Chapter - 74
Yoongi cried, but not from sadness, but because he felt identified with the actress, and then he continued crying, but from happiness, because the shadows could not reach him now that he had Jungkook by his side and that his gem was purified.
Before giving Yoonseul an answer, Jungkook shared the video with his friends. As was the custom, they all ended up at Jin and Namjoon's apartment, sitting on the couch and watching the documentary with watchful and expectant eyes. Everyone ended up excited, to a greater or lesser extent, some showing their emotions more openly than others, but just as affected by what they had heard. They had not only heard the story of this actress, but the story of Yoongi, of what she had suffered for so long without being aware of what was happening, and what she continued to suffer even though she was aware of it. His friends hugged him in a comforting gesture, and Yoongi returned the hug because it was his friends, his family.
Although Yoonseul's project had received the support of everyone, the boys could not help worrying about the possible retaliation against the girls, especially with Yoonseul, since she had not yet found her soulmate, and there was a possibility that becomes the target of the dark fairies.
"She knows how to defend herself," Jungkook said as an attempt to calm things down.
"Yes, but she still hasn't found your soul mate. It has no connection to protect it from the shadows." Jimin argued, his face tinged with concern for Yoonseul's safety.
"The shadows will not go for her. It would be a waste of energy and resources to pay more attention to it than to those people who have already set as goals."
"They may not think with their heads. They may only seek revenge on her for exposing their plans, for making things more difficult for them. Or for the simple fact of hurting us."
Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, but closed it again when he saw that neither would budge. Each had a different view of the situation, and one was as valid as the other.
"Okay, why not...? Why don't we ask her?"
"Come on, Jungkook," Jimin complained. "You know and I do that she is going to say that she is fine, that she can protect herself."
The two went on like this for a while longer, neither of them giving in, and the rest were silent without daring to say anything. When the two seemed to tire of arguing, Yoongi spoke up.
"Have you finished already?"
"Not yet." They both answered at the same time.
Yoongi just rolled his eyes. "Yoonseul says she's going to catch a plane at dawn and will be here first thing in the morning."
Jimin and Jungkook turned towards him at lightning speed, causing the others to fear for the condition of their necks. "What?!"
"Since when do you have her number?"
"And why did she tell you that and not us?"
"She says that she sent you several messages and that since she did not receive a response, she contacted me. It must have been during your debate." Yoongi replied with a wave of his hand, downplaying it and making the rest laugh as Jimin and Jungkook turned red with embarrassment.
"Did she say why she was coming?" Taehyung asked curiously.
"Yes," Yoongi said with an amused smile. "I read quote " surely those two are concerned about my safety and are discussing whether it is safe to show the video. I am moved by your concern, but I am an adult capable of defending myself, thank you very much. However, I'm not naïve enough to think that they won't do anything to me, so I'll catch the first flight in the morning and be there in the morning. So you can tell my cute baby to stop worrying about my safety, and I will spend time with you."
"Even she realizes the danger she's in. You should... why are you frowning, Jungkookie"
"Isn't it weird that she says she wants to see us?"
"Why would that be strange? You're supposed to be friends, right?" Jin asked, puzzled at the comment.
"Yes, but normally I would say that we are the ones taking the opportunity to see it, and not the other way around."
"It seems the same to me," Hoseok said.
"It's totally different, Hyung."
"What happens is that you are a sore loser." Jimin provoked it with a smile.
"I have lost nothing."
"I was right when I said it would not be safe for her while you insisted she could handle herself," Jimin explained while teaching him the language.
"Whatever you say, Hyung. Let's see if tomorrow when I come you still think the same."
This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.
Short chap. This book's coming to an end. Only a few chapt to go.
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