from underneath his hands to look at me and immediately bolted upright. "Oh my god, that probably sounded so awful. I didn't mean it that way I swear. I-" He licked his lips. "Can you transform back, please. I wanna see your face."
His voice was so soft and caring that I find myself obeying and muttered 'Spots off'. The pink glow that was obscuring my vision for a few seconds faded into the air and I was only able to relish in my dry clothes for six seconds before they became soaked.
"Marinette." Adrien whispered my name so low that I barely even heard it over the thunderous rain. "I'm sorry. I, I didn't mean any of that in a bad way, I just-" He let out a nervous chuckle. "It's just embarrassing that I've been crushing on you for so long without knowing it's you."
That's when I officially got lost.
"What?" I say rather un-elegantly.
Adrien shared a small smile and his hand was rubbing the back of his neck. A habit I learned was from embarrassment and nervousness.
"I don't think my feelings for Ladybug was unnoticed. It was in fact very obvious and I never tried to hide it."
"But you like Ladybug." I blurt out. "Not me."
Adrien looked surprised by this and his eyebrows furrows. He then gingerly takes my hands in his and a spark of lightning shoots up my spine.
"Marinette." God, why did he have to always say my name so beautifully? "I love being your friend and I've always admired how strong you are and how you stick up for the underdogs. You are smart and funny and super talented." My face must be a tomato by now with all the compliments he keeps giving. "And you know who else is like that as well? Ladybug."
I'm shaking my head in protest but he doesn't let me speak.
"You and Ladybug are exactly the same. Though Marinette is a bit more clumsy." He teases and I feel my neck start to heat up as well. Then Adrien is frowning and conflicting emotions overtook his face.
"But Chat and I are different. We are completely opposite."
"No you're not." I can feel the rain start to calm down. "As Chat Noir you get to be yourself and you know what? I love Chat Noir. I'm so happy I have you as my partner. But I also...I also love Adrien, who is one of the best friends I've ever had."
Before, I would've never thought to be truthful in my feelings toward Adrien, but after his confession, I know I have nothing to worry about. It was only the thought of the future that made her hesitate in her words.
"I like you, Adrien. Like a lot a lot. As in like like. As in romantically."
He is now beaming and oh my gosh he looks so happy, but why?
"Really?" He asks just as a sliver of sunshine peeks through the clouds just behind him, somehow making him more angel-like. I nod with a small smile.
We stare at each other for a long time, long enough for the rain to reduce into spitting. We are both drenched everywhere from head to toe and our clothes cling on our bodies in the most uncomfortable way and we are shivering from the cold water. But we are still holding each other's hands and smiling at each other because the clouds have faded and the storm has ceased to exist and now they can finally smile in the sunshine.
Going to school the next day was actually easy to commit. I woke up at the right time and made it to school right when everyone else were walking in. My classmates even commented on it by saying 'Wow, is it opposite day?' or 'I must be dreaming. Pinch me.' or 'Are you a clone?'.
I just laughed it off and said that it must be my lucky day. The real reason I got to school so early was to talk to Adrien before class started. It didn't take me long to find him and he easily followed me out to the courtyard to talk.
It was awkward at first, but then they delved on normal things that they usually talk about whether they have their masks on or not. Adrien even linked our hands together which resulted in both of us blushing like messes. We even shared stories when we had to get out of a situation to transform.
"It's gonna now be so easy to transform from now on." Adrien said with relief and to which I responded by mumbling a; 'Thank gosh'.
We laughed and talked and talked until we realized we'll be late and ran to our classroom.
2 weeks later
"Our beloved superheroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, were caught last night sitting on a rooftop holding hands and kissing. Is it possible that they are now officially dating after so long of being partners? What does this mean for the future? You're watching Paris news and now for the forecast. Tom?"
I giggle at the computer screen as I lean closer into Adrien's embrace. We are laying down on my loveseat which we moved to face my computer and I am sitting right between Adrien's legs with his arms wrapped around me.
"How long do you think it'll take for Alya to call you?" Adrien ask in my ear making me shiver. I start counting down from three.
My cell phone goes off right after I get to one.
I really enjoyed writing this so I hope you liked it. "
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