¤ Light
Sleeping At Last ↲
'Сause you are loved
You are loved more than you know
I hereby pledge all of my days
To prove it so
Though your heart is far too young to realize
The unimaginable light you hold inside
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One month later.
Taehyung and Jungkook walked hand in hand to the lake, their faces glowing in the evening's sunset. The younger carried a bag with a blanket and snacks, while Taehyung had a basket with champagne and paper cups. It was a day to celebrate, after all.
It was a busy few weeks since the boys moved in together, yet those weeks had already flown by. There had been a lot of unpacking, moving things to storage, and final preparations for Taehyung's graduation. He conducted his actual final presentations, all that went off without a hitch. He received glowing praises from his professors, several of whom offered recommendations for future job prospects.
And then, just two weeks ago now, Taehyung graduated with his art degree. It was a momentous event where he was surrounded by family and friends, with everyone cheering for him when he walked across the stage and received his diploma. Jiho and Jaewoo hosted a party at their house, a celebratory affair that lasted early into the morning.
It was a day and night that would always hold a lot of memories for Taehyung.
Another development was a job lead Taehyung had as a concept artist for a design company. Two interviews were already conducted and a final one was scheduled for next week. After some serious thinking - as well as some discussions with Jungkook - he decided it was smart to pursue a good paying job until he could support himself as a portrait artist. It would take years to build a diverse portfolio and to develop his clientele, so he was willing to broaden his exposures to gain unique experiences. In his free time, however, Taehyung would do commissions and participate in various art events.
In this field, it was important to continuously improve upon skills and to network as much as possible. It would certainly take a lot of work, but Taehyung didn't find that fact daunting.
On a different note, Jungkook's contract at the construction site wrapped up. The building he'd been working on for a year was finished right before Taehyung's graduation, a gorgeous addition to the campus. And when Namjoon asked if Jungkook wanted to resign for a new project, the younger declined.
He was going to pursue his artistic dreams.
Jungkook successfully enrolled in a couple of summer courses at the university, with a full schedule to begin in the fall. A counselor helped him to map out a game plan for the rest of his academic studies, suggesting ways to fit three years worth of classes into just two. That curriculum was rigorous and somewhat daunting, however, the younger was always up for a challenge. He agreed to give it a try, and if it proved to be too much, he'd take a step back.
Following Jungkook's photography exhibit, he'd met a few clients who wanted to commission him. On the side, Jungkook would work with them and earn a livable wage in return. He also spent some time on a few other promising activities, like a contest to be featured in a major geographic magazine.
On the weekends, Taehyung and Jungkook took road trips to find gorgeous scenery and stunning landscapes for them both to practice their skills on. While Jungkook would carefully wander around their setting for his perfect shot, Taehyung would grab a blanket and start sketching the views.
It was one of the boys' favorite things to do as a couple.
And while Taehyung continued to improve his landscape drawing abilities, he found there was one subject he no longer had trouble drawing - Jungkook. The younger's muscles, tattoos, and overall physique came easily to him now. Of course, it helped that Taehyung had Jungkook's nude body around him all the time, so much so he could picture a naked Jungkook in his mind perfectly.
From time to time, Jungkook and Taehyung would engage in either nude drawing or photography sessions. Any finished products were stored somewhere safe - a very hidden album or a password protected hard drive - and tucked away unless they wanted to look at their past work. They had a couple instances where a certain nosey girl almost discovered their images, so after that, they made their methods of securing their work foolproof.
Overall, life was good. More than good, really. It was filled with happiness, laughter, and love. And today, there was a reason to celebrate.
Except Taehyung didn't exactly tell Jungkook what they were celebrating.
After their belongings were set up on the grass, the blanket spread wide and their snacks organized, Taehyung popped the bottle of champagne and poured them each a generous amount. He passed a cup to Jungkook before carefully putting the bottle of champagne to the side.
"Are you finally going to tell me what we're celebrating?" Jungkook asked, holding his cup out for a toast. The setting sun painted him in gold, making his eyes glow and skin look rosier.
"You are the most impatient person I've met," Taehyung teased gently, knowing that was the furthest thing from the truth.
Jeon Jungkook was probably the most patient person he'd have the privilege of ever knowing. Taehyung could easily think back to when they first met, when he still couldn't be touched and was afraid of making himself vulnerable. The younger had every excuse to run away, to choose not to deal with all of Taehyung's baggage.
But he stayed. Jungkook never rushed Taehyung into opening up or doing something he physically or emotionally wasn't ready for. It was such a new and confusing concept at the time, but was exactly what Taehyung needed.
Jungkook taught him so many lessons and truths over the course of their relationship. He taught Taehyung how to trust, how to accept one's past but not be tied to it. He taught Taehyung about generosity and compassion, about forgiveness and desire. About the freedom in receiving pleasure and the absolute joy of giving it as well.
Jungkook taught Taehyung how to love and be loved.
Thinking about their journey now, about how far the two had come together, made Taehyung emotional. He knew he'd end up crying one way or another today, though he didn't think that'd happen before he even started his speech.
"Why are you crying?" Jungkook asked, setting his cup down and scooting closer to Taehyung. "Is everything okay?"
Taehyung put a hand on the back of the younger's head, drawing his fiancé closer to his mouth. He kissed him slowly and deeply, pouring all his love into the gesture. He thought of all their firsts together and the many more firsts to come.
"I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I know I say that a lot, but I also feel like I don't say it enough. You've saved me from a life that had nothing bright in it. You pulled me out of the darkness and showed me the sun again. You taught me so many things, but above all, you made me yours. That's something that's given me drive and purpose. I always want to do right by you."
Taehyung set his cup down as well and fished for an item in his pocket. He carefully pulled out a small cloth, folded over into a tiny square.
"Remember when I took Juyeon out a couple weeks ago? We went shopping at this flea market, where she wanted to buy a new outfit for my graduation. As we visited all the vendors, I came across these."
Taehyung unfolded the cloth to reveal two silver rings. They were a thin, smooth metal with no adornments or flair. Simplistic and beautiful, quite like the two boys' love.
Now Jungkook's eyes were tearing up. "You got us rings?"
Taehyung took hold of Jungkook's left hand, hovering the ring - which he prayed fit - right over his ring finger. "Jeon Jungkook, you're the love of my life. I promise to always put us first, to spend my days doing better by you. My heart . . . It will always be yours. It beats for you."
Jungkook wiped at his eyes with his free hand, a wide smile pulling at his lips. "Yes."
"I didn't even ask the question yet," Taehyung giggled, slowly sliding the ring down the younger's finger. "But . . . Jeon Jungkook, will you marry me?"
"My answer today is the same answer when you were inside me, Tae. Yes," the younger beamed, kissing him passionately, his ringed hand holding Taehyung's cheek.
They broke away after a couple of moments, grinning at each other with tears streaming down their faces. Jungkook took the second ring from the cloth and held it reverently in his palm.
"I may not have bought this ring, but my intent is the same," Jungkook said, fingers delicately smoothing over the metal. "You came into my life when it was void of color. I spent so long feeling sad and guilty, weighed down by burdens that no one else ever knew. And you showed me what it was to see color again, Tae. You proved to me that we don't have to go through this life alone. We have people out there who are meant to challenge us and make us better, people who will love us unconditionally. You are that person to me, Tae. You're the only one for me. There will never be anyone else. I know, without a doubt in the world, that it's you and me until the end. I've never been more sure about anything in my life."
Jungkook kissed the ring before sliding it down Taehyung's ring finger. "Taehyung . . . I love you so much, Tae. Please remind me again of how much you want to become Jeon Taehyung. Please say you'll marry me."
"I'll marry you, Kookie. And one day I will become Jeon Taehyung. But until then, let's continue chasing our dreams. Let's build a beautiful and remarkable life together, love," Taehyung murmured as more tears streamed down his cheeks. "I'll always love you."
They kissed again, both reveling in the feel of each other's lips against their own. Taehyung and Jungkook were made for each other - made for each other's heart, mind, body, and soul.
And sure, things wouldn't always be this easy. There would be tough days in addition to all of the good ones. But they knew they could always lean on each other. When there were doubts and fears, questions and uncertainties, Jungkook and Taehyung knew they weren't in this alone.
They'd always have each other.
Taehyung and Jungkook broke away with teary giggles, wiping at each other's damp cheeks. They clinked their cups together and enjoyed the champagne, celebrating their second proposal together. Now they'd have two beautiful memories of the days they agreed to spend eternity with the other.
"Let's make a vow," Taehyung said, resting his head against Jungkook's shoulder and looking out at the lake.
Jungkook leaned his own head against Taehyung's, his hand idly running up and down his thigh. "A vow? So soon? Alright, let's do it."
"Not a marriage vow, a different kind of vow," Taehyung explained with a warm smile. "But it's related to our marriage."
"I'm all ears," Jungkook murmured, squeezing Taehyung's thigh in emphasis. "Let's hear it."
"I want us to have our wedding here. At the lake."
There were a couple moments of silence, so Taehyung lifted his head and turned towards Jungkook. He was at first afraid the younger didn't like the idea, but his expression spoke of the complete opposite. He wore a huge smile, his eyes squinted and nose scrunched.
"So I take that as a yes?"
"It's a fuck yeah, baby," Jungkook responded, tackling him to the ground and pressing kisses all over Taehyung's face. "That feels so right. We've had a lot of big moments here."
Taehyung kissed him back, so incredibly happy and joyous. "I know. The first time we really hung out. Became boyfriends. Getting engaged . . . again."
"And don't forget our future sex date," Jungkook added with a wink, kissing Taehyung quickly on the mouth. "It's like we're christening the lands for our future wedding."
"But of course," Taehyung nodded, pouting his lips in an attempt to be serious. But sure enough he broke into a smile. "This is where everything comes full circle."
And it really was. No matter how long it took, Taehyung and Jungkook would complete that fated circle by getting married here. One day they'd recite their marriage vows in front of their friends and family, with this serene backdrop - a place that was fully theirs - also watching peacefully.
Whenever that day came, they'd be ready. But until that moment, each and every day would be spent building the other up and creating a life filled with love and happiness. No matter where their lives took them, they always knew one place they'd be, one place they'd always belong:
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》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《
The end . . . Almost! We still have an epilogue coming out sometime tomorrow. A much awaited epilogue that I think will make many of you very happy!
I don't know how we got here so quickly guys . . . I'm emotional haha. Love you always!!
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