Chapter - 68
Yoongi had been right not to call. If that had been the response to his message, he didn't even want to imagine what they had told him on the phone. Pure rudeness, surely. His sex life with Jungkook had been the talk of the group for a while, and he hoped that when he told them the news in more depth, they would forget about it for a while, although that was waiting too long. When dinner was ready, everyone gathered around the table and discussed different topics. Of course, the hottest and juiciest topic had been the discovery they had made about Lee's plans, giving them a slight idea of what they had to do to thwart their plans and prevent the tree from dying a second time.
"Remember that you have to be sure of every step you are going to take. Both you and those around you." The woman advised him.
"I know, Mom. Nothing is clear yet, they are just ideas. We won't do anything until we have it confirmed." Jungkook assured her as he filled his mouth with more meat.
"I was referring to the war. The decisions you make will make the difference between life and death."
Yoongi swallowed at the silence that had settled in the dining room. No one dared to move, all of them watching Jungkook and his mother, who were communicating with their eyes.
"I'm aware of that, Mom." Jungkook finally said.
"Are you sure? Because you are getting carried away by the excitement of having discovered something new when you don't even know if it is to be trusted. It could be a trap."
Jungkook took a deep breath, buying time to think and calm down before speaking. "I know, Mom. That's why I said we wouldn't do anything until we were sure."
"I just want you to understand that this is not something that can be changed, that everything you do will have consequences that don't seem important now, but that later will be significant. This is not like a game where your character is resurrected until you defeat the bad ending."
"Honey ..." Jungkook's father spoke with one hand on his wife's.
"Do you think this is a game for me? Do you really think that? After all this time?" Jungkook asked indignantly, but keeping the same tone of voice.
Yoongi winced inside at Jungkook's apparent calm, knowing full well that inside he was pissed off and hurt. Jungkook's mother seemed to realize the mistake she had made, but it was too late to withdraw her words.
"Why don't we calm down a bit? Mom sure didn't mean that." Said the older brother, trying to calm the atmosphere.
"Surely yes." Jungkook blurted out as he got up from the table.
"Where are you going?" His brother asked him.
"To my room. I've lost my appetite." And then he left the dining room to go to his room, his footsteps echoing in the silence that enveloped the room.
Jungkook's father let out a sigh, perhaps because he held his breath during the mother-son conversation, or perhaps because he could not avoid the outcome that had taken place. The mother was resting her forehead on one hand and with her eyes closed, probably regretting her words, and with her other son at her side trying to comfort her. Yoongi had also lost his appetite, not only because of the conversation but because of how he felt through their bond. Jungkook needed him, even if he hadn't asked.
"I understand your concern," Yoongi spoke suddenly. He hadn't planned on it, but since he started, he might as well end, "but Jungkook has never seen this as a game. When he told me the truth about gems, he was afraid, because he thought he would reject him outright. But he took a risk and told me something very important about his life, something that is part of him. He may not show it, but he's scared too. I know you have said it like a mother who is worried about her son, but I think the words have not been the most accurate."
He might not speak for Jungkook, but he would not let the tension build and end up avoiding each other. It had been unfortunate words, and Jungkook had reacted hot, of course. Their reactions were understandable given the situation and the topic at hand.
"I know I made a mistake by saying that." The woman resigned with a sigh.
"We'll see what happens, mom. It's ok." Her son comforted her as her husband traced his thumb on the back of her hand.
"Tomorrow is a new day, and you can talk to him then." Yoongi then got up from the table. "I'll talk to him. Thanks for the food." And he left the room after saying goodbye, Jungkook's father giving him a grateful smile.
When Yoongi got to the room that he and Jungkook shared, he found the young man lying on the bed, wrapped in the sheets and huddled against the wall. It was all dark except for the soft moonlight that slightly illuminated the room. Yoongi didn't even bother to turn on the light, he just silently changed his clothes, thinking of the best way to talk to Jungkook about what had happened. And if the boy didn't want to talk, Yoongi would be there to comfort him, to make him notice her presence, if that's what he wanted.
After putting on his pyjamas, Yoongi crawled into bed, his arm automatically wrapping around Jungkook, tightening him against him. The boy seemed to lose some tension his body was building up, but Yoongi still felt the sadness and frustration his gem emitted in response to Jungkook's. Slowly, Yoongi moved his arm around the boy aimlessly, brushing his nose on his neck, waiting for Jungkook to say something. And when he did, it was to apologize for what had happened at dinner.
"You have nothing to apologize for," Yoongi assured him, who was still stroking his boyfriend with slow movements.
"I've ruined dinner, Hyung." The boy insisted. "I shouldn't have reacted that way." Jungkook's voice was cut off at that moment by emotion, preventing him from continuing.
"You had every right to react that way. You felt attacked and reacted. It's normal." Yoongi tried to comfort him.
"I know that she's worried, that she's afraid that something will happen to me. But I'm scared too, I'm not the wonder boy that everyone thinks I am. I am afraid that everything will end badly and that I will end up losing them all. This is not a game to me, Hyung. You know that, right?" Jungkook asked after turning around, showing his wet face and tear-swollen eyes.
"Of course I know, Kookie," Yoongi answered him while wiping his tears. "And she knows it too, I'm sure. We're all afraid that all this will end badly, of losing the person we love the most in this world. As a mother, it must be difficult for her to have to watch how you throw yourself to the lions, how you put yourself in danger."
"I know, Hyung, but it's just that..." Jungkook started with a broken voice, holding back the tears that threatened to spill, "I didn't expect that from her. I was hurt. Betrayed."
And tears rolled freely down Jungkook's face, shimmering softly in the moonlight as they ran down his skin. Jungkook's mother had been one of the people who had most shown her support to the boy within the world of gems, teaching him the basics, helping him where she could, comforting him when things went wrong, and encouraging him to see the positive side of every misfortune. But for his mother, no matter how many years passed and how much Jungkook grew up, he would always remain her baby, her little Jungkook, whom she had to protect from the cruel world. Jungkook was aware of this, but it was no less painful for him to believe that this was a game for him, something of little importance.
"I know, darling. And I understand you. What happened is that she's also worried. I'm not excusing her for what she said," he hastened to clarify when he saw that Jungkook had opened his mouth to speak, "but I understand why she said it. They were not the right words or ways to tell you, but I assure you she is sorry for hurting you."
"I know it wasn't her intention," Jungkook spoke after a few moments in silence, "I know she didn't say it to hurt me, but it hurt anyway. It's something I didn't expect from her of all people, I guess."
Jungkook had let all the frustration and worry out of his system with the conversation he had had with him, so he was now much calmer than before. Of course, there was still some misunderstanding and pain, but it was obvious because it would not disappear with a few words.
"Tomorrow you'll have time to discuss it. Now, it's time to sleep." Yoongi said as he brushed Jungkook's hair out of his face. "You need to be full of energy to explain the details to the boys when we talk to them."
Jungkook made a sound of agreement as he closed his eyes and snuggled against Yoongi, enjoying the caress he gave him. Normally, it was Jungkook who would wrap his arms around Yoongi, but there were times like this when it was Jungkook who needed Yoongi to hug him, to envelop him in his warmth and his natural perfume, making him feel protected.
"I love you, Yoongi," Jungkook whispered to him as he looked at him with those star-filled eyes. "You know that, right?"
Yoongi knew it. And he could also hear the gratitude at his words; gratitude for staying by his side, for supporting and trusting him, for loving him and letting himself be loved.
"Of course, Kookie. I can feel it. Just here." Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's gem and clasped it with his own in his palm, letting the soft glow emitted by both gems illuminate their faces.
Jungkook smiled adorably, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. Yoongi couldn't help it and leaned over to kiss him. A soft and slow kiss, according to the environment that surrounded them, and with which Yoongi showed the truth of his words. Both of them could spend minutes and hours kissing, lost in each other's lips and taste, enjoying a moment that was only for them in their private world.
"I love you, Kookie," Yoongi told him once the kiss was over.
"I know, Hyung. I can feel it too." Jungkook replied with a small but radiant smile.
When Yoongi fell asleep, the image of Jungkook replaced the darkness behind his closed eyes, smiling as he had moments before. That night, Yoongi dreamed - not for the first time - about Jungkook. He dreamed that they were together and in front of them a huge and imposing tree, the primaeval tree, capable of putting the tallest skyscrapers to shame. The gems of the tree glowed in an infinity of colours, bathing its surroundings in different hues: it was alive. Yoongi and Jungkook were also glowing, they were also alive, physically connected by their intertwined hands and metaphysically by their gems. Yoongi wished this dream was not just any dream, but a premonition.
This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.
A lot happened here. Hope you liked the chap.
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