¤ Creep
Ember Island ↲
When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
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Professor Yang seemed way too excited when Taehyung entered the classroom this evening, the man grinning proudly to himself. With only five minutes until the start of the session, however, Taehyung decided not to question it.
The professor introduced a new model as Taehyung set up his supplies, arranging his tools neatly on the easel. He wasn't particularly looking forward to the class today. The mood to draw something complicated and intriguing struck him, and he doubted today's model would prove to be much inspiration.
Once Professor Yang announced the first thirty second pose, Taehyung peered up to assess his subject. He hummed in surprise as he took in a fit and muscular back, thin waist, and sculpted ass. It seemed like the professor finally managed to find a new body type for him to draw.
Taehyung started tracing an outline of the model, nothing too complicated since the guy chose a basic and predictable pose. He appeared to just be standing there, feet hip-width apart and arms hidden, most likely crossed over his chest. While this stance would usually annoy the hell out of Taehyung - how hard was it to come up with a unique pose? - he at least had something new to draw.
Muscles coated this guy, running up his legs, over his ass, and throughout his back. Taehyung didn't see his front yet, but he'd guess the guy had a six pack as well.
He had a vague sketch of the model when the professor called out the next pose. The guy on the dais didn't change direction; he simply put one hand on his hip while the other arm remained hidden. His weight shifted slightly, causing the muscles in his ass to flex. It was a nice effect and Taehyung got to work capturing it.
They went through three more rounds of this, the model remaining stiff the entire time. Judging by the rigid set of his back and lack of creative poses, the guy was probably a first timer.
That's when the story started to piece together in Taehyung's mind.
He imagined the guy was an athlete who attended this university, playing some physically exerting sport. Maybe this was a dare, accepted when he was drunk out of his mind. The task would only be complete if he could share a drawing of his naked body with his dumb athelte friends.
Taehyung quite liked that story and he chuckled in amusement.
When they finally reached the minute-long poses, the model turned to the right. That's when Taehyung saw it.
His arm.
From the guy's shoulder all the way down to his knuckles, black tattoos decorated the expanse of skin. Images that were too tough to make out from this far away were a stark contrast to the tanned skin of the model. They wove over his bicep and around his forearm, not leaving many empty spaces. The tattoos were everywhere, separated yet interlinked.
Taehyung sat in awe, the charcoal pencil forgotten in his hand. He wanted to see the tattoos up close and explore these drawings set in ink. Tattoos weren't a foreign concept to him, but no one in his social circle had any. His parents and their stuck up friends tended to associate tattoos with a lower class, saying the ink was trashy and not true art.
Taehyung never put much thought into that before, but in this moment he knew they were wrong.
Those tattoos were real art.
His eyes continuously roamed up and down that damn arm, his current task forgotten. The sound of Professor Yang announcing more sessions was far off and muted, blending into the mellow tones of the music being played. Taehyung didn't know how many sets he missed, but he didn't care.
All he could focus on was that damn arm.
Finally, the professor announced the start of the first thirty minute session. Taehyung shook his head, a bit embarrassed he stared at the model's tattooed arm for almost twenty five minutes. It helped, of course, that the guy didn't really move. His poses were stiff and completely uninspired.
It was a good thing Taehyung was too preoccupied by a single limb, otherwise he would've chewed the model out for not doing something different.
The model turned to face Taehyung, settling into an awkward stance that he'd never be able to hold for thirty minutes. But instead of groaning at his lack of luck - again - for getting the model's front for half an hour, he was weirdly happy. That just meant more time to look at all of the tattoos.
Taehyung's eyes locked on the ink once more, never wavering to any other part of the model's body. He supposed he should start drawing soon; after all, he was the one who requested such a challenge.
But he was distracted from his study as he noticed the guy's arm start to shake. He was holding it away from his body, his torso twisted and his knees locked. In other words, he was a complete amateur and wouldn't last five minutes in such a position.
Deciding he really needed to get to work, Taehyung cleared his throat. "That pose isn't working. I'm going to fix you."
The model looked up, big eyes briefly making contact with Taehyung's. He nodded his head, black hair flopping on his forehead. His cheeks were red, but he straightened up and rolled his shoulders back.
Taehyung decided to use this to his advantage and create a pose he actually wanted to draw. "Lie down. Extend your tattooed arm over your head while the other rests on your stomach. Bend one knee, extend the other."
The boy - he couldn't have been older than Taehyung based on those doe eyes - quickly got into his version of the pose. A couple other students tweaked his movements, having him shift so he was now propped up on his unmarked arm. Thankfully the tattoos were still visible to Taehyung, making the ending position suitable enough to draw.
Taehyung reluctantly removed his gaze from the model's arm and scanned over his body.
And he froze.
There used to be an old saying by a foreign philosopher that said the human body is the best picture of the human soul.
This model - what was his name again? - had a body like Taehyung had never seen before. It was a work of art, begging to be drawn out and captured for all of eternity by his hands.
As Taehyung expected, muscles rippled over the boy's abdomen, flexing with every small movement. The lights highlighted each and every swell and dip, making Taehyung question how it would feel to run his hands over the skin. He'd never seen a torso so fascinating. Even the red, angry scar slicing inelegantly across his ribcage was appealing.
Out of curiosity, he let his gaze drop south - purely for artistic reasons, of course.
And the guy's legs. Damn, those thighs. How would Taehyung be able to capture the definition of those muscles properly?
It was almost like Michaelangelo's David had come to life, sauntered into this classroom, and was offering up his exquisite body to be drawn by Taehyung.
What was this magic? Bodies never inspired him before, they weren't beautiful or pieces of art.
But now . . .
Holy fuck, but now.
Finally, Taehyung looked up to the boy's face. Wide, dark eyes were staring directly back at him.
Taehyung's fingers loosened and his pencil fell to the ground. He bent to pick it up, stalling in order to give his cheeks some time to cool. What was happening to him? He'd never studied a model so intently before, let alone get caught staring.
It was like he was the amateur now.
When he was righted in his seat, Taehyung finally started drawing the image of the boy in front of him. Every so often, he'd flit his eyes upward to reference a particular shape or line. The model's gaze remained downcast, probably reluctant to look up in Taehyung's direction.
Taehyung spent the rest of the session struggling to get everything perfect. What typically was quite easy for him now proved to be the exact opposite. He spent too much time on the shape of the boy's shoulders and not enough time drawing his legs. Time was called before he had a finished product.
Frustration rose up in him, but he pushed it to the side. They still had one more pose to get through.
The next pose - which the students placed the model in - had the boy on his back, weight resting on his elbows. He looked up towards the bright lights, eyes closed.
Taehyung didn't fare much better this time. While he moved at a quicker pace than before, he got caught up tracing over the model's profile. Strong nose and jaw, parted lips, long neck. His hair brushed against his temples, and Taehyung's hand twitched in a need to push it back. He wanted to see more of the boy's face.
The model looked so at peace, so utterly content and still, that Taehyung wanted to peer into his mind and see what sort of thoughts filled his head.
This sketch was left unfinished when Professor Yang announced their class was done for the day. Taehyung sat back, heavily critiquing his drawing. When had he ever let a mere model distract him from his work before?
Never, that's when.
It was just because the physique of this guy was completely unexpected, Taehyung rationalized. If the model ever deigned to come back, he'd do better. He wouldn't stare down the poor boy . . . Taehyung would actually produce art.
After his materials were packed up, Taehyung noticed the model was nowhere to be found. Good. He wanted to slip out unnoticed, especially considering the awkward moment when he was caught drooling.
Staring. He was caught staring.
That wasn't much better.
But he couldn't flee the room fast enough. Professor Yang was waving him over.
"Taehyung!" The older man called to him. "How about today's model? Was this the sort of challenge you wanted?"
Taehyung gave a curt nod without saying anything else. He didn't want the professor to ask to see his drawings. The man would be disappointed for sure.
"Jungkook needs a bit of work with his poses, of course, but that's coachable. Shall we have him back?" Professor Yang waited for a response, hands on his hips. But Taehyung was a bit distracted.
Jungkook. So that was his name.
The professor blew air out of his mouth, realizing he wasn't going to get an answer. His hands started reaching for Taehyung's canvases, but luckily- or maybe unluckily - they were interrupted.
"Um, hi, Professor."
Taehyung turned to see the boy - Jungkook - standing behind him, fully dressed in oversized and worn streetwear. He ripped his eyes away.
They were standing so close to each other.
"Night, Professor," Taehyung said, speeding out of the room with haste.
He needed to get home and debrief. He had to figure out what the hell his reaction was tonight because that sort of thing didn't happen to him.
Taehyung was never intrigued by anyone.
Not anymore.
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》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《
First interaction/sighting is in the books, y'all! What did you think?!
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