¤ Make You Feel My Love
Sleeping at Last ↲
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of this Earth for you
To make you feel my love, oh yes
To make you feel my love
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
"Press halfway down on the button. Once you hear the beep, you'll know the camera has focused. Then press down the rest of the way."
Taehyung brought the digital camera back up to his face, looking through the viewfinder and seeing Jungkook on the other side. The younger waited patiently, a serene look evening out his expression as he let Taehyung play around with his camera.
It was almost a week after Jimin and Hoseok's dance show, which was a night Taehyung knew he wouldn't forget any time soon. Spending the outing with Jungkook and his family was a dream - it felt like the Jeons were his people. His love for Jiho and Juyeon grew just as it did for Jungkook, and he knew he'd feel the same about Jaewoo soon enough. And while it saddened him that he didn't grow up with supportive and loving parents, he was so thankful to see that families like that did exist.
During the show's intermission, when Jungkook took Juyeon to buy some candy, Jiho pulled Taehyung aside and softly thanked him. She expressed how lucky she felt to have her son taken care of by him, and how her husband agreed with that sentiment as well. The admission was so heartfelt that Taehyung pulled her into a hug, trying to express his gratitude in the only way he knew how.
Now, on a sunny Saturday morning, the two boys were in Taehyung's art room. Jungkook arrived a short while ago, having not slept over the previous night. His mother was out with friends and needed him to watch Juyeon, and Taehyung let them have their own sibling time.
Jungkook had brought his old digital camera, wanting to take portraits of Taehyung for his personal collection. But, once Taehyung saw that the younger was wearing one of his sweaters - a beige cable knit piece - he begged to take pictures of Jungkook instead. So for the last ten or so minutes, he played with the camera and took cute pictures of Jungkook wearing his clothes.
After following the younger's instructions, Taehyung took a picture he particularly liked. Jungkook wore a soft expression, a small smile playing at his lips while his eyes were tender and full of love.
"How do I favorite a picture?" He asked, still gazing at the photo. "I want a copy of this one."
"Let me see." Jungkook joined him, gently taking the camera and pressing a few buttons. "There. I'll print off thirteen copies for you. Think you need more than that?"
Taehyung stuck out his tongue, going to the chair Jungkook was just in. He sat, arms resting on the back. "I'll never get enough photos of you. Though I'm beginning to think I have too many of you clothed."
The younger was adjusting some settings on the camera, but looked up incredulously at those words. "We're literally in a room with over a dozen naked drawings of me. And you're saying you don't have enough?"
"Those are just drawings, I want photographs," Taehyung pouted, hearing a couple clicks as his picture was taken.
"Well, I don't have naked drawings or photos of you. So how is that fair?" Jungkook countered, smiling wide when looking at the most recent image he captured.
That was a fair point. So, to make it more even, Taehyung pulled off his shirt and threw it to the side. Jungkook was so preoccupied looking through the pictures he took that he didn't notice, so Taehyung waited patiently for him to realize.
"Let's go outside. I want some of you in the -"
Jungkook returned his gaze to him, hair falling into his eyes as he lifted his head. He hastily brushed it aside, mouth agape as he roamed over Taehyung's chest.
"On second thought, let's stay in," the younger said, voice a bit scratchy.
Taehyung grinned at his reaction, loving the responses he could get out of Jungkook. If just his bare chest did this to him, what would his naked body do?
Following their sex talk and other oral activities, no other intimacy had occurred between the two. There just didn't seem to be the right time over the last few days. They spent a couple nights at Jungkook's, where they agreed nothing could happen as long as his family was home. On another night, Taehyung was stuck working on a project, needing to spend hours longer than usual to complete it on time. Jungkook never pressed him to wrap up his school work; he relaxed on the couch until a sleepy Taehyung was ready for bed. And, of course, there was a night or two they spent apart when Taehyung had late night classes.
Today was the first day they were both free and back at Taehyung's apartment. And while they never explicitly talked about anything happening, he was emotionally, mentally, and physically ready for whatever the day would bring.
Jungkook positioned Taehyung into a new pose, one that allowed the mid-morning sun to warm his face. Taehyung watched as Jungkook moved around the room, capturing him from every possible angle. It was cute to see him like this, so utterly entranced by the work he was doing.
"Kook? Has your dream always been to be a photographer?" He asked, eyes locked on the boy.
"It was for a long time," Jungkook answered, sitting on the ground and crossing his legs. "But after everything with Juyeon, my dreams changed. I just wanted her to get better."
"You can have multiple dreams at once, you know. You don't have to give up wanting to be a photographer. Working towards that can still be a possibility."
"I don't know how to do that when my mind is always wondering about Juyeon's future. If she'll have one. I'm having trouble focusing on my own future when I'm so concerned over hers," Jungkook admitted with a shrug of his shoulders.
While Taehyung knew how linked the younger was to his sister, it still made him sad that Jungkook didn't think of himself and his needs. So he got up and joined his boyfriend on the floor, sitting so close their knees touched.
"You and I both know that Juyeon wants you to live your life for you," he said gently, bringing a hand to run up and down the younger's thigh. "She doesn't want you to worry over her. It'd make her happy to see you happy."
"Yeah," Jungkook sighed, "it's just hard to put into practice sometimes."
"I know, love. But you can always start small, remember? Have you called any of those people who wanted your pictures?"
Jungkook shook his head, fingers playing with his silver-hooped earrings. "No . . . And don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful for what you did. But . . . It feels like I'm cheating. That they only want my work because they think I'm special. Not because they truly liked my stuff."
"Kookie, your pictures are incredible. And I'm not just saying that because I love you. When I saw your photo of the lake all those weeks ago, I knew it then. You are so talented. But if you don't feel comfortable selling them to those people, we can find another way. There are contests you can enter. Competitions. We'll figure out a way to get your work visible."
Taehyung hated thinking he put Jungkook in an uncomfortable situation. He was so focused on finding an avenue for the younger to get more funds that he didn't consider the position he put him in. It made Taehyung wish he consulted Jungkook about the idea in the first place.
But all he could do was learn from this and move forward.
"How come you're so amazing?" Jungkook asked, pulling him closer by his waist.
Taehyung settled into his lap, looping his arms around the boy's neck. "You bring it out in me, I guess."
The younger giggled, securing his hands on Taehyung's back. They moved up and down his spine, the touch both comforting and electric. "Speaking of you, what are your dreams?"
What were Taehyung's dreams? For as long as he could remember, all he did was endure. Survive. He didn't fill his head with hopes or wishes. All he wanted was to escape his parents and be free of their influence. But that wasn't really a dream.
And even though he loved art and wanted to make a name for himself in that field, it didn't seem like the most important thing to him anymore.
"I think my dream is that wherever I am in life, that I'll be happy. I'll be proud of the person I've become. Any choice I make - either for myself or regarding someone else - will be a choice I can stand behind. So . . . I guess I just want to be a good person, really."
And the more he thought about it, the more it felt right. That truly was his dream now.
"You are a good person, Tae," Jungkook told him, pressing a kiss against his cheek. "I'm so lucky to know you. To love you. I'll always support you on that dream."
Taehyung moved his hands to cup Jungkook's cheeks, thumbs rubbing over his cheekbones. They were so close, eyes big as they took in each other. There was an unspoken current running between them, an energy that sizzled and sparked with every inhale and exhale of their breaths. It was waiting for release, it was waiting to explode.
"I've been thinking a lot about us," Taehyung revealed, still looking Jungkook in the eye. "About our first time together."
"I'm ready, Kook. I'm ready now."
Jungkook's hands tightened on his body, fingers almost digging into his skin. "We . . . Have you thought about what you want?"
Taehyung chuckled, moving one of his thumbs to pull down on the younger's bottom lip. "I want you."
"That's not what I meant," Jungkook murmured against his finger. "Do you have a preference?"
Taehyung fully understood what his boyfriend was asking. He debated for days on who he wanted to top for their first experience together. He changed his mind so frequently that he was convinced he was just indecisive, but he knew otherwise. He knew he'd be so happy any way he could get Jungkook.
"I've had a few thoughts," he started, hands now moving to hold the back of the younger's neck. "But I want your opinion, too."
"Tae, top or bottom . . . as long as it's with you, the logistics don't matter. Either way, I'm going to feel your body like I never have before. And I know this is about us, but I want this to be your choice. Know that whatever you choose, I'm going to be so damn happy. Because you picked me. That . . . That's all I need, Tae."
A wide smile - one that was always so effortless around Jungkook - instantly pulled at Taehyung's lips. "I want to make you feel good. It's pretty obvious how much you want me inside of you."
"Done," Jungkook said, an answering smile coloring his own face.
"But," Taehyung continued, his thought not yet finished, "you know more about this than I do. I'd probably hurt you or something."
The younger shook his head, hands moving up and down his spine once more. "I'll teach you what to do. I'll walk you through each step of the way. And - not to scare you - it's probably going to hurt a little regardless. But that pain turns to pleasure quickly, even more so since I'm in love and horny. The pain won't matter to me."
Taehyung nodded, loving how open Jungkook was being to all of this. But he still had one final point to make. "Well . . . Good. But -"
"Wow, you really thought this out," Jungkook laughed, interrupting him.
"I had to," Taehyung laughed in tandem, fingers playing with the younger's hair. "Look. You know how much I love you. And I'm going to do everything I can to stay with you in this moment. But I think, for our first time at least, I need something that's never been done to me. I need a completely new experience. This first hasn't been taken away from me yet . . . This is one that I'm deciding to share with someone."
Jungkook's face fell, all traces of laughter gone. "Tae . . ."
Taehyung pressed his lips to Jungkook's, kissing him softly and slowly before pulling back. "This is not a time to be sad. This is a very happy moment. I'm sharing this first with you and I couldn't be more happy. I want you this way, love. I want you to make love to me this way."
There were tears forming in Jungkook's eyes, but the younger didn't move to wipe them away. He let them fall, staining his cheeks. "I love you so much, Kim Taehyung."
"I love you," he replied reverently, bending forward to kiss away his tears. "Now come with me."
He led them both to his bedroom, the sun streaming in here as well. It was bright and peaceful, the very opposite of his experiences years past. Everything was the opposite from how it was years past.
Taehyung was safe.
Taehyung was loved.
This was Taehyung's choice.
Taehyung led Jungkook right up to the top of his bed, pushing him down once they got there. He admired the way the younger's dark hair contrasted against the white pillows, black strands surrounding his head like a halo. He was so handsome, so beautiful, with his big, dark eyes and parted lips. His tattooed hand reached out for Taehyung, silently requesting his presence.
The bed dipped as Taehyung crawled on top of Jungkook, straddling his hips. He incrementally lowered his head, bit by bit, teasingly slow, as his hands went to Jungkook's chest for balance. When their mouths were just an inch or so away, their noses brushing up against each other's, he paused.
"There aren't enough words for me to say to tell you how much I love you," Taehyung spoke quietly, his breath fanning over the younger's lips. "So I'll just have to show you."
And with that he leaned down, lips brushing against Jungkook's in a coaxing and molten kiss. Taehyung was in no hurry at all as he molded their mouths together, savoring the push and the pull, the soft nipping and sucking. The smoothness of the younger's mouth under his own was intoxicating, and he wanted to do nothing but savor the glide and the warmth.
But then all he knew was heat as Jungkook's mouth opened further, tongue sliding between Taehyung's lips and into his mouth. The younger's hands ran up his thighs, settling on the exposed skin of Taehyung's sides and holding him steady.
A soft moan fell from his mouth, which was immediately consumed by Jungkook as their tongues tangled and swirled. The kiss was so deep, so all-consuming, that air became a secondary need. All that was important was Jungkook's mouth on his own.
But eventually his lungs burned and Taehyung ripped his mouth away, pressing a soft kiss to the younger's temple as he regained his breath. "I love seeing you with swollen lips. I love knowing that I did that to you."
Jungkook's heart was hammering away underneath Taehyung's hands, a fast pace drum urging him to continue. So he took hold of the younger's shirt and slowly slid it up his muscular abdomen. He relished in the feel of his defined abs underneath his hands, loved how it caused desire to pool in his stomach.
"Here." The younger helped remove his shirt, lifting his arms up overhead and tossing the clothing item onto the floor.
Full access to his sculpted torso was now granted, and Taehyung took advantage. He connected his mouth to Jungkook's neck, placing open mouthed and sloppy kisses against his skin. A path was trailed downward, over his Adam's apple, across his throat, and to his collarbone. Taehyung slid back slightly on the younger, laying down more so he could latch onto one of Jungkook's peaked nipples.
A groan rumbled in Jungkook's chest, rattling in Taehyung's ear as his tongue circled the sensitive bud. Taehyung kissed and suckled it rhythmically, drawing it deep into his mouth. Jungkook arched his back, hands knotting in Taehyung's hair to keep him in place.
But Taehyung couldn't be held down.
He gave the younger's untouched nipple the same attention, even nipping at it with his teeth. And all the while, he continued to toy with the other one, all puffy and sensitive, with his hand.
"If I come just from you playing with my nipples, I don't know if I'd be proud or mortified," Jungkook said through panted breaths.
Taehyung broke away, looking up at the younger with a smirk. "Shall I continue and we can find out?"
Jungkook shook his head, a playful sparkle to his eyes. "No, baby. It's time I take care of you."
Without warning, Jungkook rolled Taehyung off of him, fluidly reversing their positions. The younger now gazed down, hair falling into his eyes. But he didn't continue as expected, he just remained still as he studied Taehyung's face.
"Did I grow a third eye or something?" Taehyung asked, reaching up to smooth back his hair.
Jungkook chuckled, hands running down Taehyung's chest. "Third leg, maybe. But not a third eye."
Taehyung didn't have words at this point. And even if he did, they would have turned to gibberish as Jungkook brushed his palm over his covered dick.
"Love feeling you, Tae," Jungkook murmured, bending close to his collarbone. "Can't wait to feel more of you, too."
His mouth kissed over Taehyung's collarbone, tongue tracing the long stripe as his hand continued to rub through his clothing. Taehyung tried hard not to move; he wanted to draw out every single thing they did together.
Soon Jungkook was sucking at his neck while his hands moved up to pinch and pull at Taehyung's nipples. There were brief sparks of pain, but it felt more good than anything. He found himself arching against Jungkook's hands while whimpers escaped his mouth.
"You're going to be nice and loud for me, right, baby?" Jungkook asked, kissing down his chest and over his lower belly. "Wanna hear your deep voice make real pretty sounds."
Taehyung gasped as his pants were lowered down, Jungkook's fingers dipping low to grab both his sweats and underwear. The cool air made his skin tingle; the slide of his clothing down his legs made him shiver. That only intensified when Jungkook spread apart his legs, hot breath fluttering against the delicate inner region.
Jungkook lightly kissed the inside of Taehyung's thighs, lips brushing and tongue tasting. And then his mouth was edging north, higher and higher until there was no more empty space.
A strangled moan left Taehyung's mouth as he felt the younger's tongue trace between his butt and up over his balls. That moan then turned into curses as Jungkook moved to his cock, kissing and licking from base to tip. Taehyung watched in awe as Jungkook lowered down, hot, silky, and wet mouth enveloping him. Soft moans from Jungkook filled the room in addition to his sucking sounds, and the combination was just so beautiful to Taehyung. But he wanted to hear more of the younger . . . He wanted to hear him lose control.
"Don't wanna come yet," Taehyung gritted out, tugging at the younger's hair to pull him up. "Wanna wait 'til I'm with you."
Jungkook's eyes met his, mouth still spread wide and full of Taehyung's cock. Slowly and purposely, he dragged his lips upwards, sucking harder in the process. When he reached his tip, he suctioned his mouth even tighter before letting Taehyung's length fall out and land on his stomach.
"Where's the -?"
"Drawer," Taehyung finished, jerking his thumb in the direction of his nightstand.
Leaning over, Jungkook opened the drawer, hand reaching in. "Wow, baby. Already unboxed and everything."
"Couldn't have anything slowing us down, love," Taehyung retorted, watching the muscles ripple across Jungkook's back.
The younger rummaged around until he found the right bottle of lube, pulling it out along with a small packet. He set the condom on one of the pillows, putting it aside for later. Then he crawled back towards Taehyung, laying down on his side next to him.
"Tell me how you're doing," he asked, a hand soothing up and over Taehyung's waist. Jungkook pressed a kiss to his shoulder, smooth lips tickling his skin.
"I'm perfect, Kook," Taehyung said honestly, fingertips reaching up to push back his hair. "I'm ready."
"Are you still with me?"
Taehyung moved his fingers to trace down Jungkook's nose, over his lips, across his throat, and to the back of the boy's neck. "I'm with you."
Jungkook nodded, pressing a kiss to Taehyung's temple. But before he could move to open the bottle of lube, Taehyung stilled his hand.
"Wait. I want you naked first."
With a small chortle, the younger obliged. He rolled onto his back, hands wiggling his pants and briefs down his body. They got tangled at his feet, so he kicked and pulled at them until he was bare.
"Better, baby?"
Taehyung propped himself up on his elbows, eyes raking down Jungkook's exposed lower half. The boy's thighs were impressive, all lean muscle and sharp definition. His mouth watered looking at his legs alone. But then his eyes stilled over the younger's cock, hard even though it remained untouched. Taehyung couldn't believe he'd had that impressive length in his mouth before . . . Now it was going somewhere decidedly less unyielding.
"Are you gonna fit in me?" He asked, fingers brushing over Jungkook's cock.
The boy moaned, lips remaining open in bliss for a moment. He took hold of Taehyung's hand and placed it over his stomach. "Yeah, I will, baby. Don't worry."
Taehyung kept his hand on his stomach while the other fisted into the sheets in apprehension. While he was a little nervous about the pain, he was more excited. He was willingly giving Jungkook this virginity. Willingly sharing his body with the love of his life.
It was all a bit overwhelming, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
The snap of the bottle's lid called his attention over to Jungkook, who was squeezing some of the thick, clear substance onto his fingers. There was more lube smeared over his fingers than Taehyung expected, making it look like Jungkook had stuck his hand in a jar of petroleum jelly. Though he knew better to question it; the younger was more experienced with all this.
"I got you, baby. Okay?" Jungkook said, pressing more against Taehyung's side. "We're gonna go nice and slow. And I want you to remember that this will feel good. But keep on talking to me through this and tell me how you're doing."
"I will, Kookie."
"Open your legs a little more, Tae," Jungkook murmured, brushing his nose against Taehyung's cheek as he waited. "There you go, perfect."
Taehyung took a couple of deep breaths, focusing on the way the younger dragged his lubed up fingers in between his butt. The sensation was odd, smooth from the lube but also foreign feeling. And then there was slight pressure as Jungkook rubbed the pad of his finger over his rim.
He gasped slightly as Jungkook slid in, moving slowly despite the easy glide from the lube. Taehyung was hyper aware of each incremental push, his body gripping the younger's finger tightly. There was a dull burn, more out of unfamiliarity than anything, as he took the rest. He waited for the slight pain to subside, instead moving his attention to Jungkook.
The younger's features, soft and gentle, were scrunched together as he studied Taehyung. His breathing - controlled ins and outs - blew across his face as he leaned in close. A soft peck was pressed against Taehyung's lips, gentle and unprobing.
"How're you doing, Tae?" Jungkook whispered in his ear after pulling away, keeping his hand still.
By this point, his body was marginally more used to the feeling. Taehyung wouldn't necessarily call it pleasant yet, but it was bearable. "Keep going."
Jungkook gave him a faint smile, repositioning his head so he could kiss at Taehyung's neck. His lips moved up and down his skin, wet and plump, as his finger carefully started sliding in and out. After a few pumps of his finger, Jungkook began curling it inside of Taehyung, caressing his walls and getting his body used to the sensation. It was fine, more tolerable as Taehyung relaxed, until the younger's finger brushed across one particular spot.
A wave of pleasure crashed over Taehyung and he moaned loudly, hips unconsciously tilting upward. The feeling was breathtakingly intense, something he felt in every single part of his body. It was all-consuming and he wanted it again and -
"Fuck," Taehyung moaned once more as Jungkook stimulated him again. His other senses were slowly dulling as every nerve ending in his body lit on fire.
Jungkook withdrew his finger - a small whimper of protest leaving Taehyung's mouth - before sliding two back in. The stretch this time was more expected, though still not painless. But Jungkook instantly began rubbing back and forth on that sensitive spot, the moans tumbling out of Taehyung's mouth loudly in response.
"Taking my fingers so well, baby," Jungkook said against his neck. His tongue traced over a tender spot, soothing the skin there before pulling away. "You look so beautiful around my fingers, moving your hips like this. I'll keep making you feel good, I promise."
And Taehyung knew he would. Soon enough, a third finger was pressed inside him, curling and spreading him open. His hips continued to roll, innately knowing what to do in order to get as much pleasure as possible.
Jungkook's lips found his again, kissing languidly despite the fast movements of his hand. It was all so much and yet not enough at all.
"Kook," Taehyung moaned against his mouth. "I'm ready. Please, Kook. I want you."
"Okay," Jungkook responded, panting heavily as he kissed along Taehyung's jaw. "I'll take care of you, baby."
He slowly pulled out his fingers, rubbing against Taehyung's prostate one more time for good measure. Taehyung arched his back, still gasping as he found himself suddenly empty. Where it was at first weird to be so full, now it was more strange to be void of Jungkook's fingers.
The younger used his clean hand to pick up the condom packet, swiftly ripping it open and tossing the wrapper to the side. But before he could roll it on, Taehyung held out his hand expectantly.
"Let me," he said, wanting to do this and get Jungkook ready.
A moment later and then the rolled up condom was in his hand, Jungkook straddled over him. The younger's untouched cock - all veiny and proud - was leaking and ready to be touched. Taehyung ran his thumb over the slit, delighting in the broken moan that left Jungkook's lips. He quickly flicked his wrist, paying special attention to that sensitive tip.
"Tae, stop teasing," Jungkook moaned out, hips bucking into Taehyung's hand.
A ghost of a smile spread over Taehyung's lips, stroking him a couple of times before placing the condom at the younger's tip. He rolled down, covering his length in the material.
Jungkook found the bottle of lube again and poured some onto his cock, quickly lathering up with an excessive amount. Once he determined there was enough, he was pushing back in between Taehyung's legs, slightly widening them in the process. His thighs pushed under Taehyung's as he propped up onto his knees, making Taehyung's legs fall open even more. A hand went to hold the base of his cock, ready to align himself to Taehyung's entrance.
"I trust you unconditionally, Kook," Taehyung responded to the unasked question, eyes looking at him with all the love in the world. And in Jungkook's eyes, he found the same emotion, a tender and sweet warmth that felt equivalent to the sun light the room. "I love you unconditionally."
"I trust and love you unconditionally, too." Jungkook whispered, his voice thick with emotion. And then he was pushing himself in, guiding his tip into Taehyung's tight entrance.
Taehyung's hands, which had been laying at his sides, fisted into the sheets. Even though they spent so much time preparing and stretching him, the burn was still just as painful. But he didn't dare close his eyes, even as tears blurred his vision. He didn't want to lose focus on Jungkook, he didn't want to stray from this moment.
Jungkook's hands planted on either side of Taehyung's head, supporting his weight as he slid the rest of the way in. He was hot and thick and hard inside of Taehyung, feeling really long as he finally bottomed out. The boy was gritting his teeth, jaw twitching as he fought to remain still.
Taehyung almost forgot that this was the first time Jungkook had done this in a while.
"Baby, tell me how you're doing. Do you need a minute?" The boy asked above him, voice taut and gravelly.
"Just a few more seconds," Taehyung breathed, trying to relax his body. He loosened his hands from the sheets and brought them up to Jungkook's neck. Carefully, he pulled down on the boy, wanting to feel his body against his own.
Jungkook allowed himself to be drawn closer to Taehyung, repositioning his hands so he was leaning on his forearms. The movement brought him even deeper inside of Taehyung and they both groaned.
And even though he still hurt, Taehyung didn't care. He was crazy in love and crazily turned on. So he ran his hands up Jungkook's arms and into his hair, gripping tightly and pulling him to his mouth. Taehyung kissed him hard, showing the younger that this was okay. He was okay.
"Make love to me now, Kookie," he said, pulling back to look at Jungkook. "I want to feel all of you."
Jungkook kept his eyes on him as he slowly withdrew halfway, just to push back in at the same speed. He continued that pace to warm them both up to the feelings, and Taehyung moved his own hips in rhythm.
It was all so gentle and caring, and without a doubt, Taehyung knew he was loved. Looking into Jungkook's eyes, he could see their entire story. From their first meeting to their first kiss, all the way to the people they were now. They'd grown so much on their own, but also together. And as they were joined by their bodies now, they were also joined by mind, heart, and soul.
"I love you so much, Tae," Jungkook cried out above him, his moan light and piercing. He withdrew all the way before slamming his hips forward, the impact causing a loud smacking sound as their skin collided. "You're doing so well."
Taehyung moaned in response, hands tugging at Jungkook's hair and legs wrapping around his lean waist. He hugged him tight, using his thighs to bring the boy tighter against and deeper into his body. This new angle caused Jungkook to slide right against Taehyung's prostate with each and every stroke, and Taehyung thought he'd pass out from the pleasure.
"Fuck, Kookie," he whimpered, clinging to Jungkook even tighter somehow. "Feels so good."
Jungkook buried his head into Taehyung's neck, breathing hard as he started ramming himself into him. His hips were sharp and unforgiving, each snap eliciting a moan from both boys.
The combination of their sounds filled the room; the deep, throaty timbre from Taehyung, the lofty wails from Jungkook, and the never-ending slapping of skin and sliding of sheets.
Jungkook found a faster rhythm than before, tirelessly moving his hips in a way that drew out each and every bit of pleasure possible for Taehyung. He was so focused on giving all he had, and by this point sweat was glistening onto his skin.
"You're so beautiful, Kook," Taehyung observed, admiring the red flush across his chest as the younger pulled back. "I'm so lucky to be yours."
Jungkook leaned all his weight on one arm as his other crept down Taehyung's body, hand enclosing around his cock. He stroked him fast, fingers gripping him tightly and flicking over the sensitive tip.
"No . . ." Jungkook murmured through another moan, "I'm the one who is lucky. You're so brave . . . So strong . . . And so full of love. Being yours is the best thing to ever happen to me."
Taehyung's stomach coiled at those words, which only got tighter and hotter as Jungkook's thrusts intensified. He moved his hands to grab at the younger's ass, and he spanked him hard on one cheek before kneading once more.
"Ah, fuck, baby," Jungkook let out, thumb pressing into Taehyung's slit. He angled his hips to drive further down, continuing the unrelenting assault on Taehyung's prostate.
"Kook . . ." Taehyung tried warning, nails digging into Jungkook's ass. "Fuck, gonna come, Kook."
Jungkook reattached his mouth to Taehyung's neck, concentrating on the spot just below his ear. If Taehyung wasn't so distracted by his impending orgasm, he would've been impressed by the younger's incredible ability to multitask.
"Come, Tae," Jungkook rasped, "come on, baby."
With one final drive forward of Jungkook's hips, Taehyung arched his back and moaned out, his mouth falling open as his body convulsed around Jungkook. He came hard into the younger's hand, his release spilling over onto his stomach. His whole existence was vibrating with the immense pleasure coursing through him, his muscles locked and clenched.
And all through his climax, Jungkook continued thrusting into him, continued stroking Taehyung's cock into hypersensitivity. The younger jerked his hips forward a couple more times before a pretty moan tumbled out of his mouth, signaling his own orgasm. Taehyung could feel the twitch of his cock inside of him as he released into the condom.
They were both panting heavily as Jungkook collapsed on top of Taehyung, weight pressing against him in the most luxurious of ways. Taehyung let his legs relax, falling off from the younger's waist and tiredly resting against the bed. He brought one hand up to stroke Jungkook's hair, while the other traced up and down his back.
"Tae? Are . . . Are you okay?"
Taehyung laughed into Jungkook's neck, so utterly calm and content. "I'm perfect, Kook. You were so perfect. The feel of you inside of me . . . I never knew there was pleasure like that. This . . . This is something I'll never forget."
Jungkook lifted off of him slightly, looking down at Taehyung with those beautifully big eyes. "I'm so fucking in love with you, Tae. So much I might explode."
"Again so soon?" Taehyung teased, lightly smacking his ass once more.
"You're so funny, Kim Taehyung," the younger said dryly, placing a small kiss against his nose. "Alright, I'm gonna clean us up now."
Jungkook moved a hand down to hold the base of his softening dick, making sure he had a firm grasp on the condom before pulling out. Taehyung sighed at the loss, watching as the condom was thrown into the trash. The younger took a few tissues from the nightstand, wiping up Taehyung's release from his stomach and his hand. He started to get up, presumably to get a washcloth, but Taehyung stopped him.
"Don't leave me yet," he pouted, tugging the boy back down. "Wanna cuddle in the sun."
"We can cuddle in the sun after I clean you up," Jungkook murmured, but let himself fall back against Taehyung anyway. "I want to make sure you feel comfortable."
Taehyung couldn't deny the feeling of excessive lube up his ass, though he didn't want to move just yet. "Ten minutes?"
"Okay, ten minutes."
Taehyung opened his arms for Jungkook to roll back into. He attempted to sling his leg over the younger's waist, but his lower half was throbbing with a dull ache. He didn't expect the pain to kick in so soon, though he guessed he was just blinded by pleasure before.
"Your ass hurts, doesn't it?" Jungkook asked, tuned into every little sound Taehyung made.
"Gee, how'd you guess?" Taehyung asked playfully, nuzzling into Jungkook's side. "It's not like I just had your dick up there or anything."
Jungkook chuckled, kissing him on both cheeks. "Did you ever think when you first saw me naked in that class, staring at my dick, that'd you have it inside of you one day?"
"I wasn't staring at your dick that day," Taehyung defended, closing his eyes as the younger continued kissing his face. "That time was just a glance. Second class was full on staring."
"And look how far we've come," Jungkook whispered, lips dancing across his eyelids.
Taehyung hummed in response, soaking in the feel of Jungkook's lips cherishing every inch of his face.
"How about this?" Jungkook offered. "Cuddle for a few more minutes, clean up, then I'll give you a massage. Deal?"
It was all he could do to nod his head, but Taehyung somehow managed. He closed his eyes, listening to the soft I love yous Jungkook murmured into his ear, and let his mind and body float away.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《
6,000+ words guys . . . Holy crap. I have no more words in my head haha. This is by far the longest steamy scene I've written . . . Wow is all I can say.
I wanted to make their first time together really loving and sweet, and then I found this song and it all fit together so perfectly!
And for all my top Tae enthusiasts . . . Don't you worry, Mr. Demanding is going to come out to play 😜
So what were our overall thoughts?!
Also, as I just announced on my profile, Chapter 33 will not come out until Friday, May 1st around 10:30am EST. I poured my all into this chapter and need a little recharge. Thank you all for understanding!!
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