Chapter - 39
"Oh, I knew it!" The woman said with a smile when she could see Yoongi's face completely.
After greeting him back, Yoongi stood up. Mrs Choi then asked him about his health, if he was okay after what had happened. Yoongi assured her he was fine, that it was just the shock, and that he was sorry that he had to put up with all the scandal the thieves had made.
"Don't apologize for something you didn't do. Besides, we didn't even find out what happened.," Yoongi looked at her confused, so the woman was quick to explain herself. "Yesterday I saw your friends talking to your landlord, although at that time I didn't know they were your friends; I thought you left unannounced and were new tenants. That's when I found out what had really happened. Although it is quite rare that neither of us heard anything. Especially my husband, who is a light sleeper and wakes up to the flight of a fly."
Yoongi decided not to answer, leaving her neighbour to continue staring at the ceiling and hoping that the answer to her question would come to her as if by magic.
With a small sigh of resignation, the woman returned her gaze to Yoongi. "For once a month when you sleep like a log, some thieves come and turn everything upside down. What a waste, had I been awake, I would have put those muscles to good use."
And as if a light bulb had been lit, Mrs Choi widened her eyes and snapped her fingers.
"Do not move. I'll be right back." And with that said, the woman scurried home, Yoongi looking at her without understanding what the woman wanted to do.
A minute later, Mrs Choi returned accompanied by her husband who, after sharing a brief greeting with Yoongi, went into his apartment with a smile on his face as she explained her husband would help him throw out all those heavy bags. "This will put those muscles to good use," the woman had reasoned.
Yoongi felt awkward at first. Not because he didn't want the help, but because he thought Mr Choi could do something more productive with his free time than helping him clean his house. However, after seeing Mr Choi carrying three garbage bags filled to the brim, and returning with the same smile that he had left on his face and without a drop of sweat, his worries were completely gone.
So, without planning it, he finished clearing the house that same day. All that was left was to buy new furniture, as his neighbours had also taken care of helping him clean and paint the walls. You'd have to leave the windows open overnight, but it's not like there's anything of value to take with you.
Before Friday came, Yoongi already had the apartment furnished. The furniture was not high quality, like Jin's, but it had nothing to envy the previous one either. Nor is it he had bought too much, just the essentials; the rest he could buy later. Besides, he had bought everything from the same store, always looking for the three fundamental values; good, pretty, and cheap.
That same day when his apartment had furniture again, Jimin took the opportunity that was presented to him to speak with him.
This opportunity came in the form of a party at Jin's house, who had suggested celebrating the renovation of his apartment. It was just an excuse for everyone to get together again, but no one cared.
Yoongi had gone out onto the balcony to get some fresh air. Inside, Taehyung and Hoseok moved their bodies to the rhythm of the music and following the choreography set by the screen, trying to get the maximum score while the rest did not stop cheering them on. Until now, Hoseok remained undefeated, as expected of a dancer of his character. The only one who could pose a threat to his position in this impromptu competition would be Jimin, but for some reason, he hadn't wanted to take part yet.
With so much movement inside and so many bodies together, the heat in the room had expanded, so it was a good idea to go outside and cool off in the afternoon air. The weather was getting colder, but that didn't stop people from going out and enjoying what the city offered at this hour. The last rays of the sun painted the clouds and the sky with their brightness, resulting in a reddish sunset that combined with the streetlights and the interior of the houses.
He was so absorbed in admiring the sunset and the movement of the city he did not notice that someone had sat next to him.
"It's beautiful."
Yoongi jumped in surprise, but relaxed when he saw it was Jimin who was sitting next to him.
"Are you training to be a ninja or something?"
"No," Jimin replied with a smile as he looked at the city. "What happened is that you were focused, and you didn't hear me join you."
The two continued to stare at the sunset and the city below for a while. In time, the sun completely disappeared, and the reddish colour of the sky gave way to dark blue, showing the beginning of the night. The city seemed to come to life during this hour, almost as if it were a rush hour. Beside him, Jimin was still silent, although out of the corner of his eye Yoongi could see that the young man kept moving his hands. He was restless.
"Did you want to talk about something?"
This time it was Jimin who was startled by the question. He glanced quickly at Yoongi and then back at the city landscape without ceasing his hand movement.
"So much notice?"
Yoongi nodded and then leaned his head against the hand that rested on the arm of the chair. "Normally you would talk up to your elbows, so your silence gives you away."
"You're right, Hyung," Jimin said after a few seconds.
"And what is?" He asked at the lack of elaboration.
Jimin made a small face and turned to look at him. "I don't think you're going to like it."
"I already know it. Otherwise, you wouldn't be thinking so much about it."
"It's about Jungkook." Said the young man hastily, and if it weren't because they were alone and in relative silence, he wouldn't have understood.
But he had heard it. Yoongi remained completely still, although not that he was moving before, now there was a tension in his muscles that was not there before. He was both expectant and fearful of what Jimin wanted to tell him.
"I know I shouldn't talk about it, and you have every right not to listen to me if you don't want to. But you are my friend, Hyung," Jimin said as he turned in his chair to face him, "and I want the best for you. We all want the best for you."
"And Jungkook is the best for me?" Yoongi couldn't help the incredulity with which he had asked the question.
"Yes, he is," Jimin answered firmly. "It's okay to question him because you don't know him and because you think he's going to do the same to you as Jun. But I know him, and if I wasn't sure that he is different, I wouldn't be talking about it with you." Yoongi was silent at the vehemence and confidence with which he spoke of the boy.
Jimin wanted Yoongi to believe him and give Jungkook a chance, but most of all he wanted him to give himself a chance to get that part of his life back on track. Jimin wanted him to experience that fullness of being with his soulmate, no matter what kind of relationship he wanted to have.
But he, better than anyone, knew how difficult it was to lower the barriers and risk being hurt again. He was sure that Yoongi was in the same situation; He was curious to know what this person who was destined for him was like, but the fear of pain and disappointment was more powerful. Jimin wanted to change that. Therefore, he had intervened; he wanted to help Yoongi in the same way Jungkook had done to him. He had already put the plan in motion, so he couldn't back down.
Yoongi kept looking towards the horizon. Although there was no longer dusk to appreciate, the city lights created a new nightscope, almost as if it were a different city than the one seen in daylight. Younger, more beautiful.
In front of his eyes, Jimin's hand appeared, which had risen without him noticing.
"It's for you, Hyung."
Yoongi looked at him confused until Jimin started moving what he had in his hand. It was a piece of paper. After picking it up, he examined it as best he could in the dim light of the city lights. There was a light on the balcony, but when he came out he hadn't planned to stay that long, and now he was lazy to turn it on. On the paper, he had written a series of numbers.
This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.
And cut! Have fun. I hope you like the chapter. I may or may not update again today.
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