¤ Bottled Up Tight
Luke Sital-Singh ↲
I feel a fire,
I see a flame, set me alight,
Bring me desire, bottled up tight.
Like caging the ocean
Dousing the sun, download the sky
Bring me emotion, bottled up tight.
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Jungkook woke up a little earlier than normal, eyes scanning over his dimly lit room. There was a weight pressing down on him - literally - and that's when he remembered he wasn't alone.
Taehyung's head was on his chest, with an arm and leg draped over his body. He was breathing deeply, little puffs of air escaping through parted lips. There was a sense of calmness surrounding him while he slept, a peace Jungkook wished could settle around the boy forever. He hoped he could help give that to Taehyung; he felt he had a duty to do that now.
Because Taehyung was his and he was Taehyung's.
It was true they never explicitly used the words boyfriends or official or exclusive. But based on everything that Taehyung told him last night, he knew they were all of those things. He didn't need the label to give him that sense of security. Having Taehyung in his arms, pressed up to his body - trusting Jungkook to hold him - spoke volumes enough.
Jungkook would forever remember the moment Taehyung - his brave, strong Taehyung - let him touch his chest. That had always been one of the no-go areas; even if Jungkook didn't directly touch him there - if their chests pressed together while hugging or kissing - Taehyung always jolted. Jungkook took care to follow Taehyung's lead, never initiating contact there unless the elder decided it was okay.
And last night, Taehyung put Jungkook's hands on him.
He could still feel the beating of the elder's heart against his palms, thumping and thundering. He could clearly remember Taehyung saying that he trusted Jungkook to do this. Never before had he felt so honored and humbled to do something as simple as put his hands on another.
This beautiful, miraculous, and courageous person was now his.
Trying not to wake the sleeping boy, Jungkook ran his fingers through the long hair falling over Taehyung's forehead. He let his fingertips brush across his eyebrows, behind his ears, back over his cheekbones, and around his lips.
"That feels nice," a deep, groggy voice broke the quietness of the room. "Keep doing that."
Jungkook smiled down at Taehyung, who still had his eyes closed despite being awake. "Whatever Mr. Demanding wants, Mr. Demanding gets."
Taehyung weakly whacked the younger's chest, nuzzling deeper into his body. "We need to get you a new nickname for me."
A chuckle escaped Jungkook's mouth as he continued to caress Taehyung's face and hair. "I already got one, baby."
Taehyung finally opened his eyes and propped his elbows up on his chest. "I'm older than you. I should be calling you baby."
"Yeah, but I called you baby first. Remember?"
Judging by the reddening of Taehyung's cheeks, he remembered exactly when Jungkook first called him that. Right in the midst of their intimate car experience.
"Well, then," Taehyung murmured, inching up the younger's body until their faces were inches apart. "You got me there."
Suddenly Jungkook's vision was consumed by Taehyung as the elder leaned closer and closer to his mouth. But instead of kissing him like he expected, Taehyung remained frozen, just centimeters above Jungkook's lips.
Unsure if Taehyung was internally debating something, Jungkook remained still. Hell, even his hands hadn't come up to hold the elder yet. He was patiently waiting to see whatever his next move would be, then he'd follow suit.
"You know I won't break, right? You don't have to be so careful with me," Taehyung spoke, his breath tickling the younger's lips. "I'll let you know what I'm ready for and what I'm not, but know that everything we've done up until now is something I'm comfortable with."
He took Jungkook's hands and placed them on his neck. "This is okay."
Next, he moved their hands to his collarbones and shoulders. "Okay."
And then, Taehyung slowly ran Jungkook's hands down his chest. "Still okay."
Jungkook kept his hands on Taehyung's chest once the elder let go. Again, he felt the strong and sure beat of Taehyung's heart underneath his palms. It drugged him, making him want to be closer and closer.
He ran his hands up Taehyung's chest and to the back of his neck, pulling him down forcefully. Their mouths met in a passionate kiss, lips pushing and pulling and sucking. Jungkook loved the feeling of Taehyung over him, loved the sensation of being pushed deeper into his bed. As Taehyung playfully nipped at his lower lip, an involuntary moan ripped out from him.
"It's still early, Kookie," Taehyung breathed raggedly against his lips. "Need to keep quiet."
Taehyung didn't seem too eager to help with that endeavor, however. His mouth slid across Jungkook's cheek, pressing small kisses into his skin, until he got to Jungkook's neck. The tip of Taehyung's tongue traced his skin, light yet sensual. His eyes closed as he savored the feeling, hands knotting in the elder's hair.
A hand went under his shirt, skimming his skin lazily, and another whimper left his mouth. If he had to bet, Taehyung would be smiling against his neck.
"Off," the elder commanded, tugging on the edge of the younger's shirt.
Jungkook quickly let go of Taehyung and peeled it off, tossing it somewhere on his bed. Goosebumps erupted over his skin once the cool air hit him.
But then he was being warmed up by Taehyung's hands, which boldly stroked him from the base of his neck to his navel. He had to bite his tongue to suppress the additional sounds he wanted to make, especially as Taehyung started sucking on his collarbone.
Jungkook was in trouble. His building arousal was becoming quite evident and he didn't want Taehyung to think they had to engage in any physical activities. And as Taehyung's mouth went lower, right to one of his peaked nipples, he knew he had to do something before he got carried away.
Swiftly, he took hold of Taehyung's hips and flipped them over. Jungkook was now hovering over the elder, pinning the boy between his body and arms. Taehyung's lips were pursed as he tried to figure out how he suddenly ended up on his back.
"Sorry," Jungkook chuckled, "it's just that -"
"That was hot," Taehyung said, literally the last thing Jungkook expected. "Fuck, come here."
The younger debated that for a second . . . he really should climb off of Taehyung and let his growing boner calm down.
"If you keep treating me like some doll, I'm going to -"
Jungkook didn't get to hear what Taehyung would do exactly. He claimed his lips again and thrust his tongue inside the elder's mouth, searching for his tongue and caressing it once he found it. Their hips were flush against each other's, and Jungkook felt a little better that he wasn't the only one who was hard.
Heavy breathing filled the room as he let Taehyung suck on his tongue, the feeling making Jungkook's horny mind envision something else entirely. To get that visual out of his mind, he ripped his mouth away and moved to Taehyung's neck. There he trailed kisses up and down the tanned column before finally tasting his skin fully. He left sloppy, open-mouthed kisses, suctioning onto his skin in order to leave red marks.
A moan rumbled in Taehyung's chest, the sound music to Jungkook's ears. As he continued his assault on the elder's neck, hands were suddenly gripping and kneading his ass. His body, having a mind of its own, thrusted against Taehyung once.
"Fuck," he said, both at the friction and his inability to control himself. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. That feels good, Kook. Keep going."
At the affirmation, Jungkook returned to Taehyung's neck, kissing and sucking while his hips rolled down against Taehyung. The elder was thrusting up against Jungkook as well, hands back on his ass. He wasn't sure where this was going, but it didn't matter; he'd be satisfied with just grinding against Taehyung.
Fingertips danced under the band of his sweatpants, pausing for a second before pushing under his clothes. Taehyung's hands filled with Jungkook's bare ass, massaging until the younger moaned. In response, Jungkook ground himself more fervently into Taehyung, reclaiming his lips in a fiery kiss.
He was close to exploding, the throbbing of his entire body told him that. He just needed to hold out a little bit longer -
His bedroom door flung open. "Kookie?"
Jungkook nearly jumped at Juyeon's voice. He quickly rolled off Taehyung, immensely grateful they were both partly covered by the blankets.
"Juyeon, out!" Jungkook ordered, attempting to make his voice sound as normalized as possible. He grabbed the blankets and pulled them over his and Taehyung's heads. "Why can't I ever get some privacy in this house?"
"You want privacy?" Juyeon called out, her voice sounding more amused than embarrassed. "Lock the door next time, you idiot."
Jungkook put his hands over his face while Taehyung chuckled into a pillow. "Juyeon . . . out!"
"Jeez, I'm going!" She said with an utterly inconvenienced tone, like Jungkook was the one annoying her in this scenario. "Oh, and hi, TaeTae!"
And with that she slammed the door shut.
Jungkook rolled over into Taehyung's body, burying his head in the elder's neck. "My twelve year old sister . . . holy fuck."
Taehyung ruffled his hair, still laughing. "Relax. I doubt she saw anything."
He turned to look at the clock next to Jungkook's bed. "Crap. We should start to get going unless you want to be late for work."
"I don't wanna go," Jungkook pouted against the elder’s skin, leaving a few kisses there. "But I guess you're right."
The two slowly got out of bed, the younger grumbling about Juyeon's interference the whole time. And while her interruption helped decrease his arousal greatly, he still found himself thinking of mundane objects like asparagus and ceramic tiles. It was that or watch as Taehyung slipped back into his own clothes, peeks of golden skin revealing its presence to Jungkook.
Right. Back to the asparagus and ceramic tiles.
Once dressed, they went into the kitchen for breakfast. Jungkook explained that this was a morning tradition; breakfast cooked by his mother and at least twenty minutes of family time. Since their schedules often left little free time for them, this was one way they were able to bond as a family. Taehyung smiled at that, though Jungkook didn't miss the twinge of sadness in his eyes.
Taehyung had told him a little about his family, of how they were never around and never wanted to spend time with him. Recalling that made Jungkook more angry now than it had back then . . . Taehyung deserved to have loving parents in his life and to feel supported by them.
All Jungkook could do was squeeze him reassuringly and say, "When you're here at the Jeons, whoever you are, you become family."
Taehyung smiled back at him, his entire face glowing. Any trace of sadness was gone.
Juyeon joined them a couple minutes later, humming as she sat across from Taehyung. "Nice to see you here so early, TaeTae. Did you sleep well with Kookie?"
"Quite well," Taehyung beamed at her, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. "How about you?"
"Good," she answered as she set her elbows on the table. She leaned forward and Jungkook recognized a mischievous look in her eyes. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure thing."
Juyeon grinned. "Were you and my brother having sex?"
A loud choking noise came from Jungkook and it felt like his eyes were bulging out of his head. "Juyeon."
And despite the redness coloring Taehyung's cheeks, he was laughing. "We were just kissing."
Juyeon scoffed suspiciously and leaned closer to Jungkook. She pulled out the neck of his shirt and exposed his neck and collarbone.
Jungkook swatted at her hands. "What are you doing?"
"I was checking to see if you had hickeys like the last time you and Tae hung out. You do, you know."
Thankfully, his mother came in to end Juyeon's pestering. He still couldn't believe she walked in on them and then asked if they were getting down to it. It was something he knew he'd never hear the end of.
"Taehyung, good morning," his mother greeted with a warm smile.
Jungkook was nervous she was going to lecture him on having Taehyung stay the night. They never spoke about these sorts of things in the past. However, as he observed her relaxed posture, she didn't appear mad at all. Still, he had to fish. He'd have a much more peaceful day if he knew his mother was okay with this.
"Mom?" He finally said, words simple but message clear enough.
And always being able to read her son, she knew what he was asking. "It's okay. Just don't disappear and scare us all to death next time, yeah?"
His mother worked on putting together a quick breakfast, making idle chit chat with Taehyung and Juyeon the entire time. Jungkook loved watching the three interact; they got along well and were cracking jokes by the time the food was ready. It seemed his family innately understood Taehyung's importance to him, and they made an active effort to treat him like family as well.
In the midst of eating their meal and trading stories, Juyeon grabbed an orange pill bottle and swallowed two tablets like a pro. Jungkook noticed the slight furrowing of Taehyung's eyebrows and the way he bit on his lower lip. Juyeon noticed these reactions as well.
"Gotta take my pills to stay healthy," she beamed before shoveling food into her mouth. Without giving Taehyung time to process that statement, she turned to Jungkook. "Kookie?"
Oh, boy. There was that mischievous look again. "Yeah?"
"Is TaeTae your boyfriend?"
While yes, Jungkook thought that's exactly what Taehyung was to him, they still never said that term out loud. It certainly felt like they were exclusive now, though he didn't want to make assumptions or pressure Taehyung into a label he wasn't ready for. He was probably putting way too much thought into this, but he wanted to make sure Taehyung understood he was true to his word about being patient.
He took a breath. "Juyeon -"
"I'm Kookie's boyfriend," Taehyung told her with a soft smile. He turned to Jungkook and took his hand. "And he's mine."
His heart swelled at those words. "You're my boyfriend."
"I am."
They were in their own little world, gazing at each other with so much joy in their eyes. No one ever looked at Jungkook like this before, no one made him feel like Taehyung did.
"Oh, get a room already," his sister interrupted, mumbling around a mouthful of food.
"Alright, let the poor boys be," his mother gently chided Juyeon. "Anyway, Kook, you need to leave if you're going to be on time."
"I'll drive," Taehyung said, squeezing Jungkook's hand. "And after our session tonight, I can drive you back."
"Session?" Juyeon piped up, curiosity to her voice. Right, she didn't know the ways in which Jungkook worked for Taehyung. "Is that a code word for having -"
"Drawing session," Jungkook said quickly, standing up and pressing a kiss to her head. Yeah, she was annoying, but he loved her. "And if you behave, TaeTae might just come back and draw you."
Taehyung smiled widely. "What have I told you, Kookie? Only Juyeon can call me TaeTae."
And of course, Juyeon beamed at Taehyung and saluted in his direction. "I'll see you soon, TaeTae."
Taehyung graciously said goodbye to his family before linking hands with Jungkook. The trip to the university went by quickly and soon enough they were at the construction site.
"I'll see you tonight?" Jungkook asked him, grabbing his duffel bag and walking around to the driver's side.
Taehyung lowered the window. "Yup. And I'll have dinner and some wine ready."
A smirk spread to his lips at those words and he bent down, leaning through the window and close to the elder. "Finally wining and dining me, I see."
"Guess that means I'm going to draw you naked."
Jungkook kissed him, wishing he could remain just a little longer. But duty called and he had to get to work. Plus, he wanted to torment Namjoon about being at Jin's. Taehyung had filled him in on that part to his absolute delight.
"I thought the day would never come," he responded playfully, throwing Taehyung a wink before starting to leave.
But Taehyung called out for him. "Hey, Kook!"
He spun around, his smile immediately returning when he took in Taehyung hanging out of the window.
"Come kiss your boyfriend goodbye again."
Jungkook did.
He was ten minutes late for work.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《
Why don't my characters ever know how to lock doors??
And omg Juyeon 😂 Yeah, it's official. I love her.
And for the question of the day . . . who is ready for some Taekook naked drawing?! 🙋♀️
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