¤ Wasting My Young Years
London Grammar↲
Don't you know that it's only fear
I wouldn't worry, you have all your life
I've heard it takes some time to get it right
I'm wasting my young years
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"Are there any other contracts I can get on, Joon? I'll take anything."
"Sorry, Kook," Kim Namjoon said while shaking his head, "there aren't any other jobs that'd work with your current hours."
Jeon Jungkook ran a weary hand through his hair, the sweat slicked strands pushing off his forehead. "Is there any way you could adjust my schedule?"
A strong hand patted him on the back. "You know getting this building up is the main project we have now. I need you here and not hopping around to smaller sites."
Both Jungkook and his supervisor, Namjoon, were placed on this particular project just a couple months ago. They were constructing a new academic hall at one of the country's most prestigious universities, working long and trying days to finish on schedule. It was grueling and tiring, but the pay was better than anything else Jungkook could find nowadays.
"Okay," Jungkook responded to Namjoon, who had also become a close friend since joining the construction company roughly a year back. "If anything changes, though, let me know."
"I will, Kook. If you're strapped, you can always apply to be a barista. That cafe we like in the campus library is hiring," Namjoon offered, taking a quick break from his current task.
Jungkook nodded, filing away that piece of information for later. In a perfect world, he'd find a second job closer to home, but at this point he'd take what he could get. When it came to finding additional sources of income, there wasn't much Jungkook would dismiss if it meant improving his current financial situation.
"Why don't you go now?"
Jungkook looked at Namjoon in confusion.
"Go apply for that barista position now," Namjoon clarified with a friendly smile. "You're due for a break anyway."
"Really? Okay!" The younger of the two exclaimed, running his hands over his clothes. That made him freeze. "Oh. Maybe later. I don't have anything that's not dirty or looks remotely put together."
Namjoon signaled to follow him to his truck, rummaging through the backseat once they got there. The elder pulled out a gray long sleeve dress shirt and thrust it in Jungkook's direction.
The younger speculated the clothing item for a moment, the corners of his mouth tilting upwards. "Why does a construction worker like you have a shirt as nice as this in his truck? Is it related to you dying your hair purple?"
"Whatever my reasons, be grateful, kid. That shirt is going to help get you another job." The supervisor also fished out a small drawstring bag and gave it to the boy. "Find a bathroom and freshen up. The last thing the cafe will want is your sweat smelling up their ambiance."
Jungkook made his way to the library, a little self-conscious wearing his orange safety vest and worn jeans. The students at this university were generally well off, toting brand name bags and designer clothing. While some people did get into this school due to scholastic merit, many students' families bought their children's way in.
Those without means tended to be looked down upon. He should know. He used to go here after all.
A common bathroom was situated at the front of the library, a ways away from the popular cafe. Jungkook entered, setting down Namjoon's bag on the counter and opening it wide. Inside, he found various grooming products: towelettes, deodorant, cologne, and more. Taking a slight whiff of himself, Jungkook knew he'd need to use them all.
Since he was alone, he removed his vest and peeled off his damp shirt. He made quick work of wiping down his torso with a towelette, letting the cloth dance over his defined muscles. Reverently, he ran it over his tattooed arm, appreciating the artwork there.
"Oh. Sorry," a voice said behind him.
Jungkook looked up in the mirror to see a middle-aged, well-dressed man. He sported a dark blazer, round glasses, and gray streaked hair.
"No, I'm sorry," Jungkook murmured as he quickly pulled on Namjoon's shirt. The guy was still eyeing him, but he tried not to pay much attention.
After a moment, the man walked away and Jungkook completed his ministrations. When his appearance - and body odor - was as good as it was going to get, he folded his construction gear and tucked it into the bag. Rolling his shoulders back and pasting on a small smile, he set off for the cafe.
Ten minutes later, Jungkook was sitting at a table and filling out an application. The stressed workers gladly handed him one when he inquired about the posting, saying they needed the help desperately. It took some time to fill out the form since a lot of information was required, but he carefully supplied all relevant details.
He reached the last page when he saw someone sit across from him.
"Hi there." It was the man from the bathroom.
Jungkook was a little creeped out. First, the man had stared at him while he was half-naked, basically checking him out without remorse. And now, he appeared to have followed him to the cafe. Was the guy into him or something?
"Hi," Jungkook said tentatively, his grip on his pen tightening.
The guy grinned at him, looking way too happy for some reason. "I'm Professor Yang from the Art Department. It's a pleasure to meet you, . . . ?"
"Jeon Jungkook," the younger replied hesitantly. He had once heard of professors hooking up with students and feared that an attempt was occurring right now.
"Jungkook," Professor Yang repeated, dipping his chin. "Now this might seem out of place and unconventional, but I have a proposition for you."
Oh, great. The guy was trying to pick him up.
"Ah, Professor Yang . . ." He started, unsure of how to politely turn down someone decades older than him. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested. I'm not really dating right now, anyway . . . Not that I'm saying I'd be interested in the future but -"
"Whoa, hold up," the professor interjected with a laugh. "My proposition is not asking you out on a date, Jungkook."
The man continued to laugh as warmth crept into Jungkook's cheeks. "Oh. Right."
"Like I said, I'm from the Art Department. I teach a few classes, one of which is Illustration of the Human Form. I've been looking for new models over the last couple of days and I think you'd be a great addition to the class."
"You want me to model?" Jungkook asked incredulously. That was certainly the last thing he expected.
"My students asked for a challenge, and I noticed your physique and tattoos. That'd definitely be something new for them," Professor Yang explained, bending over to pull out a notepad from his satchel.
The man jotted down some notes on a piece of paper and slid it over to Jungkook. It was the details of the class, including the building location and start time. The next class was tomorrow, apparently.
It sounded interesting, but Jungkook didn't have time to be a model while he could be working. "I'm sorry, but I can't help. I'm hoping to get a second job for the evenings and this class would cut into it."
The professor didn't seem let down; rather, he smiled more at him. "This would be a paid opportunity, Jungkook. And," he grabbed the younger's barista application, "I'd pay you double this."
Double? Jungkook leaned forward. "How often are the classes?"
"We like to switch up the models every so often, so at most I'd need you once per week."
The younger shook his head. "I need something more regular than that."
Professor Yang still wasn't deterred. "As luck would have it, I could use an assistant to help tidy the room and materials after the classes. I'd pay you for that, too. Not to mention, the students in this course often commission the models for additional time outside of the classroom. So you could earn more money that way as well."
Jungkook thought it over for a moment. The money was good. Really good. And as much as the idea of modeling turned him off, he couldn't just ignore the fact that'd he be earning double what any other night job would offer. He couldn't afford to turn this opportunity down.
Not with everything he was dealing with at home.
"Okay," Jungkook decided. "I'll do it."
"Great!" The professor said, his eyes lighting up gratefully. "All the information is on that paper. Show up a few minutes early tomorrow and we'll get you situated."
The younger folded the paper and slipped it into his pocket. "Got it."
Professor Yang stood up to leave, but hesitated and sat back down. "I should probably tell you what type of class this is . . . it might change your mind. You see, this particular course is a -"
"It doesn't matter what type of class it is," Jungkook interrupted, afraid the professor was about to talk himself out of the offer. "I'll do it anyway."
The man regarded him for a few moments, clearly debating his next step. Finally, he let out a breath and rose once more. "Alright, then. Just . . . just look up the class online beforehand."
And with that, Jungkook was alone once more.
He informed the cafe he decided to go in another direction, to which the workers let out loud groans before shooing him off. And although he felt bad for them, he was excited. Luck hadn't been on his side for a very long time and things were finally starting to look up.
This extra work was sure to tire him out even more, but that thought wasn't daunting. He'd pile on several jobs and take everything in stride, never to complain, if it could help him financially.
Maybe it spoke more to his stubbornness than his determination, but there wasn't much Jeon Jungkook wouldn't do when it came to his family.
He would do anything.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
》 V A L E N W R I T I N G 《
And now the stage is set.
Also, something that's already been a lot of fun for me is finding music to accompany the chapters! I feel adding the songs really gives off the vibe I envisioned for the scenes. Hope you guys like that touch as well!
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