¤ Lion
Hearts & Colors ↲
So tired from the miles I'm traveling
Getting lost somewhere that I haven't been
When all the bad shit starts happening
I ain't never throwing that towel in
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
It had been one week since Jungkook modeled for Illustration of the Human Form. He wasn't quite sure if he was ready to bare it all again tonight, but he had his reasons for doing this.
He worked three other nights with the professor, though he didn't step foot inside of the classroom once. The man had him running all over campus doing errands, like moving supplies from building to building and scrubbing brushes in a janitor's closet. The work wasn't laborious like his main job, though the late hours tired him out.
On his way over to the class, a weird sense of apprehension lingered in his stomach. He didn't attribute his unease to nerves, having gotten out all his jitters the first time. No self consciousness remained either.
Maybe it had something to do with a certain dark haired, dark eyed boy.
Jungkook first noticed that particular art student towards the beginning of the course last week. He felt a pair of eyes boring into him, different from the quick glances from the other students. When he managed to peek during one of his longer poses, he confirmed the guy's gaze was locked on his body, unwavering.
Even though the professor assured this class was clinical in nature, Jungkook still assumed there'd be some people with wandering eyes. He just didn't expect those people to be so obvious.
A couple girls were openly ogling him as well, so he had made the plan to just avoid looking at anyone. That plan was shattered, however, when the guy spoke to him. They briefly made eye contact before Jungkook remembered to look away. Acknowledging the students in the room just made the whole experience that much more awkward. He didn't like that they could see him at his most vulnerable.
And if there was one thing Jungkook hated, it was being vulnerable.
But then Jungkook caught the guy staring at him again, though this time the student appeared to be embarrassed when their eyes met. After that moment, Jungkook kept his eyes closed for the rest of the class. This was already weird enough and he didn't need to make it weirder.
So as he entered the room tonight, he vowed to look at no one. Maybe he'd get through the two hours with minimal discomfort that way.
Being better prepared this time, Jungkook changed into his robe before going up on the stage. He'd researched a few drawings online to get a sense of what poses were favorable, so he hoped to be less of a let down for the students. He knew they were aggravated with his lack of experience last week, but this time he'd surprise them all.
When Professor Yang announced the start, Jungkook threw off his robe and got to work. By the time they reached the first thirty minute pose, he'd successfully managed to avoid everyone's gazes.
Jungkook settled into a pose he could hold, closing his eyes as he let his mind drift. He thought of his parents, who were always working hard, and his sister, who -
"Can you tilt your head up?" A deep male voice asked, piercing his thoughts.
Jungkook looked in the direction of the voice and was presented with that creepy, staring guy. But instead of averting his gaze instantly, he took a good look at the student. Long, curly hair covered a good portion of his face, which made Jungkook wonder how he could see well enough to draw. None of his other features were distinguishable at such a distance, but one thing did stand out.
A deep purple bruise across the guy's cheekbone.
"Tilt your head up," the guy repeated in his deep voice when Jungkook remained staring at him.
Jungkook quickly twisted his head away, falling into the desired position. But his mind went to that bruise.
Perhaps the guy gawked at another model and they hit him after class in response. Unlikely, but Jungkook struggled to imagine any other scenarios. For some reason, he couldn't picture an art student getting into a fistfight, so he ruled out that option. Maybe the guy was a klutz and tripped?
As he gave it more thought, he realized he wasn't even sure why he cared.
The rest of the class flew by uneventfully, much to Jungkook's relief. A few students tried showing him their drawings - while he was still naked - so he took refuge in the changing room. He decided to lie low for a few minutes until most of them were gone.
While he was waiting, Professor Yang's voice sounded close to where Jungkook was hiding.
"Taehyung, let's see what our top student has drawn today," Jungkook heard the professor call out. A few moments passed before the man spoke again. "What's this? You didn't finish any of them?"
"I wasn't in the right mindset, that's all," the guy - Taehyung - explained gruffly.
The voice was deep . . . it was his watcher. The gawker.
"Are you perhaps finding it a challenge to draw a body type like Jungkook's? Have we found your weak spot finally?"
"I do not have a weak spot," Taehyung insisted haughtily.
But Professor Yang didn't buy it. "You asked for the challenge and I do think I delivered. Go figure."
Jungkook smiled to himself, oddly pleased someone regarded as the top student had a difficult time capturing his body. That explained all the staring; the guy wasn't able to draw him well at all.
He waited until it was quiet to slip out, not exactly wanting to run into the person who was so brazenly studying him.
But that's exactly what he did.
Coming out from behind the curtain, he was greeted with Taehyung, whose jaw was set determination. There were smudges over his hands and face, the black blending into the bruise on his cheek.
"Excuse me," Jungkook mumbled politely, moving to step around the guy and leave.
But the guy blocked him. "Wait."
Jungkook stopped and looked up, the subtle command catching him off guard. He took in his watcher's dark eyes, the color reminding him of a rich mocha. They were narrowed as they flitted all over Jungkook's face.
"Can I see your arm?"
He was not expecting that. "What?"
"Your arm with the tattoos. I can't see it when you're up on the dais so it's difficult to capture the details," Taehyung explained, his expression unreadable.
Jungkook was taken aback, so he just extended his arm towards the guy. He watched as Taehyung peered closer, looking at the tattoos so closely it was almost like he was trying to memorize them.
All this time, Jungkook assumed the guy was looking at his dick or ass or something. He'd never guess his tattoos were the target of his appraisal. But it made sense.
His tattoos were art. The guy was an art student.
"I don't think I'd be able to draw these with enough detail. They're so . . . intricate," Taehyung breathed, before murmuring under his breath, "Beautiful."
A smile tugged at Jungkook's lips. No one ever commented on his tattoos like this. His parents thought he was stupid for getting them, ruining his chances at any professional job. None of his friends were particularly interested either; they accepted his tattoos as a part of him and asked no questions.
But having someone trained in art impressed by his most prized possessions . . . it made his eyes light up.
"My tattoo artist really got me," Jungkook told him, remembering the hours they both put into sketches. "We took a lot of time to plan out each piece perfectly."
He stood in silence as his arm was being studied, glad someone else was so appreciative of the artistry.
Finally, Taehyung stepped back, pushing his unruly hair off his forehead. "Do you do commissions?"
Jungkook was distracted by the glimpse of Taehyung's face. With the hair out of the way, one of the most handsome faces he'd ever seen peered back at him. And although he didn't specialize in taking pictures of people - landscapes were his forte - he longed for his camera. He needed to capture this face for all of time.
When Taehyung cleared his throat, Jungkook remembered he was asked a question. But what that question was he didn't know. "Huh?"
The guy chuckled, a low and throaty sound. "I want to draw you outside of this classroom. I'll pay."
Jungkook stared at him, still flustered. "I'm . . . I'm not sure. I don't have much free time . . ."
What was Jungkook doing? Was he actually considering this?
Initially, one of the perks of this gig was getting paid by students outside of the course. That was before he knew it was nude modeling, however. He wasn't exactly sure if he'd be comfortable being naked with a stranger one on one, especially when that stranger had a stare as intense as this guy's. It was like Taehyung was looking through layers of skin and bone to find the soul underneath.
Though with a face like that, Jungkook just might let him. Hell, he'd offer his soul up on a platter for the guy.
"I'll pay you three times what Yang pays you."
Jungkook's jaw went slack. Three times? That rate was comparable - if not better - than his day job.
The guy seemed to note his shock and smirked. "It's Jungkook, right? Well, Jungkook, I'm Taehyung and I need to figure out how to draw you. If I'm going to be a famous artist one day, I need to perfect all body types. We don't see a lot of models like you, and though I hate admitting Yang bested me, he did. So yeah, I'll pay you if you help me."
Even though he was still unsure, Jungkook reminded himself yet again of what the money was going to. So he was preparing to accept until Taehyung spoke again.
"But I'll need you on Tuesdays and Thursdays."
"I work with Professor Yang on Tuesday and Thursday nights," Jungkook responded dejectedly. There went his big pay day.
"Okay," Taehyung said, unaffected. "Quit. I'll pay you five times whatever he's paying you. And that's per hour."
Who was this guy to be throwing around that sort of money so easily? Taehyung wasn't dressed like the typical snobs who went here, nor did he even look like one with the shaggy hair. So where did he get his funds from . . . drug dealing?
"I don't know what to say," he answered honestly.
Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Isn't is obvious? Say yes."
"But I don't know you."
This seemed to confuse the art student, whose forehead furrowed. "Do you need me to wine and dine you before getting you naked? Is that what you're saying?"
Jungkook coughed, nearly choking on air. "Um, no. But taking my clothes off in front of a stranger -"
"You've been unclothed in front of thirty strangers. Are you nervous since it's private?" Taehyung studied him with that intense stare once more.
Jungkook sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and nodded.
"I'll make this clear, then. I will never touch you. Got it?"
There was a certain severeness and honesty to Taehyung's voice, one that surprised Jungkook. For some reason, a flash of disappointment went through his system, making him gnaw on his bottom lip. But he was also somewhat reassured, so he nodded his head.
Seeming pleased, Taehyung handed over his phone to Jungkook. "Phone number," he ordered.
Jungkook entered his number into the expensive looking phone, nervous he'd drop it and have to buy the guy a new one. "So when do we -"
"Tomorrow," Taehyung answered swiftly. "I'll text you the details and let Yang know you're working with me."
"Isn't he going to be pissed?" Jungkook wondered aloud, thinking it'd be rude of him to just up and quit the other two days he was supposed to be helping the professor. He decided he'd at least still participate in the class so he wasn't a complete jerk.
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe. Don't worry about it though."
With that he walked out of the room, leaving Jungkook to stare in his wake.
And as he finally headed home, Jungkook only thought of one thing.
What the hell did I just agree to?
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《
Double update, surprise!!
I wanted to give you guys a THANK YOU for the love you've been giving Take on Me, so consider this one big virtual hug from me to you!
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