Chapter - 44
"Jimin told us you and he studied together in high school. Did you decide to study the same as him at the university?" Yoongi asked him. It was the typical icebreaker question, but Jungkook didn't care in the least.
After eating they had all ended up spread out on the two sofas trying to decide whether to watch a movie or play a board game - after ten minutes they were still deciding. Jungkook had decided to sit next to Yoongi; Jin and Namjoon were an inseparable pack, as were Jimin and Taehyung, and Hoseok had decided that it was a great idea to sit next to them and let Jungkook and Yoongi sit together.
Jungkook was too concerned trying to channel his nerves so that they did not overload his gem and pass through the -very small- bond he had with Yoongi, to notice the visual conversation that Hoseok was having -which was moving his eyebrows in a suggestive way - and Yoongi - who had a raised eyebrow-.
"I study fine arts," Jungkook replied. "It isn't something that ensures an immediate future, but it is what I am passionate about, and I don't see myself doing anything else. It's... liberating, being able to express everything you have inside." He finished saying with a shy smile. He always got like that when he first talked to someone about what he liked best. He didn't want to hold back - the painting was his life - but he didn't want to be burdensome either.
"I understand you, I'm in the same situation."
Jungkook couldn't help his shocked face. "Do you paint too, Hyung?"
Yoongi smiled almost imperceptibly at the surprise of the young man but immediately covered it with his answer. "Not at all. I think a six-year-old is more talented than me in that regard. My thing is music, I work in a company as a producer and sometimes I compose songs for other artists."
"Really? Wow, that's fantastic! I mean, you can do really amazing things with it, you can reach a lot of people." Jungkook was truly in awe, and his eyes were shining just like the stars in the clear sky.
"Yes, it is quite rewarding when you do what you love. Although I also admit that sometimes it gets heavy, you know? It doesn't happen often, at least not in our company, but sometimes you have to create what the bosses tell you because it's going to sell more and stuff." Yoongi said with a frown.
Jungkook nodded. It was a shame that companies preferred to create something that followed the fashion of the moment rather than creating a new trend, but it was all about business and how much a song or painting sold, and if the fashion was to return to the Rock style, well rock style would be done, After all, profits were money, which in turn was what people worked for.
"It is really frustrating. When you're growing up, all you think about is that when you're an adult, no one is going to tell you how to do things. I draw anything that comes to my mind or that catches my attention, and I do it my way, but at university, the professors told you how to do it, and it is quite contradictory that in a career that requires freedom and imagination, you have to stick to a scheme that allows you everything but imagination. Luckily that only happened three times." Jungkook said relieved.
Yoongi smirked, amused at the boy's indignation. "That is nothing compared to what I had to go through."
"What's worse than that?" Jungkook asked intrigued as he looked expectantly at Yoongi, who shifted a bit to face him.
"Well, you see, in my third year ..."
Jungkook listened carefully to what he was telling him and from time to time he couldn't help but smile at the expressions Yoongi made and which he was sure he wasn't aware of what he was doing. Around them, the others had already decided what they were going to do, but seeing that Jungkook and Yoongi were so immersed in the conversation, they decided that it was better that they continue like this while they watched a series that they were showing on TV. It was quite entertaining for them to see that Yoongi, a man who was bad at meeting new people and did not want to know anything about soulmates, was doing the exact opposite of what he used to do.
"The magic of soul mates," Jin said with a dreamy tone as he looked at Namjoon with affection and Namjoon returned the sentiment.
"It's the Kookie charm," Jimin said rolling his eyes like it was the most obvious in the world.
"I think we spent too much time trying to decide what we were going to do and they got bored," Taehyung said as he watched the two boys talk with smiles on their faces; Jungkook's was dazzling while Yoongi's was somewhat more restrained.
"Oh, the last one makes more sense," Hoseok added.
"Come on, didn't you see how much Yoongi Hyung looked at Kookie when he thought no one was seeing him? I lost count of the times he did it." Jimin said in an exasperated whisper because even if the two of them were deep in their conversation, he didn't want to risk being overheard talking about them.
"And I think they're all correct," Namjoon said in a whisper as he continued to gaze at the series they were supposed to be watching. "But the important thing is not why they ended up like this, but that they're still talking as if it hasn't been forty minutes since we decided."
Beside him, Jin smiled proudly as the others nodded and turned their attention to what they were seeing. Whatever the cause, Jungkook and Yoongi remained oblivious to all the speculations that their friends made while they continued talking, immersed in their world of anecdotes, passions and dreams.
This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.
There, as I promised. Yoonkook affairs have started. This was nothing and I'm still so soft for them.
Happy Birthday to our precious WWH!!
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