Adrien finds out a secret and can't control the emotions that come with it.
Small beginning of a panic attack but doesn't become anything*****
Walking into the school was like walking into a haunted building that was filled with old dolls with eyes that followed your every move. It was the feeling of being too overly aware of everything and everyone around you. He felt the eyes piercing into his bones, yet none were following. No one cared that he entered the school and they have their own lives to live.
They don't care.
A tugging feeling fills inside him, pulling him towards the doors of the exit. He could turn around right then and chase after the car that dropped him off. The farther he walks into the brightly lit building, the more he wanted to sprint to safety.
He didn't dare to turn around. Instead, he faced forward and nowhere else. He won't let anything encourage him to leave. Shoving any want for escape away, he politely grinned to his fellow classmates and continued walking to avoid potential conversation.
Ascending the staircase, he kept his gaze focused on the steps below him. He startled when he heard his name being called.
"Hey, Adrien!" Nathanael said with a polite smile. Adrien forced his own. "How are you?" The redhead asked as he continued down and past Adrien.
Say that you're good.
"I'm okay." Adrien said instead, then fumbled a bit as he took another step.
He panicked and tried to mask the fear that flashed in his eyes.
"Just okay?" Nathanael asked, but he was so far now that the conversation was practically over by then.
"Yeah." Then Adrien bolted the rest of the way up the staircase.
Adrien slowed down once he was at the top of the staircase and turned the corner to head to the group's usual spot where they go to before class starts.
They were all laughing as Nino told a story with flamboyant arms and Adrien felt a tug in his chest. The two girls sat on a bench as Nino paced in front of them. He stopped for a second to take a deep breath and prepared himself.
Marinette spotted him first and she gave him her usual shy smile. Adrien forced his own smile.
"Hey, Adrien." Nino said with a big smile once he saw the boy.
"Hi." Adrien responded, quickly breaking eye contact.
Adrien silently took a seat on the bench next to Marinette and kept his gaze on his best friend who was talking excitedly about a dream he had. Adrien wasn't listening because of the intense words that he can't say are pelting his mind.
They can't know. He can't tell them.
His friends were oblivious to Adrien's discomfort as he fiddled with his fingers to distract them from shaking. A weight on his chest made him sink into the bench and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as if it was trying to get as far from the truth as possible.
They can't know.
Adrien took a deep breath to slow down his shaky breaths that were now getting out of control. His head throbbed and his mind clattered as the truth of his situation came pelting down on him. He watched nervously as his classmates walked by, completely oblivious and seemingly happy as they made their way to class.
Right. The bell rang.
Adrien jumped up from his spot and could feel the stinging in his eyes as he rushed into his home room. He didn't dare to turn around to see if his friends were following.
He fell onto his seat and dropped his bag beside him and began to twine his hands together. Adrien blinked away the tears that were starting to form and turned his head away from the door so people wouldn't see.
They can't find out.
Adrien was tapping his foot like a twitch, and he couldn't seem to stop moving. Abruptly, he moved to grab his bag and he saw Nino flinch beside him. Since when did he get there?
Adrien desperately dug into his bag to grab his phone and headphones. He quickly turned on his comfort playlist and he instantly regretted it when a soft, sad tune started to play. He quickly changed the playlist to something upbeat.
Sighing in relief, he leaned back and tried to let the music wrap him in comfort and peace. He ignored the still rapid beating of his heart.
He wasn't able to let the truth settle until this morning and seeing his friends just triggered all the emotions that he couldn't feel last night as he was too tired.
He woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep, so Adrien decided to walk around the house. His mind was blank as he strolled down the long, lonely halls and found his way to the large portrait of his mother that hung on the wall. The same wall that he tried to avoid.
Then it was moving.
Adrien ran to hide behind a pillar and his ears rung with footsteps approaching. His father was walking towards the open wall and walked straight in without a second thought.
Adrien moved closer out of curiosity and that was one of the biggest mistakes he has ever made in his life. He should've walked away. As he leaned closer to the open wall, he could faintly hear his father from inside.
"Dark wings rise!"
Confused, Adrien looked into the room to find it dark and small, white butterflies fluttering around the dome shaped room. Then he watched his father stood in the middle of the room, clad in a dark uniform and a mask hiding his face.
Adrien watched it all, from the moment the window opened to watching his father transform one of the pretty butterflies into a destruction device.
Then he ran.
He ran to wake up Plagg, transformed, then ran into the now awake city as an Akuma terrorized it. Screams were chorused throughout the streets and Adrien's mind wouldn't stop buzzing.
His father did this.
With Ladybug's help, they defeated the akuma and Adrien bit his tongue as he watched her swing away into the night.
Should he tell her?
Now he was in his classroom, music finally letting him calm down and breathe properly as class began to start.
"Hey man," Nino whispered and nudged Adrien's arm. "You okay? You seem twitchy."
His brown eyes were filled with worry and Adrien gulped before giving him a pathetic, reassuring smile.
"Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep last night." He whispered back.
Nino nodded, but his frown didn't relax. They both turned to the teacher.
Everything was gonna be okay.
Adrien snuck a glance towards his friend sitting next to him and thought about the two girls behind them.
They can't find out.
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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